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Bio - Inside Cell

Biology Ch. 4 - Inside the Cell

surface-to-volume ratio ratio of a cell's outside area to its internal volume
plasma membrane membrane surrounding the cytoplasm; consists of a phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins. it regulates the entrance and exit of molecules from a cell
cell theory one of the major theories of biology which states that all organisms are made up of cells, cells are capable of self-reproduction, and cells come only from preexisting cells
prokaryotic cells cell lacking a membrane-bound nucleus and organelles; the cell type within the domains Bacteria and Archaea
eukaryotic cells type of cell that has a membrane-bound nucleus and membranous organelles; found in organisms within the domain Eukarya
cytoplasm contents of a cell between the nucleus (nucleoid region of bacteria) and the plasma membrane
cell wall structure that surrounds a plant, protistan, fungal, or bacterial cell and maintains the cell's shape and rigidity
enzyme organic catalyst, usually a protein, that speeds a reaction in cells due to its shape
nucleoid region of a prokaryotic cell where the DNA is located. It is not bound by a nuclear envelope
ribosome structure consisting of rRNA and proteins in two subunits; site of proteins synthesis in the cytoplasm
flagella long, slender extension used for locomotion by some bacteria, protozoans, and sperm cells
organelle small, often membranous compartment in the cytoplasm having a specific structure and function
vesicle small, membrane-bound sac that stores substances in a cell
nucleus center of an atom, in which protons and neutrons are found; membrane-bound organelle within a eukaryotic cell that contains chromosomes and controls the structure and function of the cell
chromatin network of fibrils consisting of DNA and associated proteins observed within a nucleus that is not dividing
chromosome structure, consisting of DNA complexed with proteins, that transmits genetic information from the previous generation of cells and organisms to the next generation
nucleolus in the nucleus, a dark-staining, spherical body that produces ribosomal subunits
nuclear envelope double membrane that surrounds the nucleus in eukaryotic cells and is connected to the endoplasmic reticulum; has pores that allow substances to pass between the nucleus and the cytoplasm
endomembrane system collection of membranous structures involved in transport within the cell
endoplasmic reticulum (ER) system of membranous channels and saccules in the cytoplasm, often with attached ribosomes
smooth ER membranous system of tubules, vesicles, and sacs in eukaryotic cells; lacks attached ribosomes
rough ER membranous system of tubules, vesicles, and sacs in cells; has attached ribosomes
lysosome membrane-bounded vesicle that contains hydrolytic enzymes for digesting macromolecules
Golgi apparatus organelle, consisting of saccules and vesicles, that processes, packages, and distributes molecules about or from the cell
vacuole membrane-bounded sac, larger than a vesicle; usually functions in storage and can contain a variety of substances. in plants, the central vacuole fills much of the interior of the cell
chloroplast membrane-bound organelle in algae and plants with chlorophyll-containing membranous thylakoids; where photosynthesis takes place
mitochondrian membrane-bounded organelle in which ATP molecules are produced during the process of cellular respiration
adenosine triphosphate (ATP) nucleotide with three phosphate group.
photosynthesis process occurring usually within chloroplasts whereby chlorophyll-containing organelles trap solar energy to reduce carbon dioxide to carbohydrates
cellular respiration metabolic reaction that uses the energy from the breakdown of carbohydrates (primarily glucose), fatty acids, or amino acids to produce ATP molecules
cytoskeleton internal framework of the cell, consisting of microtubules, actin filaments, and intermediate filaments
microtublue small, cylindrical organelle composed of tubulin protein around an empty central core; present in the cytoplasm, centrioles, cilia, and flagella
centrosome microtubule organizing center of cell. In animal cells, it contains two centrioles
actin filament cytoskeletal filament in eukaryotic cells composed of the protein action; also refers to the thin filaments of muscle cells
centriole cell organelle, existing in pairs, that is located in centrosome and may help organize a mitotic spindle for chromosome movement during animal cell division
cilia short, hairlike projection from the plasms membrane, occurring usually in large numbers
extracellular matrix (ECM) meshwork of polysaccharides and proteins that provides support for an animal cell and affects its behavior
adhesion junction junction between cells in which the adjacent plasma membranes do not touch but are held together by intercellular filaments attached to button-like thickenings
tight junction junction between cells in which adjacent plasma membrane proteins join to form an impermeable barrier
gap junction junction between cells formed by the joining of two adjacent plasma membranes; lends strength and allows ions, sugars, and small molecules to pass between cells
plasmodesmata in plants, cytoplasmic strands that extend through pores in the cell wall and connect the cytoplasm of two adjacent cells
cell fundamental unit of life. lowest level of biological organization that has all of the characteristics of life
ADP + Psub The breakdown of ATP into ____________ makes energy available for energy-requiring processes in cell
Created by: Kendall Posey
Popular Biology sets




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