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Micro Exam 1

CH 1-5

The positively charged particles in the nucleus of an atom are called ______ . protons
The atomic number of an element is ________. the number of protons
The atomic mass of an atom is the sum of the masses of the ____________. protons, electrons, and neutrons
The element carbon has 6 protons and 6 neutrons in its nucleus. Which of the following represents the carbon-14 isotope? 6 protons + 8 neutrons
How do atoms interact with one another to form chemical bonds? They share and transfer valence electrons
The more electronegative an atom, the greater the pull its nucleus exerts on ____________. electrons
What drives bonding between atoms? Filling electrons valence shells
Electrolytes are critical for life for all of the following reasons ______, _________, ________. they allow electrical gradients across membranes, they act as electron carriers, and they are components for some enzymes
Which type of bond forms between a hydrogen atom of one water molecule and the oxygen atom of a second water molecule? Hydrogen bond
Which type of chemical bond forms between a cation and an anion? Ionic bond
What illustrates a synthesis reaction? 6 H2O + 6CO2 --> C6H12O6 + 6O2
Reactions that require energy are called ______ reactions. Endergonic
In a ____ reaction, two small molecules are joined by a covalent bond, and a water molecule is released. Dehydration
The sum of all chemical reactions in an organism is called ________. Metabolism
What is an exchange reaction? A + BC --> AB + C
What is NOT a special property of water? Water converts from a liquid to a gas quickly and over a narrow range of temperature.
Which of the following are ways to measure pH in the laboratory? pH meter
Substances that can be added to a microbial culture to prevent drastic changes in pH are called _________ . Buffers
Helicobacter pylori can survive in the stomach because it is tolerant to _______. Low pH = acidic conditions
The concentration of H+ in milk of magnesia, which has a pH of 10, is ________ lower than that of seawater, which has a pH of 8. 100
What are characteristics of lipids? Hydrophobic, composed on C and H atoms by nonpolar colavent bonds, and 4 major groups of lipids
Which type of macromolecule is a polysaccharide? Carbohydrate
The sequence of amino acids in a protein is known as the protein’s _______ structure. Primary
What are characteristics of nucleic acids? DNA is double-stranded & RNA is single-stranded, DNA contains deoxyribose & RNA contains ribose, DNA is genetic material & RNA is protein synthesis
What is the MOST important short-term energy storage molecule? Adenosine triphosphate
Nucleotides are composed of a sugar, a phosphate, and a nitrogenous base. What is the nitrogenous base found in R N A but NOT in D N A? Uracil
Which scientist provided evidence in favor of the concept of spontaneous generation? Needham
The microorganisms Antoni van Leeuwenhoek called "animalcules" we would recognize as bacteria and protozoa
What was a crucial difference between the work of John T. Needham and Louis Pasteur on the question of spontaneous generation? whether or not the flasks were sealed
What were aspects of Pasteur's experiments to disprove spontaneous generation? He used: S shaped flasks, boiled the infusions to kill present microbes, the flasks were free of microbes until opened, and they were incubated for a long period of time
Microorganisms characterized by the absence of a nucleus are called prokaryotes
The experiments conducted by John T. Needham using infusions were interpreted as supporting the theory of spontaneous generation
An explanation of observations and data supported by the experimental results of many scientists for many years is ____. a theory
Louis Pasteur is considered the Father of Microbiology because of the many carefully conducted experiments and observations he made with microbes. True
Lazzaro Spallanzani was the first scientist to provide evidence disproving the spontaneous generation of microorganisms. True
A scientist conducts experiments to test a _________. Hypothesis
All of the following are components of an amino acid EXCEPT a _____ pentose group
What is an example of a polysaccharide? glycogen
The laboratory synthesis of urea disproved what idea? Organic molecules could come only from living organisms
What are the two types of prokaryotic organisms? bacteria and archaea
What is the typical size range for eukaryotic cells? 10-100 um
What are characteristics of all living things? responsiveness, growth, and reproduction
What is found ONLY in eukaryotes? Endocytosis
Sometimes prokaryotic cells are surrounded by a gelatinous, sticky substance. What is this structure called? Glycocalyx
What are the parts of bacterial flagella? Basal body, hook, and filament
Cells use ______ to transfer D N A from one cell to another via conjugation. Pili
What BEST describes the major function of the bacterial cell wall? Protection from osmotic forces (why?)
Proteinaceous filaments, shaped like barbed wire with 3 hooks on the end called __________, may radiate from archaea to help secure them to surfaces. Hami
What is a function of the cytoplasmic membrane? Controlling the passage of substances into and out of the cell
What is TRUE of the selectively permeable membrane? It can maintain a concentration gradient
What is a true statement about endospores? Endospores form in response to harsh environmental conditions (limited nutrients)
Inclusions in prokaryotic cells may be deposits of __________. lipids
A bacterial cell, which has a cytoplasmic solute concentration equal to 0.85% NaCl, is placed into a tube containing a solution that has a NaCl concentration of 0.2%. Into what type of solution has the cell been placed? Hypotonic
What is found in BOTH Gram-negative and Gram-positive cell walls? Peptidoglycan
Which cell wall structure has the thickest peptidoglycan layer? Gram (+) bacteria
What is true about LPS? It is an endotoxin
Lysozyme is an antibacterial enzyme in human tears that degrades peptidoglycan. Which type of organisms would be MOST sensitive to lysozyme? Gram (+) bacteria
Mycoplasma lack cell walls entirely. What characteristic would you expect for these bacteria? Sensitivity to osmotic lysis
What BEST describes the ribosomes of eukaryotic cells? Eukaryotic ribosomes are 80S
What are the functions of the cytoskeleton in eukaryotic cells? anchoring organelles, giving a cell its shape, and moving organelles within the cell
Which organelle is responsible for receiving, processing, and packaging large molecules that are destined to be secreted from the cell? Golgi body
The _________ plays a role in lipid synthesis and transport. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
What structures must eukaryotic cells have in order to harvest light energy during photosynthesis? Chloroplasts
________ proposes that eukaryotic cells formed when a large anaerobic prokaryote engulfed a smaller aerobic prokaryotic cell. Endosymbiotic Theory (anaerobic + aerobic prokaryotes = eukaryote)
Rank nano, deci, micro, and milli in order from largest to smallest. Decimeter>Millimeter>Micrometer>Millimeter
What measurement unit is used with scaling cells? Micrometer
A millimeter is ______. 1/1,000 of one meter
What is the equivalent to 3 micrometers? 0.000003 m or 3 x 10^-6 m
What unit of measure is used to measure the size of viruses and cellular organelles? Nanometer
The spectrum of electromagnetic radiation includes ________ . visible light, X rays, and microwaves
The various forms of radiation differ in their _________. wavelength
What do you call a microscope’s ability to distinguish two objects that are close together? Resolution
What quality of lenses used in microscopes improves the resolution of the microscope? Numerical aperture of the lenses
With regard to microscopy, contrast is best described as _______. the difference in the intensity between an object and its background
In immunofluorescence, fluorescent dyes are attached to antibodies because ______. antibodies will bind specifically with the structure or cells of interest
Oil immersion lenses increase both ________ and _______________ . Magnification and resolution
Which type of light microscopy increases the contrast to such an extent that the image of the specimen appears three-dimensional? Differential interference contrast
One benefit that sets atomic force microscopes apart from other electron microscopes is __________ They can be used to magnify living organisms
Which type of microscopy uses an electron beam to create a three-dimensional image of cell surfaces? scanning electron
Why do scientists use stains to view microbes? To observe the specimen while it is alive
In a negative stain __________. The background is stained, leaving the cell colorless
Differential staining can be used for what? To differentiate types of cells, structures within cells, and detect the presence of certain chemicals in cells
Why are some bacteria, such as those of the genera Mycobacterium and Nocardia, NOT effectively stained with the Gram stain? They have large amounts of waxy lipids in their cell walls that don't combine with the dye
Application of methyl alcohol during slide preparation leads to what? Desiccation, fixation, and preservation of cell shape and size
Carolus Linnaeus grouped similar organisms that can successfully interbreed into categories called __________. Species
What is the correct binomial name for a species? Escherichia coli
What is the basis for assigning organisms into domains? Ribosomal nucleotide sequences
When performing phage typing, how would one know whether the bacterium is killed by any of the bacteriophages? Formation of a plaque
What is one way in which microbiologists can distinguish different bacteria that are similar in morphology and staining characteristics? Biochemical testing
Which two domains in the 3-domain system are within the kingdom Prokaryotae of the 5-kingdom system? Bacteria and Archaea
What is the name of the process in which larger molecules are broken down into smaller products to release energy? Catabolism
How do enzymes catalyze reactions? They lower the activation energy needed to trigger a reaction
When electrons are transferred from donor molecules to acceptor molecules in a redox reaction, what happens to the donor molecule? It is oxidized
Extremes in pH can disrupt an enzyme by _______ . Denaturation and disrupting the secondary/tertiary structures
A site on an enzyme other than the active site that can bind molecules and influence the shape of the active site is referred to as a(n) __________. Allosteric site
The direct transfer of phosphate between substrates is called _______. Substrate-level phosphorylation
Which cellular process results in the MOST ATP production? Chemiosmosis
Where does oxidative phosphorylation occur in prokaryotes? Cytoplasmic membrane
Cellular respiration results in the complete breakdown of ________ to ___________ and __________. glucose into CO2 and H2O
What cellular process occurs in the absence of oxygen, oxidizes NADH to NAD+, and reduces cellular organic molecules? Fermentation
What is the MOST common lipid involved in the production of ATP and various metabolites? Fat
What is the FIRST step of lipid catabolism? Lipase hydrolyzes fat into glycerol + 3 fatty acids
During lipid catabolism, fatty acid chains undergo beta-oxidation to create __________. acetyl-CoA, NADH, and FADH2
What is the FIRST step of protein catabolism? Proteases break down proteins into their constituent amino acids
The process by which the amino group from an amino acid is removed to produce a molecule that can be catabolized in the citric acid (Krebs) cycle is referred to as ___________. Deamination
What is the function of photosystems within cells? To absorb light energy and store it in the form of ATP and NADPH
What are characteristics of photosystems? 1) They are embedded in thylakoids 2) They use redox reactions to store energy in molecules of ATP 3)They are involved in both cyclic and noncyclic photophosphorylation
In noncyclic photophosphorylation, organisms must constantly replenish ___________ to the reaction center of photosystem II. electrons
The main result of the Calvin-Benson cycle, which is part of the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis, is _________. Carbon fixation
What is the final electron acceptor in cyclic photophosphorylation? The original electron donor
Reactions that can proceed toward catabolism or anabolism are called _________ reactions. amphibolic
Which cellular structures are responsible for joining together amino acids to form proteins? Ribosomes
Synthesis of purines and pyrimidines require ______... ribose-5-phosphate, folic acid, and glutamine & aspartic acid (amino acids)
What are ways that cells regulate metabolic function? control of gene expression, use of coenzymes for different pathways, and feedback inhibition
What is one metabolic process that generates the glycerol precursor necessary for lipid biosynthesis? glycolysis
What occurs when aerobic bacteria are deprived of oxygen? electrons build up in electron transport chain, excess NADH inhibits krebs cycle, and excess pyruvic acid inhibits glycolysis
What are components found in bacterial cell walls? lipoteichoic and mycolic acids
Lipid A is a component of Lipopolysaccharides
Bacteria of the genus Mycoplasma lack cell walls. What sort of environment do they require for survival? Isotonic
Which of the following is part of the structure of the mitochondria of a eukaryotic cell? cristae (peaks due to the inner membrane of mitochondria)
Which of the following chemical substances contributes to the unique characteristics of acid-fast bacteria? lipoteichoic acid
Some ________ may have pili. bacteria
Which of the following may have cell walls containing teichoic acids? Gram (+) bacteria
Which of the following prokaryotic cells contain an outer membrane? Gram (-) bacteria
What is the function of the golgi apparatus Package things for export out of the cell
_________ contain enzymes that degrade poisonous wastes perioxisomes
GMS stains identify _____ and HE stains identify ________. Fungi; cancer cells
Carl Woese proposed the concept of the domain based on differences of which of the following cellular molecules? ribosomal rna
A virologist wants to observe the three-dimensional surface features of virus particles she is studying. Which of the following microscopes would be most useful for her observations? scanning and atomic force
The microscope preferred for viewing living specimens is the ________ microscope. phase contrast
A ________ microscope provides images that are "slices" of the specimen which may be assembled digitally to produce a three-dimensional representation of the specimen. confocal
You are shown a micrograph from a light microscope in which the specimens appear sharply focused and nearly three-dimensional. The micrograph is probably from a ________ microscope. Differential interference contrast
In a transmission electron microscope, the "lenses" are ______ Magnets
Which of the following phenomena produces magnification? refraction of radiation as it passes through a lense
What describes a type of potential rather than kinetic energy? sucrose molecule
Which of the following terms most precisely identifies the cellular process of breaking down large molecules into smaller ones? catabolism
What do anabolic pathways do? Build up monomers into polymers using energy
What is the central role of ATP in cellular metabolism? Provide energy coupling between endergonic and exergonic reactions
ATP structure is most similar to RNA nucleotide
What is the function of an enzyme? Enzymes increase the rate of chemical reactions by lowering activation energy barriers.
An apoenzyme requires ________ to be active. cofactors
If a cell reverses the process of beta-oxidation, which of the following molecules will it make? fatty acids
The metabolic processes called fermentation ________ use an organic molecule as a final electron acceptor.
The conversion of pyruvic acid to acetyl-CoA can be described as ________, because a molecule of CO2 is produced as a by-product. decarboxylation
During the synthesis of acetyl-CoA from pyruvic acid, ________ is produced. NADH
Hydrolases are generally involved in ________ reactions. CATABOLIC
Which of the following is the CORRECT sequence of stages in glycolysis? energy investment, lysis, energy consevration
Created by: omweg
Popular Biology sets




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