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Cells and Tissues

science the study of the natural world, which includes all matter and all energy
biology one of the many branches of science that is the study of living organisms and life's processes
anatomy the study of structure
physiology the study of function of our bodies
all living things have a different molecular composition than nonliving things, require energy and raw materials, are composed of cells, maintain homeostasis, respond to their external environment, grow and reproduce, and evolve
metabolism the physical and chemical processes involved in transforming energy and molecules so that life can be sustained
homeostasis the maintenance of a relatively constant internal environment
categories of the classification system (from largest to smallest) domain. kingdom, phylum, class, order, family genus, and species
three domains bacteria, archaea, and eukarya
bacteria and archaea are: prokaryotes
eukarya are: eukaryotes
eukarya is divided into protista (protozoans and algae), animalia (animals), fungi, and plantae (plants)
species one or more populations of organisms with similar physical and functional characteristics that interbreed and produce fertile offspring under natural conditions
atom smallest unit of an element: composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons
molecule two or more atoms held together in a stable association with each other
cell fundamental structural and functional unit of all living organisms
tissue a group of similar associated cells specialized to perform a specific function
organ a structure composed of two or more different tissues working together to perform a specific function
organ system a group of organs that work together to serve a broad function important to the survival of an organism or species
organism an individual living being composed of several organs or organ systems
population a group of individuals of the same species that occupy the same geographic area and interact with each other
community all the populations of different species that coexist and interact within the same environment
ecosystem all living organisms in a given area plus the physical environment and energy
biosphere the sum total of all ecosystems on earth
defining features of humans bipedalism. large brains with a unique shape, capacity for complex language, and opposable thumbs
science is two things: knowledge and process
scientific method the process of science, or the way scientific knowledge is acquired or a variety of methods
independent variable the variable specifically chosen by the investigator to be changed at the beginning of the experiment (manipulated)
dependent variable the variable measured and analyzed after the experiment is complete see if it has changed or been affected by the independent variable (response)
experimental group the group of subjects that receives the experimental treatment
controlled group a group of subjects that undergoes all the steps in the experiment expect the one being tested and used to evaluate all possible factors that might influence the expeirment other than the experimental treatment
to which of the following domains of life do humans belong? eukarya
to which of the following domains do unicellular organisms, which lack nuclei, belong? both archaea and bacteria
new scientific knowledge is gained through a multistep process known as: the scientific method
a broad hypothesis that has been supported by repeated experimentation is known as : a theory
which of the following is used when developing a hypothesis? both observations and inductive reasoning
the smallest unit of life that demonstrates all the properties of life is a(n): cell
which of the following lists the steps of the scientific method in order? observation, hypothesis development, prediction, experimentation
what is usually plotted on the x-axis of a graph? independent variable
an acceptable scientific hypothesis: can be tested and can be proven false
the maintenance of a relatively stable internal environment is: homeostasis
all of the following are features that collectively distinguish humans from other animals expect: ability to evolve as a species
elements the simplest and purest forms of matter that cannot be further broken down
isotopes versions of elements that have more or fewer neutrons than the typical form of that element
radioisotopes highly unstable isotopes that release energy (radiation) over time until they reach a more stable state. they can be dangerous to human health , but when used carefully can be used for important medical tests and treatments
ions atoms or molecules (group of bonded atoms) that have a net positive or negative charge
protons the nucleus is made a positively charged particles
neutrons a nearly equal number of neutral particles
electrons smaller negatively charged particles
ionic bonds the bond between two oppositely charged ions (moderate)
covalent bonds a bond in which the sharing electrons between atoms results in each atom having a maximally filled outermost shell of electrons (strong)
hydrogen bonds the bond between oppositely charged regions of molecules that contain covalently bonded hydrogen atoms
pH scale reflects the measurement of the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution
acids any molecule that have a lot of hydrogen, and want to give them away (donate)
bases any molecule that can accept (combine with) an H+ ion
the higher the hydrogen concetration the lower the pH score
buffer any substance that tends to minimize the changes in pH that might otherwise occur when an acid or base is added to a solution
adenosine triphosphate (ATP) an universal energy source for cells
four macromolecules: nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, fats (lipids)
if a molecule of starch is repeatedly hydrolyzed, which of the final product? glucose
which of these molecules would be described as hydrophobic? cholesterol
______ bonds form between the oxygen and hydrogen within water molecules, whereas _________ bonds form between different water molecules covalent...hydrogen
nucleic acids to store genetic information and instructions to make proteins
proteins the building blocks of cells and controller of chemical reactions
carbohydrates energy source for cells and store energy
fats (lipids) build membranes and store energy
the primary structure of a protein is maintained by _______ bonds ionic
DNA ultimately contains the instructions for the assembly of proteins
cell theory all living things are composed of cells and cell products, a single cell is the smallest unit that exhibits all the characteristics of life, all cells are derived from preexisting cells
plasma membrane all cells are surrounded by an outer membrane
function of plasma membrane encloses the material inside the cell, which is mostly water but also contains ions, enzymes, and other structures the cell requires to maintain life
eukaryotes have a nucleus
three basic structural components of eykaryotes: plasma membrane, nucleus, and cytoplasm
nucleus a membrane-bound compartment that houses the cell's genetic material and functions as its "information center"
cytoplasm everything inside the cell except the "cell material"
cytosol composed of a soft-gel-like fluid ("cell solution"
organelles a variety of microscopic membrane-encloses compartments ("little organs")
function of organelles digest nutrients and package cellular products
Created by: julesspatola
Popular Biology sets




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