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Intro to Bio Test

What is the difference between science and pseudoscience? Science: based on evidence from controlled experiments, gets updated/revised when new data is revealed; Pseudoscience: based on anecdotal evidence (testimonials), ignores/rejects data that doesn't back up og claims
What components make a good scientific study? testable hypothesis, control group to compare to, minimize variables between the control group and experimental group, large sample size, replicated results
* What are variables and how many are tested in a controlled experiment? only one variable is tested
What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative data? Qualitative: deals w/descriptions, data can be observed but not measured, colors/textures/smells/tastes/appearance; Quantitative: deals with #, data which can be measured, length/height/area/temperature/humidity/sound levels/age
How is a hypothesis written? If, then, because statement; include quantifiable results; must be able to be supported or rejected and tested w/ an experiment
What is the difference between the experimental and control group? experimental group=one who gets drug, control group=one who doesn't
What is the difference between the independent and dependent variable? Where does each go on a graph? independent: aka experimental/manipulated variable=thing you are changing, dependent: aka responding variable=what you are measuring/the result of changing the independent variable, DRY MIX (dependent responding y-axis, manipulative independent x-axis)
Define the terms hypothesis, and scientific theory and law hypothesis: testable prediction, theory: explanation "proven" by tons of experimental evidence, law: generalization (often math) "proven" by tons of evidence, LAWS DESCRIBE THEORIES EXPLAIN
Write hypothesis: How does the amount of leaves on a tree affect how many birds will build nests in it? If the amount of leaves on a tree are increased, then the number of birds that will build nests in it will increase because the more leaves there are the more protection the birds will get.
* Write hypothesis: How does the acid level of a lake affect how many fish live there? If acid is added to a lake, then the amount of fish that live there will decrease because
* Write hypothesis: How does the amount of milk you drink affect the strength of your bones?
* Write hypothesis: How does the type of shoe I wear (high-heels, tennis shoes, flip flops) affect how high I can jump?
* Write hypothesis: How does the amount of water you give to a plant each day (no water, 1 spoonful, 1 cup) affect how tall the plant will grow after 3 weeks?
Write problem statement: If I feed my dog Purina Dog Chow, he will have more energy because Purina is full of vitamins. How does feeding a dog Purina Dog Chow affect his/her energy levels?
Write problem statement: If I give my teacher chocolate, then she will give me less homework because she will be happier. How does giving a teacher chocolate affect how much homework a student receives?
How many of the eight characteristics does an organism have to have in order to be considered living? All
Describe the 8 characteristics of life. Metabolism, Reproduce, DNA, Respond to environment, Composed of cells, Homeostasis, Evolve, Grow and develop
Compare and contrast prokaryotic vs eukaryotic cells. Pro: small, single celled, no membrane bound organelles, no nucleus; Eu: larger, contains organelles, has nucleus; Both: DNA, ribosome, membrane, cytoplasm
If an organism is made up of one cell, it is called unicellular
Describe the structure of a virus. Genome of either DNA or RNA, capsid or protein coat that surrounds genome, envelope of lipids and protein surrounding the capsid (not all viruses), enzymes (some; most reply on host cell enzyme)
Are viruses considered alive? Why or why not? No, because they don't fulfill all the characteristics of life
Describe the difference between the lytic and lysogenic cycles. Lytic: host cell makes viral proteins & assembles viral particles. Cell is lysed & viruses released. Lysogenic: Viral DNA is inserted into the cell's DNA & is replicated with the cell. No production of viruses.
Different rose bushes are grown in a greenhouse for two months. The number of flowers on each bush is counted at the end of the experiment. IV: DV: SV: CG: Hypothesis:
You water three sunflower plants with salt water. Each plant receives a different concentration of salt solutions. A fourth plant receives pure water. After a two-week period, the height is measured. IV: DV: SV: CG: Hypothesis:
three redwood trees are kept at different humidity levels inside a greenhouse for 12 weeks. One tree is left outside in normal conditions. The heights of the trees are measured once a week. IV: DV: SV: CG: Hypothesis:
Popular Biology sets




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