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K101 Exam 1

What atoms make up 96.3% of living organisms? C,H,O,N
atom basic building blocks of matter
An element is made of.......? An element is made of.......?
Compounds are......? A mix of 1 or more elements
atomic number number of protons in nucleus determine identity.
mass number protons + neutrons
atomic mass total mass (p+n+e)
isotopes differ how? number of neutrons
ionic bonds transfer electrons
covalent bonds share electrons.
polar colavent share electrons unequally
non polar covalent share electrons equally
Hydrogen bonds only bond to N,O,F
emergent properties of water cohesive expansion upon freezing ability to moderate temperature versatility as a solvent
water is cohesive because Hydrogen bonding with each other
adhesiveness is caused by hydrogen bonds with polar surfaces
capillary action is.... plants pulling nutrients up the stem
solution liquid homogenous mix of substances
solvent dissolving agent of solution
solute dissolved substance
aqueous solution a solution where water is the solvent
pH = -log [H+]
acidic on the pH scale is less than 7
basic on the pH scale is more than 7
neutral on the pH scale is 7
buffers do what? readily accept H+ or OH-
What is an isomer? same molecular formula but has a different structure
cis isomer x's on the same side (h)
trans isomer x's on opposite sides (h)
hydroxyl formula -OH
hydroxyl is.... polar basic hydrophilic
real life example of hydroxyl alcohol
carbonyl formula oxygen double bonded to C
carbonyl is..... polar hydrophilic acidic
real life example of carbonyl acetone (nail polish remover)
ketone vs aldehyde ketone: in middle aldehyde: at end
carboxyl formula -c double bonded to an o with an OH
carboxyl is..... acidic polar hydrophilic
real life example of carboxyl formic acid
amino formula -NH2
amino is..... basic polar hydrophobic
real life examples of amino..... glycine all nitrogenous bases
sulfhydryl formula -SH
sulfhydryl is..... polar neutral hydrophilic
real life example of sulfhydryl cysteine (sheep makes wool with it) - Thiols
Phosphate formula P with 1 double bonded o and 3 single bonds
phosphate is..... polar acidic hydrophilic ( DNA) ATP!
real life example of phosphate ATP-ADP
Methyl formula -CH3
Methyl is..... nonpolar neutral hydrophobic
real life example of methyl methanol or foods with vitamin B
Condensation.... makes monomers INTO polymers is called dehydration synthesis
Hydrolysis..... makes monomers FROM polymers splitting by water
Glucose, Galactose, Fructose monosaccaride
Sucrose dissaccaride glucose + fructose
Lactose dissaccaride galactose + glucose
Maltose dissaccaride glucose + glucose
starch linkage of alpha glucose storage in plants
cellulose linkage of beta glucose indigestible
fats are given its properties by...... double bonds
fats are hydrophobic (don't mix with water)
saturated fats have max C-H bonds solid at room temp
unsaturated fats mono (one double bond) poly (two or more double bonds) liquid at room temp
trans fat arrangement adjacent C and double bonds
hydrocarbons are the reason for.....? ENERGY
hydrocarbons have ______ cal/g 9
Hydrocarbon formula Methane CH4
Hydrocarbon formula Ethane C2H6
Hydrocarbon formula Propane C3H8
Hydrocarbon formula Butane C4H10
Hydrocarbon formula Pentane C5H12
Hydrocarbon formula Hexane C6H14
Hydrocarbon formula Heptane C7H16
Hydrocarbon formula Octane C8H20
Hydrocarbon formula Nonane C9H20
Hydrocarbon formula Decane C10H22
Phospholipids Glycerol + 2 fatty acid chains
Functional groups of phospholipids choline + phosphate group + glycerol ) hydrophilic head fatty acids (hydrophobic tails)
The monomer of the protein is Amino acids
The polymer of the protein is polypeptide chain
enzymes end in... ase
R group is polar if.... it has oxygen
R group is non polar if...... it does not have oxygen
R group is hydrophilic if...... it is polar
R group is hydrophobic if...... it is non polar
primary structure unique sequence of amino acids held by peptide bonds
secondary structure coils and folds in peptide chain held by hydrogen bonds
tertiary structure determined by R-group interaction held by all types of bonds
Quaternary structure multiple peptide chains
alpha chain helix fold
beta chain accordion fold
These are not synthesized by the body, but ingested. Essential Amino Acids
f protein looses its shape, it looses it function
Denaturization of proteins cooking an egg (can't be undone)
Chaperonins Fold some proteins correctly
Nucleic Acid Formula Phosphate, sugar, base, deoxyribose sugar
Monomer of Nucleic Acids Nucleotides
Ribose is the sugar for RNA
Deoxyribose is the sugar for DNA
The purine bases are A and G
The pyrimidine bases are C, U , and T
Thymine corresponds to DNA
Uracil corresponds to RNA
A bonds to T or U
Held together by phosphodiester bonds
C bonds to G
Cell Theory All organisms are made of cells
A prokaryotic cell.... HAS NO NUCLEUS (Nucleiod)
Eukaryotic cells are characterized by.... Compartmentalization DNA in a nucleus Organelles Cytoplasm between everything
Nucleus contains cell genes
Nuclear Envelope Encloses the nucleus consists of inner and outer membrane and the nuclear pore
Nuclear membrane double membrane lipid bilayer
Nuclear Lamina cytoskeleton proteins lining nuclear membrane
Disorders in Lamin A cause Progeria
Rough ER functions make all proteins that are secreted from cell
Smooth ER functions synthesize lipids metabolize carbs calcium ion storage drug detox
Golgi Apparatus is like the "Post Office"
Golgi Apparatus functions manufacture macromolecules sort and package material replenishes cell membrane
Ribosomes are the.... site of protein synthesis
Lysosome functions "garbage man" digests garbage in the cell responible for programmed cell death
Lysosome disease Tay sachs (HexA)
Peroxisome functions break down PEROXides H2O2 -> H2O
Peroxisome diseases ALD (Lorenzo's Oil) Peroxisomal Biogenesis Disorder
Cytoskeleton main components Microtubules Microfilaments Intermediate Filaments
Microtubules the thickest of the three components of the cytoskeleton
Microfilaments called actin filaments the thinnest components
Intermediate filaments fibers with diameters in a middle range
Cilia Purpose move foreign objects along a lumen
Flagella Purpose move the cell its self (sperm)
Mitochondria Cite of ATP generation
The Ocular Lens of a microscope has what magnification? 10x
The magnifications of 10x, 40x and 100x belong to what type of lens Objective
What kind of filter do most light microscopes have? blue filter
Magnification refers to the amount an object is enlarged by viewing through the lenses.
Resolution refers to the ability of the microscope lens system to distinguish two separate points.
The image of a plant cell under low power compared to one of higher power of the same image would be smaller and in a brighter field of view.
The maximum magnification on your light microscope is 1000x
Microscopes that are _____ will remain nearly focused after the low-power objective lens is changed to a high-power. par focal
Why is it best for microscopes to have a blue filter? Most samples are stained red, so this allows the greatest contrast for images.
P1000 pipette man dispenses 1ml max (1000 ul) to 100 ul
P200 pipette man dispenses 200ul to 20 ul
P20 pipette man dispenses 20ul to 2 ul
Simple sugars are a type of carbohydrate
Carbohydrates use a(n) ______________ test. Benedict's
An example of a complex carbohydrate is Starch
If tested positive for carbohydrates, the mixture will turn orange
This test was ________ in the spot plate. heated
Starch uses a(n) __________ test Iodine
If tested positive for starch, the mixture will turn dark blue or black
Lipids use a(n) ________ test Sudan IV
This test used a(n) Microfuge and Centrifuge machine
If tested positive for a lipid, the mixture will turn pink
Proteins use a(n) ________ test. Biuret
If tested positive for a protein, the mixture will turn violet or purple
In what ways are oils and fats different than the macromolecules? Fats and oils are non polar.
A substance that gives a positive reaction to a benedict's test must be a monosaccaride
A proteins or peptide that reacts with the Buiret agent to give a positive test will have at least 2 peptide bonds.
Hypotonic more H20 goes inside cell, RBC becomes lysed, plant cell becomes turgid
Isotonic equilibrium H20 in and out, RBC normal, plant cell flacid
Hypertonic less H20 goes inside cell, RBC becomes shriveled, plant cell plasmolyzed
The universal solvent is water
Crenation the loss of water by RBC making it shriveled
Hemolysis RBC gain water rapidly and can burst
In the cytoplasm the solute would be glucose and starch
A 30% NaCl is _________ to a 10% NaCl solution. hypertonic
If 0.35M is on one side of a semipermeable membrane and 0.25 M on the other, which side will water move towards 0.35M
When the protoplast is pressed against the plant cell wall, the plant cell is said to be turgid.
Polysaccaride Starch, Dextrin, Cellulose(structure for plants), Glycogen (energy storage for animals)
Difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells Prokaryotic cells have no nucleus, but they DO have a single strand of DNA in their nucleoid (also have no membrane bound organelles)
Part of the cell affected for: Progeria nuclear lamina
Part of the cell affected for: Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) Lacks enzyme for myelin
Part of the cell affected for: Tay Sachs Lysosome
Part of the cell affected for: Zellweger Peroxisome
Carbohydrates- bond that links monomers Glycosidic Linkage
Lipids- bond that links monomers Ester linkage
Protein- bond that links monomers Peptide bond
Nucleic Acid- bond that links monomers Phosphodiester
Purines 2 rings (A,G)
Pyrimidines 1 ring (C,U,T)
Chitin surgical thread, exoskeletons
Primary Level of protein struture Peptide backbone
Secondary Level of protein structure -Hydrogen bonds from hydroxyl group -coils and folds in polypeptide structure -a helices and b pleated sheets
Tertiary Level of protein structure -Disulfide bonds -overall shape of polypeptide resulting from the reactions from the R groups
Quaternary level of protein structure -2 or more peptide chains -only happens in large proteins
chaperonin helps proteins form
Positive Benedict's Test simple sugars - orange/brick red color -glucose, fructose, lactose, sprite soda, splenda
Positive Biuret proteins- violet/purple complex -albumin
Positive Sudan IV lipids- red color -vegetable oil and water, non-homogenized milk
Positive Iodine test starch- deep blue/dark purple (nearly black) color -potato, starch
Created by: stars..
Popular Biology sets




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