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405 Circulatory Sys


Major components of the circulatory system - heart, blood vessels, blood
Functions of the circulatory system - transportation ex: oxygen to cells, nutrients from the digestive system to cells, wastes to kidneys, carbon dioxide to the lungs has additional functions, such as thermoregulation
cardio- - heart
-vascular - vessels
Circulatory system - consists of the heart, blood vessels and blood transports nutrients and wastes has additional functions AKA the cardiovascular system
chambers of the heart - there are four chambers there are two atria and two ventricles the atria are on the top of the heart the ventricles are on the bottom of the heart
right atrium - Receives deoxygenated blood from the body this blood then flows into the right ventricle
right ventricle - pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs after picking up oxygen in the lungs, this blood then enters the left atrium
left atrium - receives oxygenated blood from the lungs this blood then enters the left ventricle
left ventricle - pumps oxygenated blood to the body
cardiac cycle - the alternating contractions and relaxations of the heart
diastole - when the heart muscle relaxes this is when blow flows into the chambers of the heart
systole - Contraction of heart muscle this is when blood is pumped out of the heart
atrioventricular valves - Valves located between the atrial and ventricular chambers on each side of the heart they prevent backflow of blood into the atria
semilunar valves - valves located at the opening between the heart and the aorta and at the opening between the heart and the pulmonary artery; they prevent backflow of blood into the ventricles
double circulation - a circulatory system consisting of separate pulmonary and systemic circuits, in which blood passes through the heart after completing each circuit
pulmonary circuit - carries blood to the lungs for gas exchange and returns it to the heart AKA the pulmonary circulation
pulmonary artery - carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs
pulmonary capillaries - surround the alveoli it is while blood is in the pulmonary capillaries that oxygen diffuses into the blood and carbon dioxide diffuses out AKA the alveolar capillaries
pulmonary veins - carry the oxygenated blood from the lungs into the left atrium of the heart
systemic circuit - carries oxygenated blood from the heart to the tissues of the body and returns deoxygenated blood to the heart AKA the systemic circulation
aorta - the largest artery the first blood vessel blood enters when leaving the heart during the systemic circuit
capillary beds - sites of dense networks of capillaries in tissues
venae cavae - VEE-nay KAH-vay the two largest veins in the body; return blood into the heart consists of the superior vena cava and the inferior vena cava
superior vena cava - receives deoxygenated blood from the head and arms and chest and empties into the right atrium
inferior vena cava - receives deoxygenated blood from lower limbs and abdominal organs and empties into the right atrium
direction of blood flow through blood vessels - arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins
arteries - carry blood away from the heart
arterioles - smallest arteries
capillaries - Smallest blood vessels so thin that substances can diffuse into and out of them substances can only diffuse into and out of blood while blood is in capillaries
venules - smallest veins
veins - carry blood back to the heart
smooth muscle in arteries and veins - contract or relax in order to widen or narrow the blood vessels
epithelium of capillaries - simple squamous it is "leaky" this facilities the movement of substances into and out of the blood
Blood - a connective tissue it consists of blood cells suspended in a watery extracellular matrix
Blood cell types - red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets
red blood cells - Blood cells that carry oxygen from the lungs to the body cells they also carry most CO2 from the tissues to the lungs AKA erythrocytes
white blood cells - blood cells that fight infections AKA leukocytes
phagocyte - A white blood cell that destroys pathogens by engulfing them and breaking them down
platelets - blood cell fragments that forms clots when a blood vessel is damaged on the outside of the body, blood clots turn into scabs AKA thrombocytes
blood plasma - The pale yellow fluid portion blood Consists mostly of water blood cells as well as the nutrients, wastes, and hormones the blood is transporting are all suspended in the blood plasma
suspended - when particles are dispersed throughout a liquid for instance, blood cells are suspended in blood plasma
interstitial fluid - fluid in between cells substances must move through the interstitial fluid when passing from the blood to a cell and vice versa
Blood composition - 55% plasma, 45% RBCs, WBCs, and platelets
Created by: Mr. Ford
Popular Biology sets




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