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Carbon Cycle

carbon cycling how carbon is always available in a usable form
4 pools atmosphere, lithosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere
carbon flux the rate of change of carbon between various reservoirs
photosynthesis CO2 is removed from atmosphere by plants to create organic compounds
respiration CO2 released into atmosphere as organisms break down organic compounds
decomposition carbon released into air or soil when organic material is broken down in dead organisms
lithification the compaction of carbon-containing sediments into fossils and rocks within the Earth's crust
fossilization organic material that fully becomes trapped in porous rock and is found as gas oil or coal
combustion releases carbon gases when organic hydrocarbons (fossil fuels) are burned as a fuel source
methane methanogenic archaeans in anaerobic conditions, methane diffuses into air and soil, produced by cattle during digestion
gaseous dissolution exchange of carbon gases between the atmosphere and ocean, corals and mollusks are made of calcium carbonate, act as carbon sinks
peat forms when organic material partially decomposes, surrounded by anaerobic acidic watery soil (swamp/bog)
measuring CO2 levels Mauna Loa, Hawaii, seasonal CO2 cycling, CO2 levels rising, Vostok Ice Coring, Antarctica, CO2 at highest levels in 400,000 years
explain how carbon fluctuates throughout ecosystems Carbon cycling - usable forms. 4 pools. photosynthesis. gaseous dissolution. shells and calcium carbonate. respiration. combustion.
greenhouse effect earth's atmosphere traps the sun's radiation (short wave UV and visible light) trapped heat heats earth
greenhouse gases water vapors, CO2, methane, oxides of nitrogen, absorb heat, affect temperature and climate patterns
correlation between global temperatures and atmospheric carbon levels positive
High atmospheric CO2 levels threaten marine life, water is more acidic, acidity breaks down calcium carbonate
Created by: luciepike
Popular Biology sets




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