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Final micro 5,6,7

"Walking" pneumonia is caused by Mycoplasma pneumoniae
A 45-year-old man has pus-filled vesicles distributed over his back in the upper right quadrant, over his right shoulder, and upper right quadrant of his chest. His symptoms are most likely due to? herpes simplex virus
An eight-year-old girl has scabs and pus-filled vesicles on her face and throat. Three weeks earlier she had visited her grandmother, who had shingles. What infection does the eight-year-old have? chickenpox
An individual with HIV develops a fungal infection and has shortness of breath, fever, and cough. Which microbe is the most likely causative agent? Pneumocystis jirovecii
In which of the following respects is measles similar to German measles (rubella)? They can be controlled by vaccination.
Individuals who wear contact lenses are at particular risk of developing which of the following? keratitis
Infection by which of the following results in the formation of Ghon complexes? Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Influenza transmission between adults is most effectively prevented by which of the following? annual vaccination of adults
Koplik spots are a diagnostic indicator of measles
Newborns' eyes are treated with an antibiotic as a routine precaution.
Sabouraud’s agar is a selective medium and can be used to diagnose ___________ infections. fungal
Staphylococcus aureus is responsible for all of the following EXCEPT acne.
The DTaP vaccine will protect you against ____________. Diphtheria, Whooping cough, Tetanus
The eradication of smallpox was possible because there are no animal reservoirs of the virus.
The greatest single cause of blindness in the world is trachoma
The microbe that causes whooping cough is ________. Bordetella pertussis
Tinea corporis is also known as: ringworm
Warts are caused by papillomavirus.
What would be the most effective method of reducing the risk of Legionnaire’s disease transmission? cleaning and maintaining air conditioning systems well
When the alveoli become fluid filled in pneumonia, the affected areas are called which of the following? consolidations
Which microbe causes streptococcal pharyngitis (strep throat)? S. pyogenes
Which of the following are incorrectly matched? poxvirus — fever blisters
Which of the following describes impetigo? a highly contagious infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes that causes vesicles, pustules, and bullae
Which of the following diseases is not associated with coronavirus infections? German measles
Which of the following diseases causes severe coughing that can last for months due to the production of an exotoxin that damages the mucocilliary escalator; especially dangerous for infants; can be effectively prevented through vaccination? Whooping cough
Which of the following diseases is associated with the production of an exotoxin that causes the formation of a pseudomembrane that impairs breathing? Diptheria
Which of the following is a true statement? It is common for a normal, healthy individual to carry potentially pathogenic organisms in their upper respiratory tract.
Which of the following is an example of one of the sequelae of strep throat? acute glomerulonephritis
Which of the following is not part of the immune defense of the upper respiratory system? alveolar macrophages
Which of the following is true about MERS? It has a lower transmission rate but a high fatality rate.
Which of the following is true about SARS CoV 1? It was a novel (new) coronavirus to infect humans that was not seen before.
Which of the following is true about SARS Cov2? It is transmistted by direct contact, droplet and airborne transmission.
Which of the following leads to all the others? staphylococcal infection
Which of the following statements about congenital rubella syndrome is FALSE? It does not occur with subclinical infections.
Which of these infections is also referred to as Valley fever? coccidioidomycosis
Which type of pneumonia is a particular problem for individuals with cystic fibrosis? Pseudomonas aeroginosa
Why is vaccination for rubella recommended? There is a high incidence of congenital infections and birth defects.
Which of the following is NOT caused by HSV-1? canker sores
Which of the following is NOT true of acne? It can be treated by eliminating fatty foods from the diet.
Which of these viruses is responsible for causing shingles? varicella-zoster virus
All of the following are causative agents of conjunctivitis EXCEPT herpes simplex.
Individuals who wear contact lenses are at particular risk of developing which of the following? keratitis
Which of the following describes how rubella is transmitted? primarily through aerosols produced by infected individuals
Which of the following is NOT a true statement? Although common in the elderly, pneumonia is a not significant cause mortality in them.
Which of the following is a true statement? SARS CoV 2 is the only coronovirus that is transmissble in the incubation period before symptoms start.
Which of the following is a true statement? It is common for a normal, healthy individual to carry potentially pathogenic organisms in their upper respiratory tract.
Which of the following is not part of the immune defense of the upper respiratory system? alveolar macrophages
Which of the following is true about histoplasmosis? Histoplasmosis spores reproduce within alveolar macrophages.
Which of the following statements about congenital rubella syndrome is FALSE? It does not occur with subclinical infections.
Which one of the following causes a disease characterized by the catarrhal, paroxysmal, and convalescent stages? Bordetella pertussis
Which region of the skin supports the largest bacterial population? armpits
Which virus becomes dormant in dorsal ganglia after infection? the varicella-zoster virus
Which virus is teratogenic, meaning that pregnant women must be especially cautious in avoiding this virus? rubella
"Rice water stools" are characteristic of cholera.
A 38-year-old man had onset of fever, chills, nausea, and myalgia while vacationing in Mexico,he had eaten raw oysters and gone wading in the warm coastal waters. Which of the following is the most likely cause? Vibrio vulnificus
A breath test can be used to detect which of the following pathogens? H. pylori
Acute gastroenteritis that occurs after an incubation period of two to three days and commonly affects children is probably caused by rotavirus.
All of the following pertain to pinworm infections EXCEPT it is most commonly transmitted by cysts in water.
Bacterial intoxications differ from bacterial infections of the digestive system in that intoxications have shorter incubation times.
Cholera is best controlled by which of the following? using good sanitation and hygiene practices to the greatest extent possible
Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea is usually preceded by extended use of antibiotics.
Dental plaque is an example of a biofilm.
Epidemics related to bacterial infection of the digestive system are typically caused by contaminated food and water.
Gums bleeding while brushing one’s teeth is most commonly associated with gingivitis.
Helicobacter pylori can grow in the stomach because it possesses an enzyme that neutralizes HCl.
How does Staphylococcus aureus cause gastrointestinal symptoms? by producing enterotoxins when growing in food
In most women, which is the most common acid-producing bacterial genus in the vagina? Lactobacillus
Infants born to asymptomatic mothers with recurrent genital herpes are less likely to acquire herpesvirus at birth than infants born to newly infected mothers because maternal antibodies offer protection.
Many bacterial infections of the lower digestive tract are treated with water and electrolytes.
Most of the normal microbiota of the digestive system are found in the small intestine and large intestine.
Nongonococcal urethritis can be caused by all of the following EXCEPT Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
Poultry products are a likely source of infection by Salmonella enterica.
Shigellosis is also known as which of the following? bacillary dysentery
The most common cause of traveler's diarrhea is Escherichia coli.
The pH of the adult vagina is acidic due to the conversion of ________ to ________ by bacteria. glycogen; lactic acid
Thorough cooking of food will prevent all of the following EXCEPT staphylococcal food poisoning
Trichomonas vaginalis consumes other microbes. What effect does this have? By consuming the normal microbiota, it causes an imbalance that increases the risk of infection.
Vaccination is routinely recommended for which type of virus? rotavirus
Vaginal itching and cheesy discharge are symptoms of candidiasis
Warts are caused by papillomavirus.
What are the two most common causative agents of pelvic inflammatory disease? Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis
What is the minimum safe holding temperature for cooked food? 60 °C
What pathogen is the most important contributor to biofilms in plaque? Streptococcus mutans
Which condition occurs when the normal vaginal microbiota is unbalanced but there is no inflammation? bacterial vaginosis
Which group contains the most dangerous E. coli strains for causing gastrointestinal illness? EHEC
Which of the following is a disease that is often transmitted by undercooked, contaminated poultry? Campylobacter jejuni gastroenteritis
Which of the following is caused by Chlamydia? lymphogranuloma venereum.
Which of the following is caused by an opportunistic pathogen? candidiasis
Which of the following is the most difficult to treat with chemotherapeutic agents? genital herpes
Which of the following is the most important mode of transmission for rotaviruses? the fecal-oral route
Which of the following is treated with penicillin? syphilis
Which of the following organisms is likely to be transmitted via undercooked pork and horse? Trichinella spiralis
Why is fecal transplant a promising treatment for Clostridium difficile infections? It replenishes the healthy microbiota.
Bacterial intoxications differ from bacterial infections of the digestive system in that intoxications have shorter incubation times.
Haemophilus ducreyi causes which condition? chancroid
Helicobacter pylori can grow in the stomach because it possesses an enzyme that neutralizes HCl.
Hookworms penetrate the skin. They considered with gastrointestinal pathogens for which of the following reasons? They migrate through the circulatory system to the lungs, then are coughed up and swallowed to reach the gastrointestinal tract.
How does Staphylococcus aureus cause gastrointestinal symptoms? by producing enterotoxins when growing in food
Infants born to asymptomatic mothers with recurrent genital herpes are less likely to acquire herpesvirus at birth than infants born to newly infected mothers because maternal antibodies offer protection.
Microscopic examination of a patient's fecal culture shows spiral bacteria. The bacteria probably belong to the genus Campylobacter jejuni.
Nongonococcal urethritis can be caused by all of the following EXCEPT Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
Normal microbiota of the adult vagina consist primarily of Lactobacillus.
Typhoid fever differs from salmonellosis in that in typhoid fever the incubation period is much longer.
What are condylomata acuminata? fleshy pink growths caused by HPV infection
What is the only common infection of the reproductive tract caused by a protozoan? trichomoniasis
Which condition occurs when the normal vaginal microbiota is unbalanced but there is no inflammation? bacterial vaginosis
Which of the following correctly lists the stages of tooth decay? plaque accumulation, destruction of enamel, advancement of decay through enamel, decay in dentin, decay in tooth pulp
Which of the following describes clue cells? epithelial cells with attached bacterial cells; associated with bacterial vaginosis
Which of the following is a disease that is often transmitted by undercooked, contaminated poultry? Campylobacter jejuni gastroenteritis
Which of the following is a true statement? Trichomoniasis is the only known STI caused by a protozoan.
Which of the following is the most difficult to treat with chemotherapeutic agents? genital herpes
Which of the following pairs is mismatched? trichomoniasis  fungus
A pathologist detects Negri bodies while examining a brain section taken at autopsy. What was the cause of death? rabies
All of the following are true of M. leprae EXCEPT it has a very short generation time of approximately twelve hours.
Initial treatment for tetanus in a fully immunized person with a puncture wound is tetanus toxoid.
Malaria is an important cause of mortality worldwide, making it a significant public health concern. What is the classic presentation of malaria? abrupt development of malaise with cycles of chills and high fever, among other symptoms
Initial treatment for tetanus in an unimmunized person with a puncture wound is tetanus immune globulin.
The symptoms of gas gangrene are due to all of the following EXCEPT endocarditis
What is the best approach to treating toxic shock syndrome, a potentially deadly condition? decontamination, debridement, vasopressors, and a combination antibiotic therapy such as clindamycin with vancomycin
What sign/symptom would NOT be associated with infant botulism? stiff neck
Which of the following best describes Borrelia burgdorferi? a spirochete that causes Lyme disease
Which of the following causes the symptoms of rabies? Neurotransmitter function is disrupted in the brain.
Which of the following describes undulant fever? It is variable; it comes and goes.
Which of the following diseases is caused by a spirochete? relapsing fever
Which of the following is a sign or symptom of Winterbottom’s? lymph node enlargement associated with trypanosomiasis
Which of the following is a true statement? Viral meningitis is much more common than bacterial meningitis and tends to cause a milder form of disease.
Which of the following is evidence that the arthritis afflicting children in Lyme, Connecticut, was due to bacterial infection? treatable with penicillin
Which of the following is not a common cause of bacterial meningitis? Staphylococcus aureus
Which of the following is the most common cause of neonatal meningitis? Streptococcus agalactiae
Which of the following is treated with antibiotics? streptococcal pneumonia
Which of the following pairs is mismatched? botulism  stimulates transmission of nerve impulse
Which of the following pairs regarding the epidemiology of malaria is mismatched? treatment  antibiotics
Which of the following statements about puerperal sepsis is FALSE? It is transmitted from mother to fetus.
Which of the following statements about rabies is FALSE? Most infections in the U.S. are the result of bites from infected dogs.
Which of the following viruses is most widespread in the human population? Epstein-Barr virus
Which of these is true of the Sabin but NOT the Salk polio vaccine? mimics the normal route of infection
A characteristic symptom of plague is swollen lymph nodes.
Bacterial encephalitis and meningitis are difficult to treat because many antibiotics cannot penetrate the blood—brain barrier.
Before enrolling in college, students are encouraged to undergo vaccination for which of the following diseases? Meningococcal meningitis
Each of the following is caused by prions EXCEPT rabies
Hansen’s disease is more commonly known as which of the following? leprosy
Human-to-human transmission of plague is usually by the respiratory route.
Naegleria fowleri meningoencephalitis is commonly acquired by swimming in warm ponds or streams.
The most common route of central nervous system invasion by pathogens is through the circulatory system.
The symptoms of tetanus are due to tetanospasmin.
Vaccination is available for all the following EXCEPT botulism.
What disease is most associated with Clostridium perfringens? gas gangrene
What is another name for tularemia? rabbit fever
What is the biological vector for African sleeping sickness? tsetse fly
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies are caused by which agent? prions that resemble normal proteins and lack nucleic acid
Which animals are the most common reservoirs for rabies? raccoons, bats, skunks, and foxes
Which bacterial pathogen causes plague? Yersinia pestis
Which of the following CANNOT be transmitted to humans from domestic cats? Chagas' disease
Which of the following can NOT be prevented with a vaccine? listeriosis
Which of the following can be transmitted from an infected mother to her fetus across the placenta? cytomegalovirus
Which of the following causes the symptoms of rabies? Neurotransmitter function is disrupted in the brain.
Which of the following conditions is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus? infectious mononucleosis
Which of the following is NOT a zoonosis? puerperal sepsis
Which of the following is NOT controlled by a mosquito eradication program? schistosomiasis
Which of the following is NOT treated with antibiotics? ebola
Which of the following is a false statement about rabies? Hydrophobia caused by muscular spasms in throat due to the rabies toxin.
Which of the following is a neurological disease that can be prevented with the DTaP vaccine? Tetanus
Which of the following is not true of Hansen’s disease? It is highly contagious.
Which of the following is one of the most common parasitic causes of brain abscesses in immunocompromised patients? Toxoplasma gondii
Which of the following is the causative agent of primary amoebic meningoencephalitis? Naegleria fowleri
Which of the following is the most common cause of neonatal meningitis? Streptococcus agalactiae
Which of the following is treated with antibiotics? streptococcal pneumonia
Which of the following pairs is mismatched? poliomyelitis  respiratory route
Which of the following pairs regarding the epidemiology of malaria is mismatched? treatment  antibiotics
Which of the following statements about puerperal sepsis is FALSE? It is transmitted from mother to fetus.
Which of the following viruses is most widespread in the human population? Epstein-Barr virus
Which of these conditions results in the formation of a bubo? lymphadenitis
Which of these diseases does NOT require the introduction of foreign nucleic acid? kuru
With which of the following is rabies treated upon exposure? rabies immune globulin and vaccination
You advise your pregnant friend to give her cat away because she could contract toxoplasmosis.
Which term refers to an inflammation of the blood vessels? vasculitis
Created by: Diamond87
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