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Regents Vocab Review

NYS Living Environment Course

Abiotic non-living factors (ex. sun
Acid Rain rain that has a low pH (very acidic) and lowers the pH of the environment
active transport move from low to high concentration
Active transport Requires the use of energy moves from low to high concentration
Adaptation An inherited trait that allows a species to survive (ex. strong wings
allergy extreme immune response to a harmless substance
Alternative energy sources energy sources that are alternatives to fossil fuels and better for the environment (wind
amino acid building blocks of proteins coded by RNA
Anaerobic Doesn't make more oxygen
Antibiotic Medicine that inhabits the growth of bacteria
Antibiotic resistance when there is a natural variation (mutation) in bacteria and the ones with the mutation become resistant to antibiotics; solution to the problem →make a new antibiotic
Antibody molecule made by white blood cell that identifies antigens on pathogen (SHAPE MATTERS)
Antigen molecule on pathogens that trigger an immune response
antigen molecules on surface of pathogens the immune system recognizes as foreign
Aerobic respiration Requires oxygen and makes more ATP energy of sugar
Asexual reproduction A method of reproduction in which all the genes passed on to the offspring come from a single individual or parent
ATP energy molecule for cells
Autotroph An organism that produces its own food; the source of energy for all other living things on earth
Bacteria Any one of many single-felled organisms without a distinct nucleus
Base DNA are made up of these four molecules (G C A T) (REMEMBER → G - C and A - T)
Biodiversity The variety of species in an area
Biomagnification there are more toxins at the top of an energy pyramid because the number of toxins increases as they move up the pyramid
Biotic living factors (plants
Carbohydrates made up of simple sugars (needed for energy)
Carnivore consumes/heterotrophs that eat other consumers (meat eaters)
carrying capacity the largest population of any species an ecosystem can support
Catalyst another word for enzyme
Cell The basic unit of structure and function that makes up all organisms
cell membrane thin
cell wall supports plant cells
Cellular respiration process that makes ATP (O2 + glucose → CO2 + H2O + ATP)
Chromosomes A thick thread like structure that contains genetic information in the form of DNA
Circulatory system system that pumps O2 and glucose to cells and pumps away CO2 and waste through blood (transportation
climax community last community to move in during succession
clone genetically identical copies made by asexual reproduction
common ancestor organism that different species both evolved from
Communication Exchange of information between organs
Community A combination of all the different populations that live and interact in the same environment
competition fighting for the same resources
Constant things that stay the same in an experiment; NEVER the variables
Consumer organisms that get food from eating (consuming) other organisms (animals)
control group the group that is the experiment is compared to
Cytoplasm gel-like substance in cell
Data The results of specific traits or tests completed during experiments
data analysis use of tables
Decomposer organisms that break down dead organisms into nutrients (bacteria
Deforestation cutting down trees; causes loss of biodiversity
Differentiation the process of cells becoming specialized during fetal development (happens after mitosis)
Diffusion Movement of molecules from high energy uses no energy
Digestion breaks big molecules into smaller molecules
Digestive system system that brings in and breaks down food into glucose
Direct harvesting when you plant one crop and harvest all of it
DNA double stranded molecule that contains genetic information
Ecological succession when an ecological community changes over time from bare land (least amount of biodiversity and least stable) to a very bio-diverse and stable environment; if it is burned down or destroyed
Ecology The study of how living things interact with each other and with their own environment
Ecosystem All the living and nonliving things that interact in a species area;a subdivision of the environment
Embryo An organism in the early stages of development
energy pyramid shows how energy moves and is lost through a food chain (10% rule)
Enzyme Proteins that speed up the rate of chemical reactions in living things
estrogen female reproductive hormone
Estrogen/progesterone female sex hormones that regulate female reproductive cycle
Evolution The process by which species have changed overtime
Excretory system system that gets rid of waste from blood through urine (kidneys)
experimental group the group that is testing the hypothesis
Extinct when a species dies because it could not survive in the changing environment
Extinction The disappearance of all members of a species on earth
Fat Compound made of fatty acid molecules
Feedback mechanisms when the body regulates internal imbalances
fertilization combining of egg and sperm
Fetus The unborn developing young of an animal during the later stages
Food chain A representation that identifies the specific relationships among organisms
Food web A representation of many interconnected food chains that shows the feeding relationships among
Fossil fuels oil
Fossil record A collection of fossils used to represent earth's history
Fossil record A collection of fossils used to represent earth's history
Fungi A kingdom of organisms that are mostly multicellular have cell walls made of chitin and are heterotrophic
Fungi A kingdom of organisms that are mostly multicellular have cell walls made of chitin and are heterotrophic
Gametes sex cells (egg and sperm); mutations in these cells are passed to offspring
gel electrophoresis technique that determines relationships between organisms by comparing DNA
Gene section of DNA that codes for a protein (trait)
gene expression genes may be turned "on" or "off" based on an organism's needs and environmental conditions
Genetic engineering A set of technologies that humans use to Alter the genetic instructions of an organism b substituting DNA molecules
Genetic similarities the best evidence of evolution (includes similar DNA and amino acid sequences); if two species have a lot of DNA in common
genetic variation differences in genes or DNA among offspring
Global warming increase in earth's temperature
graph Title (IV vs DV)
Greenhouse gases gases that cause global warming (ex. CO2)
Guard cell Specialized cells that control the opening and closing the pores on the surface of the leaf
Habitat The place where a plant or animal lives
Herbivore consumers/heterotrophs that eat producers/autotrophs (plant eaters)
Heterotroph An organism that cannot make its own food; a consumer
Heterotroph An organism that cannot make its own food; a consumer
heterotroph eats others for food
Heterotroph organisms that get food from eating other organisms; another word for consumer (animals)
HIV a virus that attacks the immune system
Hole in ozone layer a problem caused by using CFCs; it lets in too much UV radiation from the sun
Homeostasis internal balance in an organism
Hormones proteins that travel through bloodstream for cell communication
human activities things humans do that impact the environment
human impact humans have changed drastically the biotic and abiotic environment
Human overpopulation too many people in one place for the resources available; causes all the environmental problems we have
Hypothesis A statement that predicts a relationship between cause and effect in a way that can be tested
Immune system system that protects body from foreign invaders (pathogens/microbes)
Industrialization when we started using factories to produce things and increased pollution
Inorganic molecule water
Insulin an hormone that regulates blood sugar (it tells body to lower glucose in blood when blood sugar is too high)
invasive species non-native species that harms the ecosystem
Leaf Flattened structure attached to stem where photosynthesis occurs
levels of organization organelle
Limiting factor Any factor in the environment that limits the size of a population
Liver Large organ involved in neutralizing toxins
Macromolecule a big molecule
meiosis cell division where new cells have half the number of chromosomes as the original cell (sex cells)
Mitochondria Pod shaped organelles that contain enzymes used to extract energy from nutrients
mitosis cell division where new cells have the same number of chromosomes as the original cell (body cells)
Muscular system system that allows for voluntary movement and involuntary movement (ex. heart beating)
Mutation a change in DNA
natural selection organisms that are best adapted to the environment survive and produce more offspring over time
Neuron Nerve cell
Nerve cells fast cell communication
Nervous system system that controls and regulates the body
Niche The specific role played by an organism in an ecosystem.
Nonrenewable resources resources that cannot be recycled
Nucleus A large structure within a cell metabolism and stores genetic information including chromosomes over time
Observations Any information that is collected with any of the senses
Omnivore consumes/heterotrophs that eat both producers and consumers (eat both plants and animals)
organelle part of cell that does a specific action
Organic molecule molecule made up of carbon and hydrogen
Osmosis A diffusion of water in or out of a cell
Ovaries in the female reproductive system; where eggs are made through meiosis
Pancreas organ/structure that releases insulin
paper chromatography technique that determines relationships between organisms by comparing protein bands
parasite organism that takes nutrients from a host
Parasite-host relationship when one organism feeds on another organism without killing it (ex. lice)
Pathogens foreign invader to body (virus or harmful bacteria)
Period Length of time
Pesticide resistance when there is a natural variation (mutation) in insects and the ones with the mutation become resistant to the pesticide; solution to the problem →make a new pesticide
pH measures how acidic something is
Photosynthesis Takes radiant energy of the sun to create sugar (glucose) molecules for plant cells using water and carbon dioxide
Pituitary gland The master gland of the endoplasmic system located at the base of the brain
Placenta The organ that enables nutrients and oxygen to pass from the mother's blood to the fetus and waste products to pass from the fetus to the mother's blood
Population All the individuals of a single species that live in specific area
Predator-prey relationship when an animal hunts and eats another animal (ex. lion and antelope)
Producer organisms that make (produce) their own food using the sun (plants
Protein synthesis DNA
Proteins made up of amino acids
Recombination of genes when genes recombine in different ways
Relative dating Determining the order of past events without determining absolute age
renewable resources resources that can be replaced by natural means
Respiration Organisms get energy by breaking the bonds of sugar molecules the released energy is used to make a molecule ATP
respiratory system brings oxygen in and removes carbon dioxide from the body
Ribosomes Tiny structures in the cell that are the sites of protein production
RNA DNA is translated into this before protein is synthesized (REMEMBER: G → C
Scavenger an animal that finds/eats something that has already died (does not hunt but scavenges) (ex. vulture)
scientific method observations
selective breeding choosing organisms with desired traits to serve as parents for the next generation
Selective breeding The process of choosing a few organisms with deliberate traits to serve as the parents of the next generation
Selective breeding The process of choosing a few organisms with deliberate traits to serve as the parents of the next generation
Selective breeding when we select animals/plants with desired traits to breed hoping to get the trait in the offspring
Sexual reproduction A method of reproduction that involves two parents producing offspring that are generally different from either parent
Sexual reproduction A method of reproduction that involves two parents producing offspring that are generally different from either parent
Skeletal system system that provides structure
Species A group of organisms that share certain characteristics and can mate with one another
Species A group of organisms that share certain characteristics and can mate with one another
Starch an example of a carbohydrate
Stem The main stalk of a plant
Stem The main stalk of a plant
Stimulus Any change in the environment that causes an organism to react
Stimulus Any change in the environment that causes an organism to react
Stomates Small holes in leaves
Stomates Small holes in leaves
Structural similarities evidence for evolution based on similarities of structures of different species (not the best evidence)
succession process where in an area an existing community is replaced with another community over time
Survival of the fittest when the best organisms survive and reproduce
synthesis building or putting molecules together
Testosterone male sex hormone that stimulates production of sperm
trade off balancing the pros and cons
Trait Families sharing a set of similar characteristics
uterus where the fetus grows and develops
Vaccine A substance made of weakened killed or or partial pathogens and designed to protect the body from future invasions of that pathogen
vacuole storage in plant cells
Vacuoles Storage sacs within the cytoplasm of a cell that may contain either wastes or useful materials
Validity makes an experiment more valid (true) by repeating experiment or increasing sample size
Virus A nonliving particle of proteins and genetic material that reproduces by invading the cell of a living organism
White blood cells cells that 1. make antibodies to identify antigens on pathogen
Wind/solar/water power renewable resources that are better for the environment (BUT very expensive)
Zygote The cell that result from joining of the egg and sperm
Created by: klangke1254
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