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Plant tissues, reproduction, organs etc

Name three functions of the roots Anchors plant, Absorbs water through osmosis and minerals through active transport through root hairs and stores food in some plants (eg carrots)
Name the two types of root taproot and fibrous root
Name an advantage of root hairs Increase surface area
What do taproots look like? Has one main, large root (taproot) with secondary roots coming off of the main root
What do fibrous roots look like? Lots of equally sized roots
Name examples of taproot plants and are they monocot or dicot? Carrots, parsnips, turnips - dicot
Name examples of fibrous root and are they monocot or dicot? Grass -monocot
In roots, what is the function of the dermal tissue? Protection
In roots, what is the function of the vascular tissue? Transport
In roots, what is the function of the ground tissue? Storage
Name the components of the vascular tissue Xylem and phloem
Name the two systems in a flowering plant Root system and the shoot system
What makes up the root system? The roots
What makes up the shoot system? The flower, leaf, stem, apical bud, petiole, node, internode and auxillary bud
What is another name for the dermal tissue in roots? The epidermas
What is the function of the meristem/meristematic tissue? Can carry out mitosis using undifferentiated(undefined) cells
What is elongation in roots and where does it take place? Where cells get larger- the ground tissue
Where is meristematic tissue found? In root and shoot tips
Name the two types of stems in plants Woody and herbaceous
What differentiates woody stems from herbaceous ones? Woody stems-contain lignin Herbaceous stems-do not contain lignin
Give an example of a woody stem A twig
Give an example of a herbaceous stem A flower stem
Name four functions of the stem Supports the arial parts of the plant, transports glucose from leaves to roots, transports water from roots to leaves, have lenticels used for gas exchange in photosynthesis
What is the function of lenticels? Oxygen and water vapour leave through them
In stems, what does phloem transport and what does xylem transport? Phloem- transports sugars Xylem- transports water
What does a cross section of a dicot stem look like? The vascular bundles are in a ring around the edges of the ground tissue
What does a cross section of a monocot stem look like? The vascular bundles are scattered all over the ground tissue
Which vascular tissue is considered dead and why? Xylem due to the lignin and having no nucleus
What are the two types of xylem? Vessels and tracheids
What is phloem made of? Living cells called sieve tube elements
What is the function of pits in vessels and tracheids? Allows salts and water to pass through
Why is phloem considered living? It has a nucleus and a companion cell
Why does phloem have a companion cell? They have lots of mitochondria for active transport
What makes up a sieve tube element? sieve tube elements (made up of a companion cell, nucleus, sieve plates, sieve tube cell)
What is the function of the waxy cuticle? prevents water loss
What is the function of the palisade layer? full of chloroplasts to carry out photosynthesis
What is the function of the spongy layer? full of air pockets so water can get to the leaf and glucose can get away from the leaf
What is the function of the stomata? gas exchange
What is the function of the guard cells? to open and close the stomata
Name the two ways water is transported in plants Root pressure and transperation
What is root pressure? Water molecules pushing other water molecules up the stem as they enter through the roots
What is transpiration? Evaporation of water from the surface if the leaf (Cohesion Tension Theory)
Who proposed the cohesion tension theory? Dixon and Joly
What is TACT? Transpiration, Adhesion, Cohesion, Tension
What is adhesion? water molecules are attracted to surfaces (in the case of cohesion theory- xylem)
What is cohesion? H2O is attracted to H2O- they link together via hydrogen bonds
What is tension? One force pulling upwards and one force pulling downwards, pulling a column of H2O in opposite directions (pulled by gravity and transperation)
Explain the process of cohesion tension theory
What are the factors affecting the rate of transpiration? temperature, wind, soil water, light and humidity
How does temperature affect the rate of transpiration? Increased temperature = increased transpiration
How does wind affect the rate of transpiration? Increased wind = increased transpiration (wind will shake the water out)
How does soil water affect the rate of transpiration? Increased soil water = increased transpiration
How does light affect the rate of transpiration? Increased light = increased photosynthesis = increased transpiration
How does humidity affect the rate of transpiration? Increased humidity = decreased transpiration (less effective osmosis due to water in the air)
Created by: sjbuzb
Popular Biology sets




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