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Genetic Theory

Definitions for the chapter

Characteristics Traits inherited genetically
Chromosome mutation Changes in the structure or number of chromosomes
DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid
DNA profiling A process that creates a unique banding pattern of a person's DNA for comparison to another
Evolution Evolution is the way organisms genetically change to produce new organisms over long periods of time through natural selection
Gene A short section of DNA which codes for a protein
Gene expression The process by which a gene produces a protein
Gene/Point mutation Changes in a single gene
Genetic engineering The artificial manipulation and altering of genes
Genetic screening Testing for the presence or absence of a certain gene
Heredity The passing on of features from parents to offspring by means of genes
Mutation A change in the amount or structure of DNA
Natural selection The process by which variations that help organisms adapt to their environment will survive and be reproduced - called Survival of the Fittest
Non-coding/junk DNA DNA that does not code for a protein
Triplet/codon A group of three bases which codes for an amino acid
Variation Differences between members of a species
Allele Different forms of the same gene
Autosomes Any chromosome that isn't a sex chromosome
Dihybrid cross Involves the study of two characteristics
Monohybrid cross A single trait cross
Dominance A dominant gene gets expressed over the recessive gene
Fertilisation The fusion of two haploid gametes to form a diploid zygote
Genotype Genetic make up of an organism
Phenotype The physical appearance of an organism
Heterozygous Two different alleles e.g Rr
Homozygous Two of the same alleles e.g RR
Incomplete dominance There is no dominant or recessive allele and the heterozygous condition produces an intermediate phenotype
Law of Independent Assortment At gamete formation, either pair of alleles is is equally likely to combine with either of another pair of alleles
Law of Segregation Characteristics are controlled by pairs of alleles and these alleles separate at gamete formation
Linkage Genes located on the same chromosome
Locus The position of a gene on a chromosome
Non-nuclear inheritance DNA found outside the nucleus in the mitochondria or chloroplast
Pedigree A diagram showing the genetic history of a group of related individuals
Progeny The offspring produced by a cross
Recessive A gene that is not expressed in the presence of a dominant gene
Sex linkage A characteristic controlled by a gene on the sex chromosome
Somatic cells Diploid cells which are not gametes
Created by: hsullivan
Popular Biology sets




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