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roles of the synovial fluid •Lubricates the joint •Provides nourishment for the cells of the articular cartilage •Contains phagocytes that remove micro-organisms and debris from the joint •Helps keep articulating surfaces from making contact with each other
Erythrocytes red blood cells Transport of oxygen to cells
enzymes Enzymes are biological catalysts / speed up chemical reactions / allow chemical reactions to occur at normal body temperature By lowering the activation energy
lock-and-key model 1 • The enzyme is a protein and has a particular shape • That is complementary to the substrate • The enzyme is the key and the substrate is the lock
lock-and-key model 2 • The part of the enzyme that combines with the substrate is the active site • When the enzyme and substrate are combined they are called an enzyme-substrate complex • The enzyme is not changed in the reaction
the role of ATP and ADP in cellular respiration • The energy released from cellular respiration is used to form ATP (1) • ATP is formed when a third phosphate group is joined to ADP (1) • As this bond is easily broken, the removal of the third phosphate group releases energy for cell needs (1)
heart murmur Forces the heart to re-pump the same blood / Heart works harder to pump blood (1)
coagulation liquid --> solid/ semi solid blood
agglutination clumping together of red blood cells
white blood cells pass freely through capillaries
the requirements of a cell oxygen, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins and minerals
organelle • A small subpart of a cell suspended in thee cytoplasm
facilitated diffusion • A process that requires special proteins in the cell membrane, either channel or carrierr
• Describe vesicular transport • An active process in which materials are moved in membrane bound sacs
• Define metabolism • All the chemical reactions occurring in a living organism
cellular respiration • Chemcial reaction that makes energy available to cell
functions of blood 1 • Transport oxygen & nutrients around th ebody • Transporting CO2 & other waste products away from cells • Transporting chemical messages - hormones - to the cells • Maintaining the pH of body fluids •
functions of blood2 • Distributing heat & maintaining body temperature • Maintaining water content & ion concentration of body fluids • Protecting against disease causing micro orrganisms • Clotting when vessels are damaged thus preventing blood loss
the key nutrients and wastes that are transported in the blood Oxygen, nutrients, waste, hormones, inorganic nutrients (ions), organic nutrients: nutrients and wastes
functions of the pericardium • Ensure heart doesn’t ovestretch. Holds heart in place
cardiac cycle • The cycle that occurs in a single heart beat
• Outline how an individual’s blood type is determined • If the blood has the antigens of that type
condyloid joint two kinda ovals wrist
ventilation process of inhale & exhale constant exchange of air in and out
components of blood • Red blood cells – transport o2 coo2 • White blood cells – fight against infection • Plasma – goop holds shit • v plateelts – adhere to lining to form scaffolding
systemic and pulmonary circulations syst heart <--> body pul heeart <--> lungs
Synergist •: Muscle that helps prime mover - Can produce same movement & steady joint
Fixator •: muscle that stabilises origin of the agonist e.g rotator cuff during bicep curl
posture & muscle tone posture: characteeristic way of holding bidy when standing or sitting muscle tone: parrtial contraction of muscles ~depends~
lymph node • Bean, filters pathogens. Armpit, grroin Within are masses of lymphoid tissue that contain,Lymphocytes (B&T cells),Macrophages (phagocytes),Criss cross of mesh fibers • Mesh which catches microooganism attacked by macrophages via phagocytosis
factors that affect enzyme activity • Temp, ph – denature • Amount of enzyme & substrate – if full no use • Continually removed,(difficult contact) cofactors (catalyst kinda), enzyme inhibitors (slow)
circulatory system transport nutrients waste oxygen to and from cells
semi lunarr aorrtiic pulmonary go out of hearrt
erythrocytes red blood cell
leuocytes white blood cell
thrombocytes platelets
strutural synovial catilag fibre
function amount of move
Created by: procrast
Popular Biology sets




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