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bio ch x

biology chapter x test

Crustaceans usually have mouth parts called mandibles
The chelicerae of spiders are basically fangs
The job of a queen insect is to layeggs
Spiders have -?- antenna. zero
What is the name of the insect order with the most species? coleoptera
Insects have -?- eyes. compound
-?- arthropods must use a form of internal fertilization, or else the gametes would dehydrate and die. ferrestrial
Humans get such useful items as silk, -?- and honey from insects wax
The malpighian tubules of insects have the same function as human -?- kidneys
Most non-social insects communicate in order to find -?- mates
The immature form of an insect that undergoes incomplete metamorphosis is called a -?- nymph
A -?- is basically a parasitic arachnid. tick
Echinoderms use -?- reproduction, and the parents never meet each other. external
What part of a crayfish is covered by the carapace. (this part is the result of the first two segments being fused) cephalothorax
It is -?- and division of labor that allows insect societies to do so much. specialization
The anterior pair of swimmerets are enlarged in the -?- crayfish. male
The immature form of an insect that undergoes complete metamorphosis is called a -?- larva
Spiders have -?- body sections. two
A -?- is a carnivorous arachnid with pincers and a poison barb at the end of its abdomen. scorpion
Star fish respirate, urinate, and locomate with their -?- tubefeet
What crayfish organs lies in the head near the brain? hint: the answer is green glands. greenglands
Bugs have muscles that extend and -?- joints. hint: another word that means "bend" flex
A -?- is a detritivore, with 4 legs per segment millipede
Arthropods have an -?- circulatory system. open
The crustaceans usually have -?- antennae. four
The air exits an insect's tracheal tubes through holes called -?-. spiracles
Spiders use a -?- for respiration. booklung
Crustaceans use -?- for respiration. gills
Scorpions use -?- for respiration. booklungs
The legs of an insect are attached to the -?- thorax
All arthropods have -?- appendages. jointed
The insects that cause the most harm to humans are the ones that -?- spreaddisease
The echinoderms are characterized by their -?- skin. spiny
A -?- is a carnivorous arthropod with 2 legs per segment. centipede
Since Echinoderms do not have a brain it is assumed that there responses to stimuli are guided by -?- reflexes
The appendages of the uniramians are -?-. unbrancced
Since all Echinoderms lack _______ they do not have a brain cephalization
Arthropods have an -?- made of chitin. exoskeleton
Arthropods have evolved from -?-. trilobites
Bugs have a brain connected to a -?- nerve cord. This word means on the "bottom" side. yentral
Many foods we eat depend on -?- by insects. pollination
Spiders are -?-, using their silk to make webs and catch prey. carnivores
Arthropods have a -?- body. segmented
During -?- an insects sheds its old exoskeleton. molting
Insects have -?- body segments. three
Created by: lotsstuddddy
Popular Biology sets




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