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Biology Semester 2

The different forms of a gene are called Alleles
If a pea plant's alleles for height are tt, what is true of its pattern? Both parents were short
Organisms that have two identical alleles for a particular trait are said to be? Homozygous
What principle states that gamete formation genes for different traits separate without influencing each other’s inheritance? Principle of independent assortment
Situations in which one allele for a gene is not completely dominant over another allele for that gene are called? Incomplete dominance
In rabbits, there are four different versions of the gene for coat color. What pattern of inheritance is this? Multiple Alleles
One way that meiosis 1 is different from mitosis is that? Meiosis 1 produces 2 haploid daughter cells, but mitosis produces 2 diploid daughter cells
Variation in human skin color is an example of? Polygenic Traits
Gametes are produced by the process of? Meiosis
A tetrad consists of? A homologous pair of chromosomes, each made of two chromatids
If two genes are on the same chromosome and rarely assort independently? The genes are probably located close to each other
DNA makes a good molecule for storing information because? its bases can be joined together in any order, like the letters of the alphabet can be strung to form different words.
In both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, DNA replication happens? Before cell divisions
What do bacteriophages infect? Bacteria
In eukaryotes, DNA is located? in the nucleus
Which of the following include all the others? Chromosome
During DNA replication, a DNA strand that has the bases CTAGGT produces a strand with the bases? GATCCA
DNA replication results in two DNA molecules? Each with one new strand and one original strand
In which cells is the accurate transmission of information most important? Sex Cells
Which of the following is a nucleotide found in DNA? Deoxyribose + Phosphate + Cytosine
Because of base pairing in DNA, the percentage of? Thymine molecules in DNA are about equal to the percentage of adenine molecules.
Unlike DNA, RNA contains? Uracil
Which type of RNA brings the information in the genetic code from the nucleus to the other parts of the cell? mRNA
During eukaryotic transcription, an RNA molecule is formed that is? Complementary to both strands of DNA
What happens during translation? The cell uses messenger RNA code to make proteins
Genes contains instructions for assembling? Proteins
Which is the correct sequence of the transfer of information in most organisms? DNA -> RNA -> Protein
Which of the following best describes the what happens during gene expression? A cell reads the instructions in DNA and builds a protein based on those instructions
In eukaryotes? Transcription takes place in the nucleus, and translation takes place in the cytoplasm
Most mutations? Have no effect on an organism
Human females produce egg cells that have? Two X chromosomes
How many chromosomes are shown in a normal human karyotype? 46
Sex-linked genes are located on? Both the X and Y chromosome
The failure of chromosomes to separate during meiosis is called? Nondisjunction
Because the X chromosome contains genes that are vital for normal development, no baby has been born? Without an X chromosome
If nondisjunction occurs during meiosis?- Some gametes may have an extra copy of some genes
The human genome project is an attempt to? Sequence the DNA of every human gene
More than forty percent of proteins coded in the human genome are? Similar to proteins found in other organisms
Biologists in Darwin’s time had already begun to understand that living things change over time. How did Darwin contribute to these ideas? He figured out and explained how these changes happened over time and supported his ideas with evidence.
James Hutton’s and Charles Lyell’s work was important to Darwin because these scientists? Suggested that Earth was old enough for evolution to have occurred
Lamarck’s ideas about evolution include the concept that differences among the traits of organisms arise as a result of? The actions of organisms as they use or fail to use body structures
The idea that events like war, starvation, and disease could prevent the endless growth of human populations was presented by? Thomas Malthus
When a farmer breeds only his or her best livestock, the process involved is? Artificial Selection
Charles Darwin called the ability of an organism to survive and reproduce in its specific environment? Fitness
According to Darwin’s theory of natural selection, the individuals that tend to survive are those that have? Variations best suited to environmental conditions
The principle of common descent helps explain why? Birds and reptiles share a number of inherited characteristics
Similar patterns of embryological development in different but related organisms are responsible for the formation of? Homologous
Three sources of genetic variation are? Sexual Reproduction, Lateral Gene Transfer, & Mutations
Genetic recombination includes the independent movement of chromosomes during meiosis as well as? Crossing over
Which of the following statements defines the members of a species? They mate and produce offspring
The genes carried by all members of a particular population make up the population’s? Gene Pool
Natural selection acts directly on? Phenotypes
The frequency of phenotypes for a typical polygenic trait is most often illustrated? A bell shaped curve
Figure 17-2 shows the highest fitness toward the center of the curve. When individuals with an average form of a trait have the highest fitness, the result is? Stabilizing Selection
Figure 17-3 shows smaller and larger beaks in a population of finches. One group of birds has a short, parrot- like beak, and another group has a long, narrow beak. Which process has probably occurred? Disruptive Fitness
The Galàpagos finch species are an excellent example of? Speciation
Which statement about evolution in the Galàpagos finches is true? Natural selection on beak size and shape is driven by available food.
Based on their names, you know that the baboons Papio Annubis and Papio Cynocephalus do NOT belong to the same? Species
What kind of analysis focuses on the order in which derived characters appeared in organisms? Cladistic Analysis
What cell structures in eukaryotic cells contain DNA that can be used to determine evolutionary relationships? Nuclei & Mitochondria
What is thought to be about the three domains of living things? They diverged from a common ancestor before the evolution of the main groups of eukaryotes.
What do all organisms have in common? They all use DNA to pass on information
Which of the following is a correct explanation of a derived character? The presence of hair is a derived character of mammals because all mammals have hair and no animals other than mammals have it.
Similar DNA sequences in genes can be evidence of? Common Ancestry
In an evolutionary classifications scheme, species within one genus should? Be more closely related to one another than they are to species in other genera.
The grouping of organisms based on their common descent is called? Evolutionary Classification
Created by: btanner2749
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