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The cerebrum


nueral intergration gray matter
sensory input stallate cells
output neurons pyramidal cells
layerd tissue neocortex
emotion and learning limbic system
cingulate gyrus, amygdala, hippocampus limbic system
gray matter deep in white matter basal nuclei
awake and resting alpha waves
mental activity and sensory information beta waves
drowsy or sleepy theta waves
deep sleep(brain damage) Delta waves
high spikes sleep spindles
longer and vivid dreams REM
nightmare non-REM
acquire knowledge cognition
memories hippocampus
emotional memory amygdala
number, names, emotional , and skill memories Long term memory
inability to store info anterograde
inabaility to recall retrograde
face expression prefontal cortex
sensory input recieved first in primary sensory cortex
visual signals primary visual cortex
auditory signals primary auditory cortex
gustatory (taste) signals primary gustatory cortex
olfactory (smell) signals primary olfactory cortex
behavior is planned in premotor area
contract skeletal muscle motor association are, (premotor)
upper motor neurons synapse with lower motor neurons in anterior horn
controls muscle on contralateral side precental gyrus
upper motor neurons decussate in medulla oblongata/ pyramids
motor coordination cerebellum
recognition of language wernicke area
motor commands for speech Broca area
emotionless speech wernicke area
make up words fluent aphasia
slow and difficulty choosing words nonfluent aphasia
language, reasoning, analyze left hemisphere
imaginition, sight, skill, smell, taste right hemisphere
decussate to other brain ll, optic nerve
contralateral eye lV, trochlear nerve
sensory l,ll,
motor lll, lV,Vl,Xl,Xll
mixed V,Vll,Vlll,lX,X
sensory, smell, olfactory mucosa, olfactory bulb, cribiform foramina l, olfactory nerve
sensory, vision, retina, thalamus, optic foramen ll, optic nerve
motor, eyelid open, midbrain, muscles, superior orbital fissure lll, oculomotor nerve
motor, eye movement, midbrain, muscle, superior orbital fissure lV, trochelar nerve
ophthalmic division, sensory, touch, temp, pain, superior orbital fissure V, trigeminal nerve
sensory, temp, pain, face, pons, foramen rotundum V2
touch, temp, pain, foramen ovale V3
motor, lateral eye movement, pons, muscle, superior orbital fissure Vl, abducens nerve
mixed, facial expression,pons, internal acoustic meatus, taste Vll, facial nerve
sensory, hearing, medulla, pins, internal acoustic meatus Vlll, vestibulocochlear nerve
mixed, taste, swallowing, pharynx, medulla, parotid glands, jugular foramen lX glossopharyngeal nerve
mixed, hunger, thoracic, medukka, jugular foramen X, vagus nerve
motor, swallowing, head, neck movements, spinal cord, formen magnum, jugular foramen Xl accessory nerve
motor, tongue, medulla, muslces, hypoglossal canal Xll, hypoglossal nerve
Created by: edith1234
Popular Biology sets




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