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The Human Body

Unit 6 How organ systems work together to keep you alive

Epidermis The outer layer of skin made of a thin layer of epithelial cells.
Keratin The protein that waterproofs and protects cells and tissues.
Melanin Protects cells from damage caused by the ultraviolet rays of the sun. (The amount of melanin produced determines skin color).
Dermis Thicker second layer of skin (connective tissue under the epidermis).
Hair follicles Grow hair out of holes in the dermis.
Sebaceous glands Produces oil to lubricate skin and hair (too much oil and blockage will cause a whitehead, blackhead, or acne).
Axial skeleton Includes the skull, vertebral column, ribs, and sternum.
Appendicular skeleton Includes the arms, hands, legs, feet, shoulders, and hips.
Osteocytes Bone cells.
Compact bone Dense outer layer of bone for strength and protection.
Spongy bone Found at the center of short and flat bones and at the ends of long bones.
Red bone marrow Produces red and white blood cells along with platelets.
Yellow bone marrow Contains stored fat.
Osteoblasts "Bone forming cells" that turn fetal cartilage to bone.
Ossification Process of forming bones from the osteoblast cells.
Osteoclasts Cells that repair bones after a break (break down old cells and fix the bone with new cells).
Ligaments Connect one bone to another (forming a joint).
Tendons Fibrous connective tissue that connect muscle to bone.
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