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Why are amphibians sometimes used as a tool to support the theory of evolution? They can change from living in water to living on the land
Where does the name "amphibian" come from? double life: part in water, part on land
Outline the advantages of living in water -Don’t dry out -Less affected by gravity (more buoyancy) -less temperature change (less fluctuation)
Outline the advantages of living on land -Greater oxygen concentration -More food available (eat insects)
What does "ectothermic" mean and why is it important in amphibian habitat? “cold-blooded”: body temperature is affected by the environment when conditions are unfavorable - hibernate in the mud in the bottom of the pond (breathe through their skin)
Name the three classes of amphibians (use common names and characteristics). Jumping amphibians - frogs and toads require water to incubate eggs (external fertilization and incubation) Amphibians with a tail - salamanders Amphibians without feet - caecilians: look like huge earthworms found only in the tropics
What is a nictitating membrane? clear membrane that covers and protects the eyes
What is the function of the tympanic membrane? the Eustachian tube? senses vibrations equalizes pressure
List the main functions of the skin. helps them to breathe camouflage warning coloration protection (granular glands)
Why is the tongue of a frog unique? it is forked so it helps it breathe
Explain the importance of the teeth of a frog. so they can hold onto their prey
What are the functions of the intestine? Identify the functional units inside the intestine and why they are important. absorb nutrients and water filli - more surface area for absorption
What is the function of the mesentery? to hold the internal organs in place.
Name the two functions of the cloaca. excretion of wastes (solid and liquid) reproduction
Of what importance is the liver as an accessory organ to the digestive system? produces bile stores glucose filters blood
What does the gallbladder do? stores the bile
List the details on how the pancreas relates to the digestive system. secretes enzymes that digest CHO’s, lipids, proteins produces insulin
What is the difference between a tadpole and an adult frog heart? a tadpole has a 2 chamber heart and an adult frog has a 3 chamber heart
Explain the function of each of the chambers of an adult amphibian heart. right atrium – collects deoxygenated blood from the body left atrium – collects oxygenated blood from the lungs ventricle – pumps mixed blood to lungs and body
How does fertilization take place in adult frogs? external fertilization
Explain the different ways that amphibians can respire. diffusion through the skin pulmonary - lungs air is pulled in through the nostrils with the floor of the mouth forced from the mouth through the glottis to the lungs
What are the two main wastes produced by amphibians? nitrogen wastes and metabolic wastes
What are the male gonads and what do they produce? testes produce sperm
What are the female gonads and what do they produce? ovaries produce eggs
Identify the key features of frog eggs and their importance in surviving to maturity. encased in a jelly-like substance dark on the top light on bottom absorb light and turn it into heat and camouflage
Adult frog characteristics Terrestrial Breathes with lungs and skin no tail (frogs and toads) Heart has 3 chambers Cannot regenerate body parts Diet - insects, warms
Tadpole characteristics Lives in water Breathes with gills has a tail Heart has 2 chambers Able to regenerate (re-grow) body parts Diet - algae, insect larvae, small crustaceans
Created by: KiahnaL
Popular Biology sets




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