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biol1209 final

conditions for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium 1. large enough population to be unaffected by random gene changes 2. no gene flow (immigration/emigration) 3. no mutations/mutational equilibrium 4. random mating 5. no natural selection
evolution definition · change in the genetic makeup of a population over generational time
ecology definition · study of interactions among organisms and their environment · levels: population -> community -> ecosystem
population ecology definition · study of one species in one defined geographical location · consider population size and growth: birth, death, immigration, emigration
factors influencing population size · food/nutrients · shelter, weather · competition (interspecific and not) · disease
density in/dependent factors · independent: does not depend on number of individuals, usually abiotic ex. temperature, light · dependent: depends on number of individuals, usually biotic ex. competition
kingdom Bacteria · 35,000 - 10^9 species · incredibly diverse - in every environment · cyanobacteria = blue-green algae
kingdom Protista · has introns and nucleus, single-cell or colonial · aquatic or damp environments · autotrophic or heterotrophic
kingdom Protista: locomotion · pseudopodia (amoeba): projection from cell · flagella (dinoflagellates): "tail" · cilia (ciliate/paramecium): small "hairs"
kingdom Protista: protective coverings · calcite shell · silica shell
kingdom Protista: pigments · fucoxanthin: diatoms and brown algae · phycocyanin/phycoerythrin: red algae · xanthophylls: unique to dinoflagellates (yellow/orange/red) · all have additional pigments
kingdom Protista: colonialism · holdfast, stipe, float (maybe), blades · red and brown algae - brown is kelp - looks like plant but avascular, marine, can reproduce via fragmentation
kingdom Protista: slime mold · reclassified from fungi to protist · heterotrophic, heterokaryotic (many nuclei in continuous cell), form fruiting bodies -> spores and use flagella · plasmodial: visible, cytoplasmic streaming
live vs. stained slides · live: see movement and behavior · stained: see structures in detail, highlight specific cell components, organism dead and preserved for repeated study
bright-field vs. dark-field · bright: see colors and stains · dark: see transparent organisms
homology vs. analogy · homology is similarity derived from common ancestry or same structure/phenotype under every form and function · analogy is an artificial similarity not based on common ancestry
what does the name "algae" encompass? · bacteria: cyanobacteria, anabaena (ball strings) - blue-green algae · protists: diatoms, dinoflagellates - red and brown algae · plants: chlamydomonas - green algae
kingdom Fungi · secrete enzymes to perform absorptive digestion · mostly consume waste from organisms and dead/decaying matter
kingdom Fungi: mycorrhizae · fungus living in association with the roots of most vascular plants · plants provide carbs; fungus provides phosphorus, minerals, more access to water · fungus secretes enzymes into soil
Created by: junoregan
Popular Biology sets




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