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RADbio final review

What is not a responsibility of the RSO? cancel exams that are unesessary
Which is an uncontrolled area hallway frequently visited by public
Which cancer is the main adverse effect from chernobyl? Thyroid cancer
Amount of energy transferred to electron by ionizing radiation is the concept of what radiation dose
Occupational dose limits of the radiographer are set in units of sieverts
A photon interacts w/an inner-shell and gives up all its energy and the photon is absorbed Photoelectric effect
photoelectric absorption __________ as the thickness of a body part increases increases
Photoelectric absorption ____________ as atomic number increases increases
type of radiation that occurs when an electron drops from an outer shell to fill a vacancy in an inner shell characteristic
the differences in density (light & dark) of radiographic images of adjacent structures is radiographic contrast
The total electric charge of one sign per unit mass that radiation generates in air only exposure
which of the following is an SI unit? -roentgen -rad -gray -rem gray
what takes into account both the type and tissue being irradiated effective dose
Line 1 represents what type of dose response linear non-threshold
Early tissue reactions are caused by very high radiation doses
The occurrence of photoelectric absorption ________ as the energy of the incident photon decreases increases
The amount of energy transferred by incident radiation to an object per unit length of track through the object LET
What is not an EARLY tissue reaction cataract formation
Whats the first stage if acute radiation syndrome prodromal
During which face of mitosis does the mitotic spindle begin to form? prophase
Which stage of mitosis can chromosome damage caused by radiation be evaluated? metaphase
A master molecule that maintains normal cell function is present in every cell target theory
High LET radiation causes biologic damage by ionization of atoms mostly through direct action
indirect action of ionizing radiation on atoms occurs b/c of the ____________ of water which produces free radicals radiolysis
The law of bergonie & Tribondeau states that radiosensitivity of cells is inversely proportional to the degree of ________ differentiation
What is true of the three mile island? (not long term effects) idk what else A&C
Genetic effects are an example of ________________ stochastic and long term effects
The most crucial period of pregnancy (most radiosensitive) in regard to radiation exposure is 1st trimester
Cell organelles that manufacture proteins ribosomes
Cell organelle that provides energy for the cell mitochondria
An ionization chamber surverymeter that measures both exposure rate and cumulative exposure cutie pie
A radiation area monitoring survey instrument that makes an audible sound in the presence of radiation geiger-muller survey meter
Type of dosimeter that uses a lithium fluoride crystal and is read by heating of it thermoluminescent TLD
This type of dosimeter can be read via USB connection for an instant readout direct Ion storage
Fraction of the work week during which the space behind a protective barrier is occupied occupancy factor (T)
The portion of the beam on time that the beam is directed at a primary barrier use factor (U)
A protective barrier designed to prevent direct radiation from reaching someone on the other side primary protective barrier
A secondary barrier protects against scatter and is never struck by the primary beam, how much lead is required? .08mm
0.05Sv is the same as what in traditional units? 5 rems
at a distance of 1ft the intensity is 200mrem, what would the intensity be at 2ft? 50mrem
Who was the first American radiation worker to die from radiation-induced cancer in October 1904? Clarence Madison Dally
If a patient receiving x-ray therapy treatment receives a total dosage of 6000 rads, the dosage may be recorded as _____ if the SI system is used. 6000 cGy
In the electromagnetic spectrum, higher frequencies are associated with _____ wavelengths and _____ energies. shorter; higher
Annihilation radiation is used in which of the following modalities? positron emission tomography (PET)
True or False: Radiation protection is defined as effective measures to safeguard patients, personnel, and the general public from unnecessary exposure to ionizing radiation. True
Terrestrial radiation includes which of the following sources? long-lived radioactive elements, such as uranium-238, radium-226, and thorium-232 that are present in variable quantities in the crust of the earth
The millisievert (mSv) is equal to what fraction of one sievert? 1/1000
Which of the following is a form of radiation that is capable of creating electrically charged particles by removing orbital electrons from the atoms of the material with which it interacts? ionizing radiation
Which of the following interactions of radiation and matter is responsible for most of the scattered radiation produced during radiologic procedures? Compton scatter
True or False: The lower the linear energy transfer (LET), the more biologic damage will occur. False
During the process of coherent scattering, the incident x-ray photon interacts with a(n): atom causing some or all of the electrons of the atom to vibrate momentarily and radiate energy in the form of electromagnetic waves
True or False: A quantity of radioactive material is measured in units of Gy in the traditional unit system. False
Which of the following are types of ionizing radiation that produce virtually the same biologic effect for equal absorbed doses in body tissue? (In other words, they have the same quality factor). x-rays, beta particles, and gamma rays
Coherent scattering is most likely to occur ____________, and produce small angle scatter which has little effect on the radiographic image. below 10 keV
True or False: Humans receive the largest dose of ionizing radiation from cosmic rays. False
concept that helps explain the need for a quality or modifying factor; amount of energy transferred on average by radiation to an object LET
traditional unit used to express dose (D rad
traditional unit used to express exposure (X); unit for the measure of ionization of air roentgen
the degree to which the diagnostic study accurately reveals the presence or absence of disease in a patient diagnostic efficacy
radiation produced as a consequence of nuclear weapons testing and chemical explosions in nuclear power plants fallout
photoelectric absorption interaction between an x-ray photon and an inner-shell electron of an atom
True or False: If emitted from a radioisotope deposited in the body, alpha particles cannot be absorbed in epithelial tissue and therefore are not damaging to that tissue. False
The probability of occurrence of photoelectric absorption _________ as the energy of the incident photon decreases and the atomic number of the irradiated atoms _________. increases markedly, increases
Which of the following is not a type of interaction between x-radiation and biologic matter? linear acceleration
Which of the following interactions between photons and matter involves a matter-antimatter annihilation reaction? pair production
In photoelectric absorption to dislodge an inner-shell electron from its atomic orbit, the incoming x-ray photon must be able to transfer a quantity of energy: as large as or larger than the amount of energy that binds the electron in its orbit
Occupational dose limits to the radiographer may be stated in units of: 1. Coulombs per kilogram (roentgen) 2. Gray (rads) 3. Sievert (rem) 3 only
During the process of photoelectric absorption, which of the following terms refers to the radiation that occurs when an electron drops down from an outer orbit to fill a vacancy in an inner orbit of the parent atom characteristic radiation
True or False: One consequence of ionization in human cells is the production of free electrons True
Which of the following statements concerning the 1979 nuclear reactor accident at Three Mile Island (TMI) is not true? There has been a large increase in cancer-related deaths reported among the population living ner the TMI nuclear power station since the time of the accident.
One millirem equals ___________ rem. 1/1000
Fifteen sievert equals __________ rem. 1500
The amount of energy transferred to electrons by ionizing radiation is the basis of the concept o radiation dose
True or False: The equivalent dose (EqD) accounts for the type of ionizing radiation and the organ or organ system being irradiated. False
True or False: Lung cancer continues to be the main adverse health effect of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident. False -Thyroid
Which of the following is considered by the EPA to be the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States radon exposure
A radiographer receives an absorbed dose of 1 Gy of x-rays (radiation weighting factor = 1) to the lungs (tissue weighting factor = 0.12). What would be the effective dose received? 0.12 Sv
For x-ray and gamma ray photons with energies up to 3 (MeV), which may be defined as the measure of the total electrical charge of one sign, either all pluses or all minuses, per unit mass that these two kinds of radiation generate in air only? exposure
method for comparing the amount of radiation received from a radiologic procedure with natural background radiation received over a given period BERT
EqD radiation quantity used for radiation protection purposes when a person receives exposure from various types of ionizing radiation; specifies the biologic harm that is produced by different types of radiatio
EfD radiation quantity that includes of all types of ionizing radiation to irradiated organs or tissues in the human body; specific tissue weighting factors and the chance of each of these body parts for developing radiation induced cancer
biologic damage changes in a living organism from exposure to ionizing radiation that occurs by ejecting electrons from atoms making up tissues
combination of the x-ray tube glass wall and the added aluminum placed in the collimaton permanent inherent filtration
True or False: Stochastic effects are acute tissue reactions that appear within minutes, hours or days of exposure to ionizing radiation. False
During the major response stages of acute radiation syndrome: after the initial stage (prodromal stage), the period when symptoms that affect the hematopoietic, gastrointestinal, and cerebrovasular systems will become visible is called: manifest illness
In 1898, after suffering severe burns attributed to radiation exposure, which Boston dentist began investigating the hazards of radiation exposure and became the first known advocate of radiation protection? William Herbert Rollins
The hematopoietic form of acute radiation syndrome is also known as the ___________ syndrome bone marrow
Which of the following is/are considered low-LET radiation(s)? 1. x--rays 2. alpha particles 3. gamma rays 1&3 only
Which of the following are classified as early (acute) somatic effects of ionizing radiation? nausea, epilation, intestinal disorders
A term that is synonymous with epilation is: alopecia
Very few of the effects from x-rays or gamma rays on macromolecules in living systems are the result of indirect action False
During which of the following subphases of mitosis do the centrioles migrate to opposite sides of the cell and begin to regulate the formation of the mitotic spindle? Prophase
A radiation dose of 0.1 Gy (10 rads) delivered to a human embryo during the pre-implantation stage of development results in which of the following embryonic death
Which of the following groups of cells is most radiosensitive lymphocytes
Which of the following groups of cells is the least radiosensitive? adult nerve cells
Which of the following means the loss or change of a nitrogenous base int he DNA chain mutation
As LET increases, the ability of ionizing radiation it causes biologic effects: increases until it reaches a maximal value
The term "linear non-threshold curve" implies that biologic response to ionizing radiation is ________ the dose. directly proportional
Moist and dry desquamation can be caused by high radiation doses
Genetic effects occur as a result of radiation-induced damage to the DNA molecule in which of the following? - sperm of an adult male - ova of an adult female
predicts that a specific number of excess cancers will occur as a result of exposure to ionizing radiation absolute risk model
period of cell growth that occurs before mitosis interphase
Grenz rays were once used to treat and cure: skin diseases, such as ringworm
enables the cell to communicate with extracellular environment; transfers food from one part of cell to another endoplasmic reticulum
disposes of large particles such as bacteria and food as well as smaller particles; can digest the cell if the surrounding membrane breaks lysosome
functions as a barricade to protect cellular contents; controls passage of water cell membrane
believed to play some part in the formation of the mitotic spindle during cell division centrisomes
holds a large amount of RNA nucleolus
unites large carbohydrate molecules and combines them with proteins; transports enzymes and hormones through cell membrane Golgi apparatus
manufacture the various proteins that cells require ribosomes
Which of the following tissues contain cells that do not divide? 1. epithelial tissue 2. muscle tissue 3. nervous tissue in the adult 2&3
While passing through a human cell, an x-ray photon interacts with and inactivates the cell' master molecule. What is the consequence for the cell? death
compounds called pyrimidines cytosine and thymine
compounds called purines adenine and guanine
Form of ARS that results when the whole body receive ionizing radiation doses of 50 Gy or more cerebrovascular syndrome
The period after the initial stage of ARS during which no visible effects or symptoms of radiation exposure occur latent period
lesions that result when irradiation of individual chromatids occurs later in interphase, AFTER DNA synthesis takes place chromatid aberrations
lesions that result when irradiation occurs early in interphase, BEFORE DNA synthesis takes place; during DNA synthesis this break is replicated so now both chromatids demonstrate the break chromosome aberrations
The term LD 50/30 signifies the whole-body dose of radiation that can be lethal to ______% of the exposed population in ________ days. 50;30
Direct action may occur after exposure to any type of radiation, but it is much more likely to happen after exposure to: high LET radiation such as alpha particles
Which of the following gonadal radiation doses may cause permanent sterility in a human males? 6 Gy
Research has shown that repeated radiation injuries have a/an ____________ effect. cumalative
Which of the following is primarily used as a radiation survey instrument for area monitoring in nuclear medicine and has an audible sound system that alerts the operator to the presence of ionizing radiation Geiger-Muller detector
The annual effective dose limit for individual members of the general population not occupationally exposed is ___________ for continuous or frequent exposures from artificial sources and ____________ for infrequent annual exposure 1 mSv (0.1 rem), 5 mSv (0.5 rem)
Which of the following agencies is a regulatory agency that can enforce radiation protection standards? NRC
What do optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dosimeters, direct ion storage dosimeters, and thermoluminescent dosimeters(TLD) have in common These devices are all used for personnel monitoring.
Which of the following is a disadvantage of the OSL dosimeter? exposure not determinable on the day of the occurrence
Whenever the letter M appears under the current monitoring period or in the cumulative columns of a personnel monitoring report, it signifies that a(n): equivalent dose below the minimum measurable radiation quantity was recorded during that time
Which of the following is not a basic component of an OSL dosimeter? charged electrodes
Which component(s) of the Geiger-Muller detector alert(s) the operator to the presence of ionizing radiation? an audio amplifier and speaker
most facilities room doors have attenuation for diagnostic energy x-ray equivalent to that provided by a _____ inch of lead 1/32
Which of the following must always be the first step in protection of the reproductive organs? Adequate and precise collimation
What is the cumulative effective dose (CumEfD) limit to the whole body of an occupationally exposed person who is 46 years old? 460mSv
Which of the following is the equivalent of 10 rad? 10cGy
The OSL dosimeter is “read out” by using: laser light
Whenever scattered radiation decreases, the radiographer’s exposure: decreases
Which of the following combinations of technical exposure factors and filtration reduces patient radiation dose during a radiographic examination? higher kVp, lower mAs, increased filtration
Which of the following devices contains an aluminum oxide detector? OSL dosimeter
Which of the following is NOT a material that is used as a filter in an optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dosimeter? lead
The main function of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is to: oversee the nuclear energy industry
How is a reading obtained from a thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD)? LiF crystals are exposed to heat to the point they combust and emit light in proportion to the radiation dose received.
Occasional exposure for the purpose of education and training of those under 18 years of age is permitted, provided that special care is taken to ensure that the annual effective dose limit of _____ mSv (_____ rem) is not exceeded. 1; 0.1
Of the following personnel monitoring devices, which device could be used to provide immediate exposure readout for a radiation worker working in a cardiac catheterization laboratory? direct ion storage dosimeter
Of the three cardinal principles of radiation protection, which is the most effective? distance
Which part(s) of a diagnostic x-ray unit should a radiographer avoid touching while a radiographic exposure is in progress? tube housing, collimator, and high-tension cables
Which type of barrier is placed behind the vertical bucky? primary
Who should determine the exact shielding requirements for a particular imaging facility? medical physicist
Which of the following personnel dosimeters contains a small gas-filled ionization chamber? direct ion storage dosimeter
While standing behind the control-booth barrier, a radiographer makes a radiographic exposure. The x-rays scattered from the patient’s body should ________ behind the control-booth barrier. scatter a minimum of two times before reaching any area
To reduce intensity from 100 to 25 mrem, with an original distance of 1 foot, distance should change to: 2ft
When a radiologic technologist declares her pregnancy to her employer, which of the following is appropriate? She continues to perform her duties without interruption of employment, provided that she has received radiation safety counseling and follows established radiation safety practices.
What type of relationship does ALARA assume linear, non-threshold
The dose equivalent for a pregnant occupational worker is: 500 mrem over 9 months
What is the term for the proportional amount of time during which the x-ray beam is energized and directed toward a particular barrier? use factor
If the peak energy of the x-ray beam is 100 kVp, the minimum requirement that a protective lead apron must be the equivalent to is ________ 0.25mm thickness of lead
Increasing the total filtration will have what effect on the skin entrance dose? it will decrease
______ is the radiation output weighted time that the unit is actually delivering radiation during the week and is measured in mA minutes per week. workload
Protective eyeglasses with optically clear lenses should contain a minimal lead equivalent protection of _____ mm 0.35
Which are responsibilities of a (RSC)? 1. Assist in the development of the radiation safety program. 2. Provide guidance for the radiation safety program. 3. Facilitate the ongoing operation of the radiation safety program 1,2&3
The essential concept underlying radiation protection is that: any organ in the human body is vulnerable to damage from exposure to ionizing radiation
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