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What does it mean to be gram-positive? gram-positive bacteria have a thick layer of peptidoglycan
Prokaryotes make ____ to help survive during harsh conditions endospores
Phototrophs get energy from ____ sunlight
Chemotrophs get energy from ____ chemicals
____ is the use of prokaryotes to remove pollutants bioremediation
Extreme halophiles salt lovers
Extreme thermophiles heat lovers
Methanogens anaerobic conditions
The five major groups of bacteria: proteobacteria, gram-positive bacteria, cyanobacteria, chlamydias, spirochetes
Proteobacteria all gram-negative and a share a certain rRNA sequence
Cyanobacteria the only group of prokaryotes with plantlike, oxygen generating photosynthesis
Chlamydias live inside eukaryotic host cells
Spirohetes pathogens
Three factors that contribute to genetic diversity of prokaryotes: rapid reproduction, mutation, genetic recombination
Prokaryotes reproduce ____ asexually or using binary fission
Prokaryotic DNA from different individuals can be brought together by ____, _____, and ____ transformation, transduction, and conjugation
DNA transformation: incorporate foreign DNA from the surrounding environment
DNA transduction: movement of genes between bacteria by phages
Conjugation: genetic material is transferred between prokaryotic cells
Pathogenic bacteria often cause disease by producing ____ and ____ exotoxins and endotoxins
Exotoxins proteins that bacterial cells secrete into the their environment
Endotoxins lipid components of the outer membrane of the gram-negative bacteria that are released when the cell dies or is digested
SAR supergroup contains what three clades stramenopila, alveolata, rhizaria
Stramenopila examples: diatoms, brown algae, water molds
Alveolata examples: dinoflagellates, ciliates, some parasites
Rhizaria examples: foraminiferans and radiolarians
The four super groups are: SAR, Excavata, archaeplastida, unikonta
Plants and green algae called charophytes ____, ____, ____ evolved from a common ancestor, have complex multicellular bodies and are photosynthetic eukaryotes
Adaptations to living on land? (plants) sunlight, lots of atmospheric CO2, few pathogens and plant eating animals
Disadvantages to living on land? (plants) maintain moisture in cells, need support to stand up, reproduce without moisture, live in soil
Shared traits of charophytes: rings of cellulose synthesizing proteins, structure of flagellated sperm, formation of phragmoplast
Five key traits that differ from charophytes alternation of generations, multicellular, dependent embryos, walled spores, multicellular gametangia, apical meristems
Bryophyte examples: mosses, liverwort, hornwort
Clades of vascular non-seed plants lycophytes (club mosses) monilophytes (ferns)
Types of seeded vascular plants gymnosperms and angiosperms
The haploid generation of plants that makes ____ is called the ____ gametes, gametophyte
The diploid generation of plants that makes ____ is called ____ spores, sporophyte
Why are bryophytes life cycle unique? their dominant stage is the gametophyte
Peat moss can be used a source of what? fuel
What type of plant has a "heart" shaped reproductive organ? ferns (seedless vascular plants)
What formed coal? decaying plants of the Devonian and Carboniferous forests (the two clades of seedless vascular plants)
In seed plants, the sperm is reduced to a ____ nucleus
Five derived traits of seed plants reduced gametophytes, heterospory, ovules, pollen, seeds
Microspore gives rise to a ____ gametophyte male
Megaspore gives rise to a ____ gametophyte female
Flowers are the sites of ____ and ____ pollination and fertilization
Flowers have ____ and ____ parts male and female
Flowers consist of ____, ____, ____, and ____ sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels
What are the male parts of a flower? stamen; anther, filament and pollen
What are the female parts of a flower? carpel; stigma, style, ovary, and ovule
What are fruits? ripened ovaries of flowers and an adaptation that help disperse seeds
Seed dispersal mechanisms wind, animals
Fruit=___ mature ovary
90% of plants have a symbiotic relationship with ___ fungi mycorrhizal
Most fungi are ____ saprobes
What is a saprobe fungi that break down
Fungi are ____ ____ heterotrophic eukaryotes
Imperfect fungi use ____ reproduction asexual
What are the five fungi groups? chytrids, zygomycetes, glomeromycetes, ascomycetes, basidiomycetes
Fungi are most closely related to unicellular protists called ____ nucleariids
Glomeroycota formed with plants
Ascomycota sac fungi
Basidiomycetes club fungi
What is the name for a fungal infection in animals mycosis
Lichens are made of ____ and ____ algae and fungi
Animals are ____, ____ ____, and lack ____ ____ eukaryotes, multicellular heterotrophs and lack cell walls
After a sperm fertilizes an egg, the zygote undergoes rapid cell division called ____ cleavage
Cleavage forms ____ blastula
What do hox genes do? regulate the development of body form
Larva sexually immature, stage after egg
Juvenile resembles an adult but isn't sexually mature
____% of animals are invertebrates 96
Ectoderm germ layer covering the embryo's surface
Endoderm innermost germ layer and lines developing digestive tube called the archenteron
Sponges lack ____ ____ true tissues
Diploblastic only have ____ and ____ ectoderm and endoderm
Triploblastic have an intermediate tissue layer called mesoderm
Protostome opening is the future ____ mouth
Deuterostome opening is the future ____ anus
A true body cavity is called a ____ and is derived from ____ coelom; mesoderm
Coelomates are animals that posses a true ____ coelom
What group has radial symmetry cnidarians
____ is a clade of animals with tissues Eumetazoa "true animals"
What type of animal lack body symmetry sponges
Central cavity in sponges is called ____ spongocoel
What filters food from water in sponges? choanocytes
Cnidarians are ____ with _____ cells radial; stinging
Two body forms of cnidarians polyp and medusa
____ are organelles that contain a stinging thread nematocysts
____ ____ contains the internal organs of a mollusc visceral mass
____ my contain a shell in molluscs mantle
Molluscs feed themselves with a ____ radula
Annelids are ____ ____ segmented worms
What are the four major classes of molluscs polyplacophora, gastropoda, bivalvia, cephalopoda
Nematodes can be ____ parasites
Arthropods have an ____ exoskeleton
As an arthropod grows, it must ____ molt
The body of an insect typically contains these five things: head, thorax, abdomen, three sets of legs, wings
Complete metamorphosis: larva ---> pupa ---> adult
Incomplete metamorphosis: larva ---> multiple molts ---> adult
What is the mechanism of evolution? natural selection
Microevolution is changes in allele frequencies (think hardy-weinberg)
Causes of evolutionary change natural selection, genetic drift, gene flow
Bottleneck effect natural disaster and few are left
Founder effect when a few individuals colonize an island or new habitat
Relative fitness contribution an individual makes to the gene pool of the next generation relative to the contributions of the other individuals
Gene flow vs genetic drift gene flow: migration of species genetic drift: random event
____ was the first person to propose evolution Darwin
____ was the founder of taxonomy Linnaeus
____ founded the paleontology Cuvier
____ hypothesized that species evolve through use and disuse of body parts and the inheritance of acquired characteristics Lamarck
Darwins observations while on the Beagle? -members of a population often vary in their inherited traits -all species can produce more offspring than the environment can support, and many of these offspring fail to survive and
Who coined the term "decent with modification"? Darwin
What is artificial selection breeding species with desired traits
What is homology? a similarity resulting from common ancestry
What is convergent evolution? evolution of similar features but the groups are distantly related
What organisms have a low mutation rate? Low rate? plants and animals, prokaryotes and viruses
Sexual dimorphism marked differences between the sexes in secondary sexual characteristics
Intrasexual selection is direct competition among individuals of one sex (often males) for mates of the opposite sex
Intersexual selection often called mate choice, occurs when individuals of one sex (usually females) are choosy in selecting their mates
Balancing selection natural selection maintains stable frequencies of two or more phenotypic forms in a population
Heterozygote advantage occurs when heterozygotes have a higher fitness than do both homozygotes, results from stabilizing or directional selection
Frequency-dependent selection Selection favors whichever phenotype is less common in a population
Why can't natural selection fashion perfect organisms? 1. selection can act only on existing variations 2. evolution is limited by historical constraints 3. adaptions are often compromises 4. chance, natural selection, and the environment interact
Biological species concept species is a group of populations whose members have the potential to interbreed in nature and produce viable, fertile offspring; they do not breed successfully with members of other populations
Morphological species concept defines a species by structural features
Ecological species concept views a species in terms of its ecological niche
phylogenetic species concept defines a species as the smallest group of individuals on a phylogenetic tree
Genetic species concept analyzes the entire genome of a species/group for divergence from related species
Allopatric speciation (a)part, divided by geographical barriers
Sympatric speciation together
Polyploidy having extra chromosomes
Autopolyploid individual with more than two chromosome sets (asexual)
Allopolyploid a species with multiple sets of chromosomes derived from different species (sexual)
Sexual selection can lead to ____ speciation sympatric
Hybrid zone is is a region in which members of different species mate and produce hybrids
Reinforcement hybrids less fit, hybridization will not longer occur
Fusion hybrid species will form a new species
Stability continued formation of hybrids
Order the eons : proterozoic, hadean, phanerozoic, archaean hadean, archaean, proterzonic, phanerozoic
Order these events: single celled, atomospheric o, animals, multi celled, colonization of land, prokaryotes prokaryotes, atomsheric o, single celled, multi celled, animals, colonization of land
Hox genes These genes code for transcription factors that function in numerous developmental processes
Heterochrony is an evolutionary change in the rate or timing of developmental events
Paedomorphosis rate of reproductive development accelerates compared with somatic development
Taxonomy branch of bio concerned with identifying, naming, classifying species
What's a binomial? a scientific name for a species
Phylogeny evolutionary history of a species or group of species
Systematics is a discipline of biology that focuses on classifying organisms and determining their evolutionary relationships.
Phylogenetic tree hypothesis of evolutionary relationships
Clade (cladistics) grouping organisms by common ancestry
Each clade is a ____ monophyletic group
What is a notochord? longitudinal, flexible rod between the digestive tube and nerve cord
What is the dorsal, hollow nerve cord? nerve cord that develops into the central nervous system
What is the muscular, post-anal tail? the tail
What two groups lack hinged jaws? Hagfishes and lampreys
What are vertebrates that have jaws? gnathostomes
What are some chondrichthyans? sharks and rays
What are some ray-finned fishes? tina, trout, goldfish
What are some lobe-finned fishes? lungfishes
What does oviparous mean? eggs hatch outside mothers body
What does ovoviviparous mean? eggs are retained in the oviduct, children are born after its hatched in the uterus
What does viviparous mean? embryo develops within the uterus and is nourished from the placenta
What is the purpose of the swim bladder? to maintain buoyancy
Urodela means: tailed ones, salamanders
Anura means: tailless ones, frogs
Apoda means: legless ones, caecilians
Amphibian means: both ways of life, aquatic larva to terrestrial adult
What are reptiles? tetrapods with a terrestrially adapted egg
Reptiles are: (think heat) ectothermic
Reptiles have what type of egg? amniotic egg
Are birds reptiles? yes, they have adaptations to fly
What are monotremes? egg-laying mammals
What are marsupials? they give birth and then the baby lives in the pouch
What are eutherians? placental mammals
What is the study of human origins called? paleoanthropology
Created by: mac271
Popular Biology sets




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