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Homeostasis Living Envrionment Regents Review

Allergy A condition in which a persons immune system is overly sensitive to the environmental substances that are normally harmless
Antibodies A protein produced by the immune system that either attacks invading pathogens or marks them for killing
Antigen A molecule found on the outer surfaces of cells the immune system recognizes as either part of the body or an outside invader
ATP A compound that stores energy in cells
Bacteria Any one of many single celled organisms without a distinct nucleus
Biochemical processes A chemical process that occurs in a living thing
Catalyst A substance that can speed up the rate of a chemical reaction without being changed or used up during the reaction
Cellular respiration The process in which nutrients are broken apart releasing the chemical energy stored in them
Chloroplast The green organelle that contains chlorophyll where photosynthesis takes place
Disease A condition other then injure that prevents the body working as it normally should
Dynamic equilibrium The constant small corrections that normally occur to keep an organism internal environment within the limits needed for survival
Enzyme Proteins that speed up the rate of chemical reactions in living things
Feedback mechanism A cycle in which an output of assistant either modifies or reinforces the first action taken by the system.
Fungi A kingdom of organisims that are decomposers, they have cell walls but are not plants
Gas Exchange the process of bringing in and relasing gasses from the envrionment. Plants bring in CO2 and release O2 Animals bring in O2 and release CO2
Guard Cells Plant cells that are on the outside of the stomta thay control gas exchange.
Homeostasis Sometimes called Dynamic Equlibrium. The ability of an organism to maintain stable internal conditions
Immune System The bodies system of defence. Made up of white blood cells, and antigens.
Insulin Hormone produced by the pancreas that maintains the bodies blood sugar level. Insulin brings blood sugar down Glucogon brings blood sugar up
Microbe a microscopic orgnaism
Mitochondria THE POWERHOUSE OF THE CELL! it makes energy by turning glucose and oxygen into ATP.
Pancreas Endocrine organ that makes insulin
Parasite An organism that survives by living in or on another organsim. Causes harm but does not intenionally kill the host
Pathogen An organism that invades the body. (virus, bacteria, Fungi, parasite)
pH a measure of whether a substance is acidic or basic
Photosynthesis the cellular process of turning carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. Done by plants occurs in the Chloroplast CO2 + H2O. --> C6H12O6 + O2
Respiration The cellular process of breaking down Glucose and Oxygen into Carbon dioxide and water to create energy in the form of ATP. Done by all things plants and animals, in the mitochondira C6H12O6 + O2 --> CO2 + H2O + ATP
Stimuli A change in the envrionment to causes an orgnaism to react
Synthesis A life process that means to make things. Protein synthesis = cells making protein
Vaccine A preventive medicine that typically contains a weakened or dead form of a viruses antibodyes allowing the body to learn how to identify and fight off the sickness in advance. Vaccines do not work on bacteria only viruses
Virus A non-living particle of protein that reproduces by infecting living cells.
Blood Substance in the body that transports materials such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, glucose, and hormones. Part of the circulatory system
AIDS The disease that results when the HIV virus attacks the human immune system
Created by: user-1555134
Popular Biology sets




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