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exam 3 micro

innate immunity, adaptive immunity, immunization and testing, immune disorders

species resistance resistance due to the cells and physiological processes of humans that are incompatible with those of most plant and animal pathogens
when are we confronted with pathogens everyday
first line of defense external physical barriers to pathogens (skin and mucous membranes)
second line of defense internal and composed of protective cells, bloodborne chemicals, and processes that inactivate or kill invaders
third line of defense responds against unique species or strains of pathogens
innate defenses non-specific-->first line defenses, phagocytosis, inflammation, complement system
adaptive defenses specific-->humoral immunity and cell-mediated immunity
body's first line of defense is made up of structures, chemicals, and processes that work to prevent pathogens entering the body
what does the first line of defense include skin and mucous membranes of respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems
epidermis multiple layers of tightly packed cells, shedding of dead skin cells removes attached microbes (dendritic cells)
dermis contains protein fibers (collagen), give skin strength and pliability to resist abrasions that could introduce microbes
sweat glands secrete perspiration which contains salt, demcidins, and lysozyme
dermicidins broad-spectrum antimicrobial peptides found in eccrine sweat glands
sebum is secreted by sebaceous (oil) glands
sebum helps keep skin pliable and less likely to break or tear, contains fatty acids that lower the pH of the skin to about 5
mucous membranes ar e a less efficient barrier to the entrance of pathogens
mucous membranes protect with thin, outer covering composed of tightly packed living cells, continual shedding and replacement of cells carries attached microorganisms away, dendritic cells phagocytize invaders and extend pseudopods bw epithelial cells to sample contents of the lumen
mucous membranes protect with 2 sticky mucus that traps microbes, ciliated columnar cells whose cilia propel mucus and trapped particles, lysozyme and antimicrobial peptides found in mucus
lacrimal apparatus in innate immunity group of structures that produce and drain away tears
tears join the nasal mucus and flow into the pharynx, where they are swallowed (lysozyme)
blinking spreads tears and washes the surfaces of the eye
normal microbiota helps protect the body by competing with potential pathogens (microbial antagonism)
activities that normal microbiota make pathogens hard to compete consumption of nutrients make them unavailable to pathogens, create an environment unfavorable to other microorganisms by changing pH, attach to all sites on human cells making it difficult for pathogen to attach
activities that normal microbiota make pathogens hard to compete 2 help stimulate the body's second line of defense, can produce antimicrobial compounds for defensive purposes, promote overall health by providing vitamins (biotin, B5, folic acid, and precursor to vitamin K) to host
stomach acid prevents the growth of many potential pathogens
saliva contains lysozyme and physically washes microbes from teeth
body's second line of defense operates when pathogens succeed in penetrating the skin or mucous membranes; effective against wide variety of pathogens
second line of defense is composed of cells, antimicrobial chemicals, and processes but no physical barriers; many of these originate or are contained in blood
some cells and chemicals from first line of defense also play roles in second line of defense
plasma includes iron-binding proteins transferrin and ferritin which transport and store iron for humans, but they help sequester iron from microbes, some bacteria secrete siderophores to steal iron from body other plasma proteins include complement and antibody
leukocytes defensive blood cells
leukocytes are white blood cells involved in defending body against invaders; granulocytes and agranulocytes
granulocytes basophils, eosinophils, and neutrophils
agranulocyte monocytes, macrophages, and lymphocytes
erythrocytes carry oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood
platelets involved in blood clotting
phagocytosis process of transporting a solid substance into a eukaryotic cell
cells capable of phagocytosis are called phagocytes
6 stages of phagocytosis chemotaxis, adhesion, ingestion, maturation, killing, elimination
positive chemotaxis involves the use of pseudopodia to migrate toward microorganisms at the site of infection
attractants in chemotaxis include microbial components and secretions, components of damaged tissues and wbc, and chemotactic factors (defensins, peptides derived from complement, and chemokines)
adhesion attachment through binding of complementary chemicals
virulence factors may hinder adherence
opsonization coating of pathogen with proteins (opsonins) that help increase phagocytosis
opsonins increase the number and kinds of phagocyte binding sites on a microbe's surface
ingestion pseudopodia surround the microbe, which is internalized in a food vesicle called phagosome
lysosomes add digestive chemicals to the maturing phagosome
phagosome becomes a phagolysosome
phagolysosome contains toxic forms of oxygen, ph ~5.5, ~30 different enzymes including lipases, proteases, nucleases, and a variety of others, most pathogens dead within 30 mins, but some contain virulence factors that resist a lysosome's action
elimination digestion is not always complete and phagocytes eliminate remnants via exocytosis, some components are specifically processed and remain attached to the cytoplasmic membrane (role in immune response)
nonspecific chemical defenses augment phagocytosis either by directly attacking pathogens or by enhancing other features of innate immunity
nonspecific chemical defenses include lysozyme, dermcidins, toll-like receptors, NOD proteins, inferferons, and complement
interferons protein molecules released by host cells to nonspecifically inhibit the spread of viral infections
interferons cause symptoms like malaise, muscle aches, chills, headache, and fever often associated with viral infections
types of interferons type 1 and 2
type 1 interferon (alpha and beta) produced early in viral infections, secreted within hours after infection by viruses, trigger protective steps in neighboring uninfected cells
type 2 interferon (gamma) produced later in the course of infection; also known as macrophage activation factor and is involved in regulating the immune system
binding of interferon to interferon recepters on the cytoplasmic membranes of neighboring cells binding triggers the production of antiviral proteins (AVPs) which remain inactive within these cells, AVP binding to viral nucleic acids (dsRNA) activates
activated AVP enzymes are oligoadenylate synthetase and protein kinase; destroy the protein production system of the cell, cellular metabolism is also affected, and host cell eventually dies
complement set of serum proteins that initially act as opsonins and chemotactic factors, and indirectly trigger inflammation and fever; end result of full complement activation can be the destruction of foreign cells
complement can be activated in 3 ways classical, alternate, and lectin pathway
classical pathway antibodies activate complement
alternate pathway occurs independently of antibodies
lectin pathway mannose attaches to activating molecules called lectins
complement enzymes in early events cleave other complement molecules to form fragments that have different roles in second line of defense
C3b acts as an opsonin
C5a functions as a chemotactic factor
C3a, C4a, C5a inflammatory agents that cause localized vascular dilation, leading to inflammation
C3a, C5a trigger the release of other inflammatory chemicals
membrane attack complex (MAC) end product of full cascade that forms a circular hole in a pathogen's membrane
inflammation general, nonspecific response to tissue damage resulting from a variety of causes (heat, chemicals, uv light, abrasions, cuts, and pathogens)
acute inflammation develops quickly, is short-lived, typically beneficial, and results in the elimination or resolution of whatever condition caused it
chronic inflammation long-lasting, causes damage or even death to tissues, resulting in disease
inflammation is characterized by redness, heat, swelling, and pain
inflammation in 2nd line of defense dilation and increased permeability of blood vessels, migration of phagocytes, tissue repair
fever body temp >37 C, augments the beneficial effects of inflammation
side effects of fever malaise, body aches, and tiredness
fever results when chemicals called pyrogens trigger the hypothalamus to increase the body's core temperature
pyrogens include bacterial toxins, cytoplasmic contents of bacteria released by lysis, antibody-antigen complexes, and pyrogens released by phagocytes that have phagocytized bacteria
blood vessels do what when fever progresses constrict to counteract the process of vasodilation (in inflammation); produces the symptom of chills associated with fever
fever continues when pyrogens are present
when pyrogen decreases thermostat is reset to 37 C and body begins to cool by perspiring, lowering the metabolic rate, and dilating blood vessels in the skin
benefits of fevers enhances the effects of interferons, inhibits the growth of some microorganisms, is thought to enhance the performance of phagocytes, the activity of cells of adaptive immunity, and tissue repair
if fever too high critical proteins are denatured and nerve impulses are inhibited, resulting in hallucinations, coma, and even death
first line skin and mucous membranes
second line phagocytosis, interferons, complement, inflammation, and fever
vaccination application of specific immune response
adaptive immunity a vertebrae's ability to recognize and mount a defense against distinct invaders and their products
five attributes of adaptive immunity specificity, inducibility, clonality, unresponsiveness to self, memory
adaptive immunity involves two main lymphocytes (wbcs) that act against specific pathogens
lymphocytes in adaptive immunity b lymphocytes (cells) and t lymphocytes (cells)
b cells arise and mature in red bone marrow
t cells arise in red bone marrow and mature in thymus
b cells carry out antibody immune responses act against extracellular pathogens and toxins, t cells help regulate and fulfill antibody immune responses
cell-mediated immune responses carried out by t cells often act against intracellular pathogens
lymphatic system the organs, tissues, and cells of adaptive immunity; components constitute a surveillance system that screens the tissues of the body-particularly possible points of entry-for foreign molecules
antigens molecules that trigger adaptive immune responses
antibodies protective proteins secreted by descendants of b cells
chemical signals and mediators coordinate and control a specific immune response
lymphatic vessels form a one-way system that conducts lymph from local tissues and returns it to the circulatory system
lymph arises from fluid leaking from blood vessels into surrounding tissues
lymph carries toxins and pathogens to areas where lymphocytes are concentrated
lymph only flows towards the heart
lymph nodes house leukocytes that recognize and attack foreigners present in the lymph
primary lymphoid organs red bone marrow and thymus
secondary lymphoid organs and tissues lymph nodes, spleen, tonsils, and MALT
lymph nodes filter lymph
spleen filters blood and removes bacteria, viruses, toxins, and other foreign matter from blood
MALT includes appendix; lymphoid tissue of respiratory tract, vagina, urinary bladder, and mammary glands; and Peyer's patches in the small intestine
MALT contains most of the body's lymphocytes
antigens adaptive immune responses are directed against portions of cells, viruses, and even parts of single molecules that the body recognizes as foreign and worthy of attack
lymphocytes bind to antigens and trigger adaptive immune responses
properties of antigens more effective at provoking adaptive immunity with shape, size and complexity
body recognizes antigens by 3d shapes epitopes (antigenic determinants)
larger molecules are better antigens than smaller ones
large foreign macromolecules like proteins and glycoproteins are most effective antigens
complex molecules make better antigens too bc have more epitopes
MHC proteins in cytoplasmic membranes function to hold and position epitopes for presentation to immune cells
class I mhc molecules found on cytoplasmic membranes of all cells expect rbc (all nucleated cells)
class II mhc molecules found on professional antigen-presenting cells (B cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells)
if an antigen fragment cannot be bound to an mhc molecule, it typically does not trigger an immune response
before mhc proteins can display epitopes antigens must be processed
processing endogenous antigens (come from a cell's cytoplasm or from pathogens living within the cell) few molecules of each polypeptide (self and nonself) produced within nucleated cells are broken into small pieces and are loaded onto class I mhc molecules, this complex is then displayed on the cell's cytoplasmic membrane
processing exogenous antigens (extracellular sources) apc (dendritic cells) phagocytizes the invading pathogen and breaks clips its proteins into segments, epitopes are loaded onto class II mhc molecules, this complex is then also displayed on the cell's cytoplasmic membrane
t cells act against body cells that harbor intracellular pathogens and against body cells that produce abnormal cell-surface proteins
t cells act directly against antigens
t cells are produced in red bone marrow and mature under the influence of the thymus
t cells circulate in the lymph and blood and migrate to the lymph nodes, spleen, and peyer's patches (account for 70-85% of all lymphocytes in the blood)
t cells maturation involves the production of ~500,000 copies of a t cell receptor (tcr) on each cell's cytoplasmic membrane
types of t lymphocytes cytotoxic t lymphocyte, helper t lymphocyte, regulatory t lymphocyte
cytotoxic t lymphocyte directly kills cells infected with viruses and other intracellular pathogens, as well as abnormal cells
helper t lymphocyte functions to help regulate the activities of b cells and cytotoxic t cells by providing necessary signals and growth factors (cytokines)
helper t lymphocyte factors th1, th2
th1 assists cytotoxic t cells and stimulate and regulate innate immunity
th2 function in conjunction with b cells
regulatory t lymphocyte represses adaptive immune responses and prevent autoimmune diseases
every t cell has a different shaped antigen-binding site that recognizes and binds to a complementary shape
tcrs only bind epitopes associated with a mhc protein
there are at least 10^9 different tcrs in your body
clonal deletion of t cells every population of maturing t lymphocytes includes numerous cells with receptors complementary to normal body components (autoantigens)
however, the immune system must be tolerant of self
body eliminates self reactive lymphocytes via clonal deletion lymphocytes are exposed to autoantigens, those lymphocytes that react to autoantigens undergo apoptosis
result of clonal deletion is surviving lymphocytes respond only to foreign antigens
this process occurs in the thymus and takes about 1 week
b cells and antibodies found spleen, MALT, lymph nodes; small % of b cells circulate in the blood
major function of descendants of b cells is to secrete soluble antibodies
surface of each b cell contains b cell receptor (bcr) which is a type of immunoglobulin
all bcrs on single b cell are same, but bcrs of one cell differ from bcrs of all other b cells
scientists estimate that each person forms 10^9-10^13 b cells each with its own bcr
when antigenic epitope binds to its unique bcr, b cell undergoes cell division, giving rise to nearly identical offspring that secrete immunoglobulins into blood or lymph
immunoglobulins act against epitope that is stimulated b cell
activated, immunoglobulin-secreting b cells are plasma cells
antibodies are free immunoglobulins and are similar to bcrs in shape
have identical antigen-binding sites and antigen specificity as bcr of activated b cell
five classes of antibodies IgM, IgG, IgA, IgE, IgD
antibody binding to epitope is central functional feature of antibody immune responses
once bound, antibodies function activation of complement and inflammation, neutralization, opsonization, agglutination, antibody-dependent cytotoxicity
two or more IgM antibodies bind to complement protein 1 begins classical complement pathway
IgE binding to epitope and mast cells and eosinophils triggers the release of inflammatory chemicals
neutralization antibodies can bind to a critical portion of a toxin or can block adhesion molecules on surface of a bacterium or virus
toxin cannot function and pathogen cannot adhere to target cell during neutralization
opsonization changing the surface of an antigen in order to enhance phagocytosis, antibodies act as opsonins (molecules that stimulate phagocytosis)
agglutination numerous antibodies can aggregate antigens together, each antibody can attach to two epitopes at once
agglutination causes soluble molecules to precipitate may hinder the activity of pathogens, increased chance of phagocytosis, increased chance of being filtered by the spleen
antibodies coat a target cell and bind to natural killer cells
NK cells lyse target cells by triggering apoptosis
threats confronting the immune system are variable class involved in the immune response depends on the type of foreign antigens, the portal of entry, and antibody function needed--> 5 different classes of antibodies
clonal deletion of b cells occurs in bone marrow in a manner similar to deletion of t cells; end result is that self-reactive b cells are removed from active b cell repertoire
cytokines are soluble regulatory proteins that act as intercellular messages when released by certain body cells immune system cytokines are secreted by various leukocytes and affect diverse cells
cell-mediated immune responses responds to intracellular pathogens and abnormal body cells
body induces cell-mediated immune responses only against specific endogenous antigens
most common intracellular pathogens are viruses but response is also effective against cancer cells, intracellular protozoa, and intracellular bacteria
final result of cell-mediated immune response cytotoxic t cells kills their targets through one of two pathways; perforin-granzyme pathway, cd95 cytotoxic pathway
some ctls become memory t cells
memory t cells persist for months or years in lymphoid tissues
memory t cells become function immediately upon subsequent contacts with an epitope-mhc I protein complex matching its tcr; produces cytotoxic t cell clones that recognize the offending epitope
benefit of memory t cells need fewer regulatory signals nd become functional immediately, response is much more effective (memory response) due to the number of memory t cells that respond
body mounts antibody immune responses against antigens of exogenous pathogens and toxins
activates only in response to specific pathogens antibody immune responses
two types of antibody immune responses t-independent antibody and t-dependent antibody immunity
t-independent antibody immunity (no assistance from Th cell) antigens consist of many identical, repeating epitopes (polysaccharides), weak immunity that disappears quickly and induces little memory, stunted in children
t-dependent antibody immunity (requires assistance from Th2 cell) antigens lack numerous, repitive, and identical epitopes, involves a series of interactions among apcs, th2 cells, and b cells, all of which are mediated and enhanced by cytokines
t-dependent humoral immunity with clonal selection most members of a clone become plasma cells; IgM-->IgG, IgA, or IgE; are short lived cells that die within a few days of activation, though their antibodies persist for several weeks and their descendants persist for years
small percentage of cells produced during b cell proliferation survive as b memory cells (long-lived cells that have bcrs complementary to the specific epitope that triggered their production) memory cells and establishment of immunological memory
long-lived cells that persist in the lymphoid tissue survive more than 20 years
available to initiate antibody production if same epitope is encountered again
adaptive immunity acquired during an individual's life
naturally acquired active immunity getting flu
naturally acquired passive immunity baby gets antibodies from mother's breast milk
artificially acquired active immunity vaccine (antigens)
artificially acquired passive immunity receiving antibodies from previous patient
vaccination is most efficient and cost-effective method of controlling infectious diseases
many infectious diseases are nw controlled or even eliminated due to vaccination
the administration of antibodies can further reduce incidence of disease and prevent death
active immunization involves administering antigens to a patient so that the patient actively mounts a protective immune response
passive immunotherapy a patient acquires temporary immunity through the transfer of antibodies formed by other individuals or animals
children who recovered from smallpox in china did not contract disease again
chinese infected you children with smallpox scabs in variolation
variolation spread to england and america but was stopped due to risk of death
edward jenner discovered vaccination by inoculating crusts from a person infected with cowpox (related but very mild disease)
practice of transferring antibodies was developed when it was discovered vaccines protected through the action of antibodies
by 1900s, there were vaccines that significantly reduced the # of cases of many infectious diseases
hoping for worldwide eradication of polio, measles, mumps, and rubella
variety of social, economic, and scientific problems prevent vaccines from reaching all those who need them; 3 mill children die each year from vaccine-preventable infectious diseases
in all active immunizations pathogen is altered or inactivated so it is less likely to cause illness
not all types of vaccines are equally safe or effective
effectiveness of vaccines is determined by checking the antibody titer (concentration of IgG and IgM) in the blood
types of active immunization attenuated (modified live) vaccines, inactivated (killed) vaccines, toxoid vaccines, combination vaccines, and vaccines using recombinant gene technology
attenuated (modified live) vaccines use pathogens that have reduced virulence so they do not cause disease (attenuation)
attenuated vaccines cause mild infections but no serious disease under normal conditons
attenuated vaccines contain active microbes that stimulate a strong immune response due to the large number of antigen molecules that are available (antibody and cell-mediated immunity)
attenuated vaccinated individuals can infect those around them, providing contact immunity; very effective
attenuated vaccination can be hazardous bc modified microbes may retain enough residual virulence to cause disease in immunosuppressed people
pregnant women should not receive attenuated vaccines
attenuated vaccines can revert to wild type or mutate to a form that causes disease
inactivated (killed) vaccines two types-both are safer than live vaccines bc cannot replicate, revert, mutate, or retain residual virulence
types of inactivated vaccines whole agent vaccines and subunit vaccines
whole agent vaccines deactivated but whole microbes
subunit vaccines antigenic fragments of microbes
inactivated vaccines are antigenically weak bc microbes don't replicate and don't provide many antigenic molecules to stimulate the immune response
higher doses or boosters are required for full immunity in inactivated vaccines
inactivated vaccines contain adjuvants (chemicals added to increase the effective antigenicity)
no contact immunity is stimulated nonantigenic portions occasionally stimulate painful inflammatory response in some
inactivated vaccines stimulate antibody immune response (exogenous antigens)
toxoid vaccines sometimes more efficient to induce an immune response against bacterial toxins than against cellular antigens, chemically or thermally modified toxins used to stimulate active immunity
toxoid vaccines require multiple childhood doses and reinoculations every 10 years bc possess few epitopes
combination vaccines combine antigens from several attenuated and inactivated pathogens and toxoids that are administered simultaneously (MMR) (pentacel)
vaccines using recombinant gene technology researches seeking to make new vaccines that are more effective, cheaper, and safer and to make new vaccines against pathogens that have been difficult to protect against
variety of recombinant dna techniques can be used to make improved vaccines selectively delete virulence genes, produce large quantities of very pure antigens for use in vaccines, live recombinant vaccines, dna vaccines
herd immunity protection provided all individuals in a population due to the inability of a pathogen to effectively spread when a large proportion of people (>75%) are immune
mild toxicity is most common in vaccines pain at injection site is more common with whole agent vaccines that contain adjuvant, rare cases toxicity may result in general malaise and high fever
risk of anaphylactic shock with vaccines
allegations that certain vaccines against childhood diseases cause or trigger autism, diabetes, and asthma research has not substantiated these allegations, modern vaccines are much safer than those in use even 10 years ago
passive immunotherapy used to provide immediate protection against recent infection or a ongoing disease, but does not require body to mount a response
passive immunotherapy is derived from human blood plasma donors or large animals intentionally exposed to a pathogen of interest
limitations of passive immunotherapy can trigger allergic reactions (serum sickness), antibodies are degraded relatively quickly (protectio not long lasting), body does not produce memory b cells, so patient is not protected against subsequent infections
hypersensitivity any immune response against a foreign antigen that is exaggerated beyond the norm
types of hypersensitivities type i (immediate), type ii (cytotoxic), type iii (immune complex-mediated), type iv (delayed or cell-mediated)
type i (immediate) aka allergies localized or systemic reaction that results from the release of inflammatory molecules in response to an antigen, develops within seconds or minutes following exposure to an antigen
antigens that stimulate type 1 allergens
type 1 reactions occur in 2 steps sensitization upon initial exposure to an allergen and degranulation of sensitized cells
sensitization upon initial exposure to an allergen IgE produced rather than IgG, IgE binds strongly to mast cells, basophils, and eosinophils
degranulation of sensitized cells release of potent inflammatory chemicals
mast cells distributed throught the body in connective tissue, have granules that contain inflammatory chemicals; degranulation releases histamine, kinins, proteases, leukotrienes, and prostaglandins
basophils least numerous leukocyte in the blood, have granules that contain inflammatory chemicals, degranulate like mast cells when allergens are encountered
eosinophils mast cell degranulation can trigger the release of eosinophils from the bone marrow, in the bloodstream can degranulate, release large amounts of leukotrienes, increases severity of hypersensitivity response
signs of LOCALIZED allergic reactions usually mild and localized, site of reaction depends on portal of entry, inhaled allergens may cause hay fever, small inhaled allergens may reach lungs and cause asthma, some allergens may cause inflammation of skin (hives or urticaria)
signs of SYSTEMIC allergic reactions many mast cells may degranulate at once and release large amounts of histamine and inflammatory mediators, acute anaphylaxis or anaphylactic shock can result, clinical signs of suffocation, treated promptly with epinephrine, causes from bee stings/foods
diagnosis of type 1 based on detection of high levels of allergen-specific IgE, test referred to as ImmunoCAP Specific IgE blood test, CAP RAST, or Pharmacia CAP, can also diagnose using skin tests
prevention of type 1 identification/avoidance of allergens, elimination diet, immunotherapy (allergy shots) but must be administered in series of injections of dilute allergen, repeated every 2-3 years, and not effective in treating asthma
treatment of type 1 drugs that counteract inflammatory mediators (antihistamines neutralize histamine), asthma with glucocorticoid and bronchodilator, epinephrine for anaphylaxis
epinephrine relaxes smooth muscle, reduces vascular permeability, used in emergency treatment of severe asthma and anaphylactic shock
type ii (cytotoxic) results when cells are destroyed by immune response (combined activities of complement and antibodies), component of many autoimmune diseases
examples of type 2 destruction of blood cells following an incompatible blood transfucion (ABO system and Transfusion reactions), destruction of fetal rbc (RH system and hemolytic disease of newborn)
abo system blood group antigens are surface molecules on rbcs, each persons rbc have a antigen, b antigen, both, or neither
transfusion reactions result if individual receives differnt blood type, donor's blood group antigens may stimulate production of antibodies in recipient, destroying transfused cells (can be life-threatening)
recipient has preexisting antibodies to foreign blood group antigens immediate destruction of donated blood cells can occur, severe signs and symptoms occur
recipient has no preexisting antibodies to foreign blood group antigens transfused cells initially circulate and function normally, eventually recipient's immune system mounts a primary response against foreign antigens and destroys them, gradual reaction
Rh antigen common to rbc of humans and rhesus monkeys; ~85% humans Rh+
if rh- woman carries rh+ feuts antibody immune response may be initiated against fetal cells
in subsequent pregnancy fetus may be at risk for hemolytic disease
administration of anti-rh immunoglobulin (RhoGAM) reduced cases of hemolytic disease of newborn
type iii (immune complex-mediated) caused by formation of immune complexes (antibody-antigen); normally removed from body via phagocytosis, small immune complexes become trapped in organs, joints, and tissues; complement activated resulting in inflammation and tissue damage
type 3 can cause localized reactions (hypersensitivity penumonitis and glomerulonephritis) and systemic reactions (systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA))
hypersensitivity penumonitis inhalation of antigens deep in lungs stimulates production of antibodies (sensitization step), subsequent inhalation of same antigen stimulates the formation of immune complexes (activates complement)
glomerulonephritis immune complexes circulating in the bloodstream are deposited in walls of glomeruli, damage to glomerular cells impedes blood filtration, kidney failure/death result
rheumatoid arthritis (ra) b cells secrete IgM that binds to IgG molecules; immune complexes deposited in the joint, results in release of inflammatory chemicals, joints begin to break down and become distorted (damage more severe); treated with anti-inflammatory drugs
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) autoantibodies against nucleic acid, especially dna, result in immune complex formation, immune complexes deposit in glomeruli and skin
other autoantibodies occur against rbc (hemolytic anemia), platelets (bleeding disorders), lymphocytes (immune reactivity), and muscle cells (muscle inflammation and heart damage)
treatment for sle immunosuppressant drugs reduces autoantibody formation, glucocorticoids reduce inflammation
type iv (delayed or cell-mediated) inflammation begins 12-24 hrs after contact with certain antigens, resulting from actions of antigen, antigen-presenting cells, and t cells
type 4 delay reflects the time it takes for macrophages and t cells to migrate to and proliferate at the site of antigen
examples of type 4 tuberculin response, allergic contact dermatitis, graft rejection, graft-vs-host disease, donor-recipient matching and tissue typing
tuberculin response skin of person exposed to tuberculosis or vaccine reacts to injection of tuberculin beneath skin; used to diagnose contact with antigens of m. tuberculosis;
reactions to tb test no response when individual has not been infected or vaccinated, red, hard swelling develops in individuals currently or previously infected or immunized 24-72 h after injection; response mediated by memory t cells that cause slow developing inflammation
allergic contact dermatitis cell-mediated immune response resulting in intensely irritating skin rash, triggered by chemically modified skin proteins that body regards as foreign; in sever cases: acellular, fluid-filled blisters develop;
allergic contact dermatitis caused by poison ivy, formaldehyde, cosmetics, dyes, drugs and metal ions, chemicals to produce latex; treated with corticosteroids
graft rejection rejection of tissues or organs that have been transplanted; perceived as foreign by recipient undergo rejection; normal immune response against mhc proteins present on graft cells; likelihood of rejection depends on degree of graft being foreign (type)
graft-vs-host disease donated bone marrow cells regard patients cells as foreign
donor and recipient differ in mhc class i molecules grafted t cells attack all of recipients tissues and produce lesions in skin and intestine
donor and recipient differ in mhc class ii molecules grafted t cells attack recipients apcs which lead to immunosuppression and leaves recipient vulnerable to infection; can be limited by immunosuppressive drugs
donor-recipient matching mhc compatibility bw donor and recipient is difficult due to high degree of variability; closer donor and recipient are related, smaller difference is in mhc; preferable that grafts donated by sibling/parent
tissue typing used to match donor and recipient, examine wbc of potential graft recipients to determine what mhc proteins they have; donor organ becomes available also typed, recipient whose mhc proteins most match is chosen to receive graft
which complement pathway is useful during early stages of infection before adaptive immune response becomes functional? alternate
the complement system and its products play important roles in overall innate (nonspecific) immune response. Of options below, which is not affected by the complement system? interferon production
which of the following would be presented on mhc class i proteins? a viral peptide inside a host cell
a t cell and tcr recognize two components. what are these? mhc protein and processed antigen
what are the cells that recognize mhc class i plus processed and presented antigen? t cytotoxic cells
what are the lymphocytes that physically kill infected host cells in the cells in the cell mediated response? ctls
what types of infections would a personn born without t cytotoxic cells have difficulty responding to? endogenous
what types of infections would a person suffer from if he/she/they were unable to produce mhc ii proteins? exogenous
which of the following explains why IgG is produced so much faster in the secondary response as compared to the primary response? bc memory cells were produced during primary response
early in pandemic, one method of treating those infected with SARS Cov 2 was to infuse them with antibodies obtained from someone who had previously recovered from COVID. What type of immunity was provided to the sick patient thru this process? artificially acquired passive immunity
about one in every 750,000 children who received the first dose of the live opv experienced vaccine associated paralytic poliomyelitis. Bc of this, opv was replaced w inactivated version. which explains why some children developed polio after getting opv? virus in vaccine reverted to wild-type strain
contact immunity may result following the administration of which type of vaccine attenuated whole organism
thee are 2 types of flu vaccines available, inactivated and live attenuated. In terms of immune response generated in vaccinated individuals, which would be most effective and why? live vaccine bc it provides both antibody and cel-mediated immunity
when a person has been exposed to rabies, he/she receives both HRIG injected near infection site as well as rabies vaccine. What does this strategy represent? passive immunotherapy combined with active immunization
you want to create vaccine in which large # of antigen molecules will be available to stimulate an immune response and which can be administered in single dose (rather than multiple boosters). focus efforts on developing what type of vaccine? attenuated (live) whole organism vaccine
cell-mediated immunity acts against endogenous (intracellular) antigens
cell-mediated immunity involves what type of lymphocytes t cells (Tc cells)
cell-mediated immunity is activated by Tc recognizes MHC I plust antigenic determinant & becomes activated, cannot move past this step w/o assistance
cell-mediated immunity uses TH cells TH recognized MHC II plus antigenic determinant on APC and differentiates into TH I and TH 2 cells
cell-mediated immunity uses what T helper TH I
cell-mediated immunity is fully activated when TH I secretes cytokines to cause activated Tc to go thru clonal expansion and differentiation to form cytotoxic T lymphocytes (ctls)
cell-mediated immunity products created ctls
cell-mediated immunity activity of products ctls kill any cell displaying the specific antigenic determinant in conjunction w MHC I protein
t dependent antibody-mediated immunity acts against exogenous (extracellular) antigens
t dependent antibody-mediated immunity involves what type of lymphocytes b cells
t dependent antibody-mediated immunity is activated by b cell acts as an APC to present antigenic determinant along w MHC II
t dependent antibody-mediated immunity uses TH cells TH recognizes MHC II plus antigenic determinant on APC and differentiates into TH I and TH2 cells
t dependent antibody-mediated immunity uses what T helper TH 2
t dependent antibody-mediated immunity is fully activated when TH 2 binds to activated b cell and causes the b cell to undergo clonal expansion and differentiation to from plasma cells
t dependent antibody-mediated immunity products created plasma cells
t dependent antibody-mediated immunity activity of products antibodies participate in: activation of classical complement pathway, inflammation, neutralization, agglutination, ADOC
an accident victim receives blood transfusion, shortly after begins having difficulty breathing, fever, and nausea/vomiting. what is the interpretation of these events? blood transfusion was mismatched and recipient had previously been exposed to the foreign blood group antigens
an agricultural worker experiences difficulty breathing which gets worse. tests show inflammation and damage to lung tissue, but IgE antibodies and granulocytes are normal. what disorder are these signs and symptoms consistent w? type iii (immune complex-mediated) hypersensitivity
Created by: cat9210
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Use these flashcards to help memorize information. Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. Then click the card to flip it. If you knew the answer, click the green Know box. Otherwise, click the red Don't know box.

When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

If you've accidentally put the card in the wrong box, just click on the card to take it out of the box.

You can also use your keyboard to move the cards as follows:

If you are logged in to your account, this website will remember which cards you know and don't know so that they are in the same box the next time you log in.

When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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