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BIO 2274 Practical 4

When comparing the position of the 2 kidneys the right kidney is slightly more inferior to the left kidney
Cortical nephrons represent about what percent of the nephrons? 80%
Which of the following does not represent one of the processes in urine formation? A) secretion of renin B) glomerular filtration C) tubular reabsorption D) tubular secretion A) secretion of renin
The _____ arteries and veins are located in the corticomedullary junction. arcuate
The _____ is the tube from the kidney to the urinary bladder. ureter
The trigone is a triangular, funnel-like region of the _____. urinary bladder
The external urethral sphincter is composed of involuntary smooth muscle: True or False? False
Urine consists of about _____ percent water and _____ percent solutes 95% water and 5% solutes
A urinalysis consists of all of the following except: A) physical characteristics B) chemical analysis C) microscopic examination D) body temperature analysis D) body temperature analysis
Microscopic solids are stained with _____ in order to make identification possible. Sedi-stain
Which of the following would be most typical urinary output in a day? A) 0.5 liters B) 0.8 liters C) 1.2 liters D) 2.2 liters C) 1.2 liters
Which of the following would represent a normal pH range of urine? A) 4.6-8.0 B) 0-14 C) 7.35-7.45 D) 5-10 A) 4.6-8.0
Red blood cells are a normal sediment found in urine: True of False? False
Describe how the urinalysis test works. Involves 3 aspects: physical characteristics, chemical analysis, and microscopic examination.
Describe the physical characteristics part of urinalysis. notes include volume, color, transparency, and oder
Describe the chemical analysis part of urinalysis. analysis of solutes in urine addresses urea and other nitrogenous wastes, electrolytes, pigments, and possible glucose, proteins, ketones, bilirubin, urobilinogen, and hemoglobin
Describe the microscopic examination part of urinalysis. an examination of microscopic solids, including cells, casts, and crystals assists in the diagnosis of injury, various diseases, and urinary infections
What is specific gravity? the ratio of the weight of something to the weight of an equal volume of pure water.
What is the normal of specific gravity for pure water? 1.000
What is the normal specific gravity for urine? 1.015-1.025
What is a urinometer vs refractometer? a urinometer determines the specific gravity of urine using buoyancy while a refractometer measures concentrations of aqueous solutions by using light refractions.
What are the normal values for H+ ion concentration in urinalysis? 4.8-7.4 normal pH
What are the normal values for protein in urinalysis? usually not present
What are the normal values for glucose in urinalysis? 0.03 gm/mL
What are the normal values for ketones in urinalysis? usually not present
What are the normal values for hemoglobin in urinalysis? usually not present
what are the normal values of bilirubin in urinalysis? 0.02 mg/mL
What can cause a high specific gravity? uncontrolled diabetes mellitus
What can cause a low specific gravity? diabetes insipidus
What can cause a high urine pH? vegetarian diet
What can cause a low urine pH? high protein diet
What can cause a high amount of glucose in urine? uncontrolled diabetes mellitus
What can cause a low amount of glucose in urine? nothing because glucose is not present in normal urine
What can cause high amounts of proteins in urine? uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, or high blood pressure
What can cause a low amount of proteins in urine? nothing because proteins are not present in normal urine
What can cause a high amount of ketones in urine? uncontrolled diabetes mellitus
What can cause a low amount of ketones in urine? nothing because ketones are not present in normal urine
What can cause a high amount of bilirubin in urine? liver disorders
What can cause a low amount of bilirubin in urine? nothing because bilirubin is not present in normal urine
What can cause high amounts of urobilinogen in urine? hemolytic anemia with infectious hepatitis or cirrhosis
What can cause low amounts of urobilinogen in urine? inadequate bile production or biliary obstruction
What can high amounts of hemoglobin in urine? menses, renal disease, transfusion reaction, or injury to the urinary organs
What can cause low amounts of hemoglobin in urine? nothing because hemoglobin is not present in normal urine
What can cause high amounts of nitrite in urine? urinary tract infection
What can cause low amounts of nitrite in urine? nothing because nitrites are not present in normal urine
What can cause high amounts of leukocytes in urine? infection of the urinary tract, urinary bladder, or kidney
What can cause low amounts of leukocytes in urine? nothing because leukocytes are not present in normal urine
What is the color of normal urine? slight yellow to amber
What is the transparency of normal urine? clear
What is the odor of normal urine? slight ammonia-like
What is the microscopic functional unit of the kidney? nephron
The renal corpuscle includes the golmerulus and the _____. glomerular capsule
The patient has clear urine. What could this indicate? clear color urine may indicate a more diluted urine
The pads on a urinalysis test strip contain which of the following? A) reagents that react with solvents B) urine solvents C) pH indicators D) urine solutes A) reagents that react with solutes
The patient has cloudy urine. What could this indicate? Cloudy urine may indicate a urinary tract infection
In the urinalysis lab, why is it important to wait 1 minute before reading the urine values? you must allow adequate time for the urine to react with each test pad
In which specific part of the kidney is urine formed? Nephron
Which of the following are NOT normally found in urine? A) salts B) proteins C) blood D) water E) glucose F) leukocytes G) nitrogenous waste B) proteins C) blood E) glucose F) leukocytes
Where are sperm produced? seminiferous tubules
What is the ductus deferens located in? spermatic cord
The _____ is the common tube for the passage of urine and semen urethra
Which of the following would NOT be visible in a cross section of a penis? A) urethra B) corpus spongiosum C) corpora cavernosa D) epididymis D) epididymis
The interstitial cells produce what? testosterone
The following glands are paired EXCEPT the A) prostate B) testis C) seminal vesicle D) bulbourethral Prostate
The smooth muscle represents the thickest layer of the wall of the ductus deferens: True or False? True
The rete testis connects directly to the tail of the epididymis: True or False? False
Where does oogenesis originate within? follicle
Early cleavage division occurs within the? uterine tube
Which of the following is NOT a structure of the uterus? A) cervi B) fimbriae C) endometrium D) myometrium B) fimbriae
What are the milk-producing parts of the mammary glands? alveolar glands
How many openings are located on a human nipple? 15-20
Which of the following structures occupies the most anterior position of the external genitalia? A) hymen B) clitoris C) external urethral orifice D) vaginal orifice B) clitoris
The broad ligament is the largest ligament involved in holding female reproductive organs in position: True or False? False, suspensory ligament
Primordial follicles are concentrated in the medulla region of an ovary: True or False? False
Fertilization occurs within the? uterine tube
The _____ is the most inferior part of the uterus. cervix
The _____ of the breast terminate on the nipples. lactiferous ducts
What 2 things do both males and females have? urethra and prepuce
What is the rounded end of the uterus near the uterine tubes? fundus
What is the surface region of the female reproductive organs around external genitalia? perineum
What is the process by which a secondary oocyte is released from the ovary? ovulation
What is the thin membrane that partially closes the vaginal orifice? hymen
What is the smooth muscle that contracts during childbirth? myometrium
Sperm are stored in the? epididymis
Where is the location of spermatogenesis? seminiferous tubules
What is located with prostate gland and can propel semen into urethra? ejaculatory duct
What contains sperm and secretions from accessory glands? semen
what are tiny paired glands that secrete into urethra? bulbourethral glands
What is the maturation and storage site within a coiled tube along testis? epididymis
What surrounds the urethra and secretes seminal fluid? prostate
What contains 3 columns of erectile tissue? penis
What part of the penis is removed during circumcision? prepuce
What male body part provides lower body temperature for spermatogenesis? scrotum
What provides protection of testis and epididymis? scrotum
What 2 parts of the male body become engorged with blood during an erection? copora cavernosa and corpus spongiosium
Created by: jannawhite2998
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