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leccion 3/ vocab 5
wiind surf: agua, aire y diversion ? mis padres no me gustan?
Question | Answer |
el abdomen | abdomen |
el brazo | arm |
el hombro | shoulder |
la mano | hand |
el musculo | muscle |
el pecho | chest |
la pierna | leg |
el torax | throax |
el brinco | bounce |
el calzon | shorts |
el chaleco salvavidas | life jacket |
la onda, la ola | wave |
el salto | jump, leap (noun) |
la tabla | board (surfboard) |
la vela | candle |
el calentamiento | warm up |
el ejercicio | exercise |
los estiramientos | streches |
los ligeros | hand weights |
los novatos | novices |
los pesados | heavy weights |
las sentadillas | sit ups |
las suelas | sole of shoes |
los tenis | tennis shoes |
resbalar(se) | to slide |
voltear(se) | to roll over |
ejercitar | to exercise (a body part) |
lastimar(se) | to injure |
el acuerdo | agreement |
el arete | earring |
el carino | care |
la confianze | confidence |
la muestra | sign, sample |
la pelea | fight, argument |
involucrado(a) | involved in, caught up in |
abundar | to abound |
bastar | to suffice; to be enough |
llevar a cabo | to carry out |
mostrar (ue) | to show |
platicar | to chat, talk |
auceder | to happen or occur |