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a-, an- lack of, without
ab- away from
abdomi(n)- abdomen
acr- pertaining to extremely
ad-, af- to, toward
aden(o)- pertaining to gland
aer- air
agri- field, soil
alb- white
-algia pertains to push
andro- male
anemo- wind
angio- blood vessel
ante- before
anti- againist
aqu(a)- water
arachn- spider
archaeo- ancient, primitive
arter- artery
arthro- pertaining to joint, jointed
-asthenia weakness
audio- hearing, sound
auto- self
avi- bird
bi- two
biblio- book
bio- life
brachi- arm
brady- slow
calc- stone
carcin- cancer, tumor
cardi(o)-, card- pertaining to the heart
-centesis puncturing
cerebr(o)- brain
cerv-, cervic neck
cephal- pertaining to head
chole- pertaining to bile
chondr(o)- cartilage
chrono- time
-cide killer
circum- around, about
co- with, together
contra- against, opposite
cost- pertaining to rib
crani(o)- cranium (skull)
-crine to secrete
crypto- hidden
cyan- blue
cyt, cyto, cyte cell
de- remove ,to the opposite of
demo- people
dent, denti- tooth, teeth
dendr- tree
derma- skin
di-, dipl- twice, double
dys with difficulty, painful
eco environment
ecto- outside, external
-ectomy surgical removal
electr- electricity
-emia blood
encephal(a)- brain
endo- within
enter(o)- pertaining to the intestines
epi upon, o
equi- equal, equally
erythro- red
-esthesia sensation
ex-, exo- outside
extra- outside, beyond
febr- fever
-form shape of
gastr(o) pertaining to the stomach
-genic causing
geo- land, earth, ground
glyco(l)- sugar
-gram drawing, writing or record
-graph machine that records info
gyn, gynec- pertaining to women
hem- hemat pertaining to blood
hemi- half
hepat- liver
hetero- different
histo- tissue
homo- same
hydr(o)- water
hyper- over, excessive in
hypo- under, deficient in
hyster- uterus
infra- below, within
inter- between
intra- within something
iso- equal
-itis inflammation
later(o)- side
leuk(o) white
lip(o) fat, fatty tissue
lith(o) stone
macro- large
mal- bad
mega-, megaly- big, enlargement of
melan- black, dark
meta- change
micr(o) very small, minute
mini- small
mono- one, single
multi- many
my-, myo- pertaining to muscle
myc- fungus
naso- nose
necr- something that is dead
neo- new
nephr- pertaining to kidney
neur(o)- nerve
olig(o) few
omni- all, in all way
-ology study of, science of
-oma tumor
onco- tumor
oophor- pertaining to ovary
opthal pertaining to eye
otho- straight, upright, vertical
-osis condition of
osteo(n) pertaining to bone
ot-, oto- pertaining to ear
para- beyond or outside of
-paresis weakness
patho-, -pathy disorder of
peri- surrounding, all around
phag(o) to eat
-phasia speech
-philia love
phleb(o) vein
-phobia fear
photo light
phyto- plant
-plasty plastic surgery
-plegia paralysis
-pnea breathing
pneum- air, lung
podia- foot
poiesis making
poly- many
post- after, later then
pre- before, in advance
pulmo- lung
proct- pertaining to rectum or anus
pseudo- not real, false
psych- pertaining to mind
pulmo- lung
quadr(i) four, one quarter
re- back, again
retro- backward
rhin- pertaining to nose
-rrhagia excessive flow
rrhea flow, discharge
scler- hard
-scope instrument to view
-scopy viewing, observation
semi- half
-sis state or condtion
sten- a narrowing
-stomy opening
sub- under, moderately
super-, supra- above
sym- with, together
syn- together
tachy- fast, rapid
telo end
tetra four
therm(o) heat
thorac(o) chest
thromb clot
-tomy to cut
tox- poisonous, posion
trans- to pass through
tri- three
uni- one, single
ur, uria urine
vas(o) vessel
Created by: Hannah45597
Popular Biology sets




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