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BellaPelle Glossary

An Introduction to Skin

abdomen The part of the body between the pelvis and the thorax visceral organs.
abducens A nerve that moves the eye outward. (Latin ab = away; duc = lead)
abduct An action that moves away from the body.
abductor A muscle that moves a limb (arm or leg) away from the body.
abiotic Refers to a non-living (physical or chemical) component of the environment, as opposed to biotic, or living.
abrasion The mechanical process of gradually breaking down a surface by rubbing.
abscess (L. abscessus = a going away) Dead cells and tissue fluid confined in a localized area, causing swelling and containing white blood cells (neutrophils).
absorption spectrum Graph of absorbance values of different wavelengths of light. Used in chemistry to both identify and measure substances that absorb light.
acanthosis (G akantha = prickly, thorny) Thickening of the prickly layer of the skin.
acetabulum (from the Latin for a little saucer for vinegar) The socket in the hipbone that receives the femoral head.
acetyl choline A neurochemical liberated by certain neurons that conducts chemical messages.
acid H+(proton donor); a substance that disassociates to release H+ and thus cause the pH of the solution to be less than 7.0
acidic Possessing a relatively large number of hydrogen ions; having a pH less than 7.0
acinar Latin; Acin is a berry and means cellular arrangement found in some glands.
acoustic Greek, Acous means to hear. Pertains to sound.
acquired immunity Arousing from a specific immune response, stimulated by antigen in the hosts body (active)or in the body of another individual by antibodies of lymphocytes transferred to the host (passive).
acridine dyes Organic pigments used as dye that fluoresce various colors, depending on specific conditions.
acrocentric (G. akros, tip + kentron, center) Chromosome with centromere near the end.
acrocentric (G. akros = top most + omos = point) A bony process on the scapula.
actin A protein in a muscle fiber that, together with myosin, is responsible for contraction and relaxation.
action potential The sequence of electrical changes occurring when a nerve cell membrane is exposed to a stimulus that exceeds its threshold.
active transport A process that requires expenditure of ATP energy to move molecules across a cell membrane; also called facilitated transport.
Created by: bellapelle
Popular Biology sets




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