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Anatomy CW


Name for the space between the diaphragm and the pelvic floor ABDOMINAL CAVITY
Phagocytes in the skin. LANGERHANS
Cytoplasmic extensions from lacunae that form long, slender passageways in bone matrix CANALICULI
This cartilage pads the knees. FIRBOCARTILAGE
Growth from the inside out INTERSTITIAL
skin layer where all the blood vessels are PAPILLARY
Glands that make you stinky SUPORIFEROUS
Peach fuzz hair VELLUS
Expanded areas at the ends of a long bone EPIPHYSES
Name for small needle-like or flat pieces of bone TRABECULAE
Ossification process that begins with cartilage ENDOCHONDRAL
Small, rounded articular process at the end of a bone CONDYLE
Directional term used to indicate the front or belly side of the body VENTRAL
Loose connective tissue deep to the dermis HYPODERMIS
Membrane with a fibrous outer layer and cellular inner layer that covers all bones PERIOSTEUM
A shallow depression in a bone; often used for articulation FOSSA
Immature, matrix producing bone cell OSTEOBLAST
Narrow band of epidermis at the proximal border of a nail; also known as the cuticle EPONYCHIUM
Layer of the epidermis found only in thick skin STRATUM LUCIDUM
The elbow is ___ to the wrist PROXIMAL
The outermost layer of skin that provides a protective shield. EPIDERMIS
Another name for a cross section TRANSVERSE
The body's most abundant epithelial cells that dominate the epidermis KERATINOCYTES
Mitotically active bone stem cells are said to be ___. OSTEOGENIC
This is a dead layer CORNEUM
The round depression in your ox coxae Acetabulum
Short, narrow stalks that form the sides of the vertebral foramen Pedicles
It is filled with tiny holes that help during smelling (2 words) Cribriform plate
Crosswise projections on vertebra Transverse processes
The movement needed to dribble a basketball. Pronation
This Crystal Sail anchors the brain to the cranium crista galli
These type of joints can be found between ribs and the sternum Synchondroses
Crescent shaped discs of fibrocartilage that separates and cushions the articulating surfaces of bones Menisci
The large, thick and curved process of the ulna projecting behind the elbow joint Olecranon
Vertical projections that originate on either side of the body of the sphenoid bone. Pterygoid processes
Strong wrapping that makes up the outer portion of intervertebral discs Anulus Fibrosus
The type of muscle that starts out broad and narrows is convergent
A strap-like muscle that helps flex the thigh Sartorius
External and internal obliques are muscles of the ____ _____. ABDOMINAL WALL
A group of three muscles that form the buttocks GLUTEAL
Prime mover of scapula in protraction; holds the scapula to the chest wall SERRATUS ANTERIOR
Dorsiflexes and inverts the foot TIBIALIS ANTERIOR
These muscles enable you to move the legs laterally as if doing the splits ABDUCTORS
A nurse would stick the needle into this muscle that abducts the arm to deliver a vaccine DELTOID
Large flat almost triangular shaped muscle that covering the lower part of the back LATISSIMUS DORSI
A thigh flexor ILIOPSOAS
A muscle attached to the Achilles tendon SOLEUS
Pit bulls are known for this muscle MASSETER
Muscle group that extend the thigh and flexes the knee HAMSTRINGS
Pushing your head up as high as it will go is the responsibility of this muscle, the antagonist of the sternocleidomastoids SPLENIUS
Synergises with the biceps brachii to flex the elbow BRACHIALIS
Lowers the lip and opens the mouth by depressing the mandible PLATYSMA
Three groups of muscle that extends the vertebral column and and flexes it laterally ERECTOR SPINAE
Opera singers have a really strong one for expanding their thorax DIAPHRAGM
Superficial muscle on the posterior compartment of the leg that plantar flexes the foot and assists with flexing the knee GASTROCNEMIUS
This type of muscle resembles a leaf PENNATE
Formed by the fusion of dorsal and ventral roots SPINAL NERVE
These nerves integrate you and the world around you AFFERENT
Connection between the third and fourth ventricles CEREBRAL AQUEDUCT
This cranial nerve helps you visually follow a bouncing ball. OCULOMOTOR
The primary somatosensory cortex. POSTCENTRAL GYRUS
This nerve seems to wander everywhere VAGUS
Really deep valleys FISSURES
The point-for-point correspondence of an area of the body to a specific point on the central nervous system SOMATOTOPY
These are filled with fluid VENTRICLES
The singular form of meninges MENINX
Contain the thalamus and the hypothalamus and is the link between the cerebrum and the brain stem DIENCEPHALON
The largest of the cranial nerves. TRIGEMINAL
Structure lined with ependymal cells that produces cerebrospinal fluid CHOROID PLEXUS
Nerve that handles sensory information pertaining to hearing and balance. VESTIBULOCOCHLIAR
The large bundle of axons connecting the two cerebral hemispheres CORPUS CALLOSUM
Shallow valleys of the brain. SULCI
Located on the ventral surface of the midbrain, they are the 'little feet of the cerebrum' which contain the corticospinal tracts CEREBRAL PEDUNCLES
Meaning a "horse's tail" it's the term used to describe the group of spinal nerves extending below the distal end of the spinal cord CAUDA EQUINA
Collective name for the two pairs of sensory nuclei found on the dorsal midbrain surface CORPORA QUADRIGEMINA
Extensions of pia mater that help hold the spinal cord in place. DENTICULATEā€¢LIGAMENTS
Together with the globus pallidus forms they lentiform nucleus. PUTAMEN
Crossing over of tracts leaving brain to the other side of the body before reaching their destination DECUSSATION
Term used to indicates the that each cerebral hemisphere has some abilities that are not ordinarily performed by the opposite hemisphere. LATERALIZATION
These cells are the policemen of the CNS MICROGLIA
Term used to describe the branching tree-like pattern of white matter in the cerebellum ARBORā€¢VITAE
Created by: Marsbar21
Popular Biology sets




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