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7th Earth Science I

7th grade Earth Science Test I Review 2024

erosion Geologic process in which sediment is moved by wind water glacier or gravity
weathering The geologic process of turning rock into sediment
Delta A collection of sediment that builds up when sediment from rivers hits larger bodies of water
Ice wedging A physical way in which water can break apart rocks
water the single greatest agent of erosion
Abrasion The process of rocks and particles scraping against one another, wearing away their surfaces
Rocky Mountains The great divide of North America
Reservoir A large natural or man-made lake used to store water for later use
Runoff Water that flows over the ground surface
Tributary Small rivers or streams that flow into larger rivers or river systems
Watershed An area of land that separates waters flowing into different rivers or seas
Wetland An area of land covered by shallow water part or all of the year
Oxidation chemical reaction in which a substance combines with oxygen (Iron rusting)
Aquifer a layer of permeable rock underground that can contain or transmit groundwater
Permeable substance that allows fluids to pass through them
Water table The top edge of the zone of saturation
Geyser Erupting hot spring
Sediment Tiny pieces or rock that are the end result of weathering
Meanders The curved portions of older rivers
Silt Small pieces of sediment that are suspended near the top of the river
Traction The larger pieces of sediment that when weathered will roll or slide down a river
Sandbars Areas of deposition on the inside of a curve in a river
Delta An area of deposition that occurs where a river enters an ocean or lake
Alluvial fan A land feature that is created at the end of a mountain river where there is no lake or ocean
Secondary The type of succession that may begin with abandoned farmland
Lichen A species of algae that can live on bare rock
Volcano a geologic event that usually precedes primary succession
Soil The main difference between primary and secondary succession
Climax community The ecosystem that exists at the end of any succession
Biodiversity the variety of living things in an area
Created by: coach_fletcher
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