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Science - 12/14 Investigation 1-3 STUDY the study stack study guide science note book science slides
Investigation 1 What is Life?
vocab remember term
1. Organism individual living thing an individual living thing such as a plant,animal,fungus,bacterium,archaeon, or protist
2.Living being alive the condition of being alive
3.Dead not living NO longer living
4.Nonliving never been alive referring to something that has never been alive
5.Energy to do work energy used by organisms from the sun the capacity to do work Most energy used by organisms comes from the sun
6.Gas Exchange characteristic of life release gas from an organisms a characteristic of life Gas exchange occurs at the cellular level, with carbon dioxide,oxygen, and water vapor being the most common gases exchanged
7.Waste solids,liquids, gases the MUST be moved out of the cell Solids,liquids, or gases that are unusable by the cells of organisms and must be moved out of the cell
8.Environment surrounds an organism everything that surrounds and influences an organism
9.Adaptation behavior of an organism that allows it to survive any structure or behavior of an organism that allows it to survive in its environment
10.Dormant organism that is alive but not moving ( inative ) a state of suspended activity Dormant organisms are alive but inactive
11.Response an organism's reaction ( to the environment ) an organism's reaction to a stimulus in the environment
8 characteristics of Life 5 needs 3 functions
5 needs and 3 functions ( next 2 cards) 5 needs 1. Energy (food) 2. Water 3. Gas Exchange 4. Eliminate Waste 5. Suitable Environment 3 Functions 1. Growth 2. Reproduce 3. Responds to environment
Investigation 2 The Microscope
FOV chart Question Answers
1. What is the equation to calculate total magnification? multiply the magnification of BOTH lesens ( eyepiece + objective lens ) objective lens x eyepiece = TOTAL mag
2. Calculate the total magnification for each objective lens ( next card ) 4X ________X = _______X 10X________X = _______X 40X________X = _______X 4X- x 10X = 40X 10X- x 10X = 100X 40X- x 10 = 400X
3. Fill in the FOV chart (next card) Objective Lens Total Magnification Width of FOV 4X 10X 40X 4X- 40X-4mm 10X-100X-1.5mm (about) 40X-400X-0.4mm (about)
Investigation 3 The Cell
vocab remember term
1. Chlorophyll green in chloroplasts captures light to make sugars a green pigment in chloroplasts that captures light energy to make sugars during photosynthesis
2. Paramecia protist lives in fresh water and eats tiny organisms a ciliated protist that lives in fresh water and eats other tiny organisms for food
3. Multicellular Organism organism with MORE than one cell an organism made of more than one cell
4. Single-Celled Organism organism with ONE cell an organism made of one cell that carries out all the functions of life; also known as a unicellular organism
Cell Functions ( and structures ) Structures Functions
Cell Wall Plant Cell a rigid layer that supports the cell and provides shape just Plant cell
Cell Membrane All boundary that controls what enters and leaves the cell All cells
Cytoplasm All internal fluid that contains the cell structures All cells
Central Vacuole Plant Cell a membrane that stores water and other substances, and provides structure and support for the cell just Plant cell
Chloroplast Plant Cell an organelle that converts the sun's energy into food (sugars ) just Plant cell
Contractile Vacuole Protist Cell a membrane that stores water and expels excess water Protist cell
Food Vacuole Protist Cell a membrane that stores food and merges with lysosome to digest food Protist cell
Endoplasmic reticulum All a membranous structure that assembles proteins and parts of the cell membrane All
Mitochondria All an organelle that converts the energy in food into usable energy for the cell All
Nucleus All an organelle that contains the cell's genetic material ( DNA ), which determines the nature of cell structures and substances All
Ribosome All a structure that makes proteins, either free or bound to the surface of the endoplasmic reticulum All
Lysosome Protist and Animal Cell Protist-an organelle that digests cellular waste and merges with a food vacuole to digest food Animal- an organelle that digest cellular waste Protist and Animal cell
* Vacuole Animal Cell a membrane that stores water and other materials Animal Cell
*Eukaryotes All an organism made of cell or cells that contain a nucleus and organelles. All cells except bacteria and archaea are eukaryotic All
*Prokaryotes None a single-celled organism that has NO nucleus or organelles. All prokaryotes are bacteria or archaea None NOT a protist cell
Religion 12/14 Ch. 1-3 STUDY the Study Stack Study Guide and Key Religion next book
Ch. 1 How Do We Know God?
Vocab Remember term
1. Salvation History God's love for us reveals in stages and wants us to respond is the account of God's enduring love for us as he reveals who he is in stages and invites us to respond
2. Covenant agreement between God and his people a solemn agreement of faithfulness between God and his people
3. Sacred Scripture words expressed from humans word of God expressed in human words
4. Sacred Tradition passing the message from christ to apostles to successors process of passing on the Gospel message from Christ to the Apostles to their successors
Covenant Chart Covenant/ promise page 21
Noah (next card for promise) my covenant with you that would save a people and animals from the flood it will not dioppenagia
Abraham (next card for promise) I will multiply your (family) exceedingly
Moses (next card for promise) Tell the Israelites how I treated the Egyptians and brought you to eagles wing
Jesus (next card for promise) Would replace the old. This new covenant would last forever Salvation would last forever
Old vs New Testament Question Answer
1. What do we learn about in the Old Testament God's relationship with the people of Israel page 21
2. What do we learn about in the New Testament Story of Jesus - his mission, first followers, and beginning of the church page 21
3. There are _____ books in the Old Testament and _____ books in the New Testament 46 27
4. List the 4 subgroups of the Old Testament 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. Pentateuch - first five books of the Bible 2. Historical Books 3. Wisdom Books 4. Prophetic Books page 22
5. List the 4 Gospels in the New Testament 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. Matthew 2. Mark 3. Luke 4. John
Scared Scripture and Tradition Question Answer
How does the Church use both Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition to pass on the beliefs that God has revealed to us? Sacred scripture and tradition are one with the deposit of faith. The church doesn't just rely on scripture. God's church accepts, honors, both scripture and tradition. Church uses both scripture and tradition page 25-26 * have to READ to find answer
Ch.2 Who is God?
Vocab remember term
Divine Revelation God shows himself to us the way God reveals himself to us
Messiah anointed one anointed one; Jesus was anointed to bring salvation to the people of God
One God in Three Persons question answer
1. Who are the Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity? God the Father (god) God the Son (jesus) God the Holy Spirit (holy spirit) page 31
2. How is the Blessed Trinity most clearly revealed to us? life and teaching of Jesus page 31
3. How is the Holy Spirit present in the Creation story? What is the significance of this moment? The Holy Spirit is present in the Creation story as a “mighty wind moving over the water”. This is significant because it refers to the Spirit or Breath of God page 32
Ch. 3 Why did God Make Us?
Vocab Term
Sin a thought, word, deed, or action that goes against God's law
Heaven state of being in perfect friendship with God for all time
Hell separation from God and from true happiness forever
Prugatory period of time after a person dies when he or she is purified before entering eternity with God
Last Judgement the coming of Jesus Christ at the end of time to judge all people
Spiritual Works of Mercy acts of love that respond to the needs of people’s hearts, minds, and souls
Corporal Works of Mercy acts of love that respond to people’s physical and material needs
Human Being and Salvation question answer
1. How did God intend for us to live? Explain how human beings are different from all of God's other creations. We are made to live in loving community and relationship with one another and the Blessed Trinity. We are the “high point” of God’s creation and the only part of His creation called to share in God’s own life page 40
2. Why is faith necessary for our salvation? Faith enables us to believe in God and accept all that he has revealed to us page 41
Adam and Eve and Creation question answer page 43
(chart) Symbol Serpent Represents devil Meaning tempted our first parents to disobey God's command
(chart) Symbol Eating Fruit Represents freedom of choice Meaning we have free will, the power to chose good or evil
Question 1. What does God asking Adam and Eve to not eat the fruit from the Tree if the Knowledge of Good and Evil show is about our faith? Answer It shows that faith and friendship with God depends on complete trust in Him and on following His will for us page 43
2. The sin of the first humans took away their_____________________________ and _____________. original holiness justice page 44
3. Adam and Eve;s personal choice to turn from God was the first Sin. It is called _______________ _______________. Original sin weakened human nature and brought ignorance, stuffering, and _______ into the world. Original Sin death page 44
4. Explain how we all suffer from the effects of Original Sin, even though we are not personally responsible for that sin. Sin weakened human nature and brought ignorance, suffering, and death into the world page 44
5. In Genesis 3:15, God said a descendant of the first man and women would save humanity. The church calls this Scripture verse the protoevangelium, a Latin word meaning the " ____________________________" ( next card continues ) because it is the first announcement of the __________________ and Redeemer ( next card answer) First Gospel Messiah page 44
The Last Judgement question answer
1. How does Purgatory demonstrate God's mercy? It grants our soul an opportunity to be purged or cleansed of its attachments to sin so that we may dwell with God forever in Heaven page 45
The Works of Mercy question answer
1. List the 7 Corporal Works of Mercy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. Feed the hungry 2. Give drink to the thirsty 3. Clothe the naked 4. Visit the imprisoned 5. Shelter the homeless 6. Visit the sick 7. Bury the dead page 46
2. List the 7 Spiritual Works of Mercy 1. Admonish (counsel) the sinner 2. Instruct the ignorant 3. Counsel the doubtful 4. Comfort the sorrowful 5. Bear wrongs patiently 6. Forgive all injuries 7. Pray for the living and the dead page 46
Advent question answer
What does the circular shape of the advent wreath symbolize? God’s everlasting (complete and never-ending) love for us
What are the two colors of the liturgical of Advent? Purple and Pink
What do the 4 candles of Advent stand for? Hope, Peace, Joy, Love
Explain why advent is the "season if waiting". We are waiting for our savior's arrival
Reflect on some of our Advent reflections so far. Which one has struck out to you and why? How will you continue to prepare your heart for Jesus' coming at Christmas? I like the visio Divina because it showed all the ways of Jesus in different meanings and pictures
Literature- 12/15 vocab/ lit terms/ stories/ unseen STUDY the study guide papers in folder study stack vocab slides
vocab remember term
Unit 4 1. annul v syn. cancel ant. validate reduce to nothing invalid or void
2. blase adj syn. non changing ant. enthusiastic bored
3. bolster v syn. validate ant.weaken support give a boost
4. deplore v syn. lament ant. approve feel or express regret
5. frivolous adj syn. silly, foolish ant. serious not worthy of serious attention
6. muster v syn. mobilize, roster ant. dismiss, disband bring together service or battle
7. nonentity n syn. nobody ant. celebrity person or thing of NO importance
8. obsess v syn. preoccupy fill the mind, trouble
9. ornate adj syn. fancy ant. plain decorated splendid
10. oust v syn. eject ant. welcome remove out of a position or place
Unit 5 1. addendum n Add-on Added; Appendix or addition to a book or written document
2. aghast adj a ghost, disgust Filled with amazement, fear, disgust
3. ample adj large, surplus More than enough, spacious
4. apparition n Appear A ghost or ghostly figure; Unexplained or unusual appearance
5. assert v Forcefully claim To declare or state as truth, maintain or defend
6. cower v Coward- scared To crouch or shrink away in fear or shame
7. disdain v dis= negative Dis respect To look upon with scorn; refuse scornfully; A feeling of contempt
8.eptiaph n RIP, Bio Brief statement written on a tomb or gravestone
9. ethical adj Right way, Do the right thing Having to do with morals, right and wrong; Accordance with standards of right conduct; requiring a prescription for purchase
10. facetious adj Sarcasm not rude Humorous, not meant seriously
Unit 6 1. abashed adj. bashful- shy root word bash embarrassed, ashamed syn. humiliate ant. unembarrassed
2. aloof adj. being apart by choice standing apart from others by choice syn. distant ant. involved
3. anguish n,v suffering metal ( inside ) GREAT mental suffering; deep pain or sorrow syn. misery ant. delight, joy
4. articulate v,adj talking slow and understandable words, articles pronounce distinctly. express in words together in a system; language expressed clearly sny. expound ant. mumbled
5. bask v ex. lizards bask in the sun to be in; pleasure in, derive enjoyment from syn. revel
6. defect n desert ( study hard ) imperfection, flaw syn. error ant. correctness, accuracy
7. finesse n,v smooth= clever, skillful = smooth delicate skill, cleverness; accomplish cleverness, good judgement syn. delicacy ant. clusimness
8. flaunt v show off ( mommy ) wave, flutter showily syn. show off ant. hide
9. forthright adj right - straight not complex direct, straightforward syn. candid ( open ) ant. indirect, two-faced
10. genial adj genial = GENIE- from Aladdin pleasantly cheerful or warm syn. friendly ant. unfriendly, cold
Ribbons 1.Who are all the characters in the story 2.Who is Stacy and what did she do in the story (all facts) 3. Who is the grandmother (all facts) 4. What is the plot diagram for the story the main idea, topic (amigo brother next card) Amigo Brothers 1. Who are the main characters 2.What is this story about 3. Will the friendship survive 4. What is the plot diagram for this story (Ribbons and Amigo Brothers answers next card ) Ribbons 1. 2. 3. 4. Amigo Brothers 1. 2. 3. 4.
Literary Terms Plot meaning/ definition events of the story in GC
Exposition introduction of the characters and basic situation
Conflict a struggle between opposing forces that drives the action of the story
Rasing action the portion of the story where the conflict increases
Climax peak of action and conflict
Falling action portion of the story where the conflict decreases
Resolution outcome of the conflict
Short story genre of fiction that is a short story ( just likes it sounds )
Internal conflict character faces something within themself
External conflict character faces something outside themself
Direct Characterization told upfront a character's traits
Indirect Characterization INFER character's traits
Protagonist main character
Antagonist makes life hard/difficult for the protagonist
Flat character not complex
Round character has layers, interesting
Static character Don't change in the story STAtic = STAys ( stays the same )
Dynamic character change big time change in the story from start to end
Man vs Man struggle a character faces against another character/person ( next card ) ex. frozen Anna and Olaf. Olaf is snow BUT acts like a person so it is man vs man
Man vs Self struggle a character must make a hard/ difficult decision about themself
Man vs Nature struggle a character faces with extreme or dangerous weather conditions or animal, someone vs nature
Man vs Society struggle a character faces against people in charge or the man made "rules"
Social Studies ( SS )- 12/15 Ancient Egypt and India vocab and questions STUDY the Egypt and India test exam study guide and key study stack slides
vocab- egypt remember term
cataract unsafe fast moving waters Dangerous, fast-moving waters
delta marshy land where the river flows A fan-shaped area of marshy land near where a river flows into the sea
dynasty family of rulers A line of rulers from one family
hieroglyphics writing system A writing system made up of picture and sounds symbols
papyrus plant A reed plant that grows along the Nile River.
Questions - egypt answer
Describe the importance of the Nile River to Egyptians. The river’s overflow carried rich soil to its banks; the river was the drinking and bathing water source; crops could grow near the river. Cataracts kept out invaders. Marshy delta kept out enemies.
How did the ancient Egyptians depend on the Nile River to grow their crops? The Nile provided fertile soil for farming.
How did Egypt become united? King Narmer united lower and upper Egypt.
How did the flooding of major rivers affect both the Mesopotamians and the Egyptians? The Mesopotamians could not predict or control the flooding of their rivers, and as a result, property and lives were often lost. The floods in Egypt were regular and predictable, so people could plan their lives around them.
How was ancient Egypt governed? Governed by a dynasty - a family of rulers. Theocracy, egypt had a theocracy government
What ways did religion affect life in ancient Egypt? Religion affected all parts in life, egyptians worshiped many Gods and Goddess, they believe gods controlled nature, also they believed life after death was better than present day
Why did the Egyptians build the pyramids? Egyptians build the pyramids so they would protect the body from floods, wild animals, and grave robbers
How was Egyptian society organized? Egyptians had 4 social classes, Ruler, Upper class, Middle class, and Lower class
Why was the Middle Kingdom a “golden age” for Egypt? The Middle Kingdom was a golden age because it was a time of power, wealth, and achievements, during egypt took new land
What were the effects of Akhenaten and Tut’s rule over their people? Akhenaton changed the religion and he was unliked, Tut was young and restored the religion back to what it was
What were the accomplishments of: Ahmose, Hatshepsut, Thutmose III, Tut, Ramses ll Ahmose Egypt grew richer and powerful Hatshepsut Used trade to expand the empire First woman to rule Thutmose lll Used war to expand the empire ( next card to finish answer ) Amenhotep lV Started a new religion Tut Restored old religion Ruled at 10 years old Ramses ll Took back lots of territory Built temples
Why did the Egyptian empire decline in the late 1200s bce? When Ramses ll power faded, the Libyans, Kush, and Assyrians from Mesopotamia and attacked with better weapons
vocab- india term
subcontinent a large landmass smaller than a continent
monsoon seasonal wind, especially in the Indian Ocean and southern Asia
sanskrit writing the first written language of India
vedas ancient sacred writings of India
raja an Indian prince
guru a teacher
Hinduism Major religion that developed in ancient India; main belief; all souls are part of one universal spirit.
Brahman The universal spirit worshipped by Hindus
reincarnation The idea that the soul is reborn into many different lives
dharma A person’s personal duty, based on the individual’s place in society
karma A god or bad force created by a person’s actions; it determines whether a person’s soul will be reborn into a higher or lower form of life.
Buddhism Religion founded by Siddhartha Gautama, main belief: inner peace comes from ending desire.
nirvana A state of perfect happiness that is achieved after giving up all desires.
Jainism Religion that does not believe in a supreme being; it emphasizes nonviolence and respect for all living things
Questions- india answer
How did physical geography and climate influence the development of civilization in India? The geography gives a protective wall so no invaders come in, the rivers are good to live by,
The two oldest civilized towns excavated in ancient India were the town of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro. What was found in these towns by archaeologists? Houses 35,000 people
What came about during the Aryan civilization? nomads became farmers • made up of groups who spoke similar languages • made iron tools • developed language of Sanskrit • lived in groups ruled by rajas (next card to finish answer) Indo-European their written language, sanskrit
List important aspects of the Indus Valley Civilization and the Aryan Civilization Indus valley Crops grew in rich soil Houses No written records Traded with Mesopotmains First civilization Aryan Were nomadic Sanskrit Became farmers Made tools Lived in groups (next card to finish answer) developed the varna system 2. used mud bricks to make buildings 3. grew rice, wheat, and barley 4. used the Sanskrit language 5. built large cities with paved streets
Were all members of Athenian society guaranteed equal rights after Cleisthenes introduced these changes?
Explain the religious cycle of Hinduism. Hindus believe that the soul goes through reincarnation. A person is born into a jati. If they follow the dharma of their jati, they make good karma and the cycle starts again.
Hindus believe their soul will eventually join Brahman. How? By following their dharma and having good karma.
Why do Buddhists follow the Eightfold Path? To reach nirvana.
Contrast Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. Hinduism Dharma, karma, Brahman Buddhism Buddha, eightfold path, Jainism Ahimas ( don’t harm any living creature )
Compare and contrast the Mauryan and Gupta Empires. Mauryan Empire: • the Mauryan dynasty began in 321 b.c. • Chandra Gupta set up a well-organized government in the capital city of Pataliputra; built strong army; spy system • Chandra Gupta’s grandson, the ruler, Ashoka, spent his life making peace; first Gupta Empire: • founded in 320 a.d. by a ruler also named Chandra Gupta; ruled from old capital city of Pataliputra • Chandra Gupta’s son, Samudra Gupta, became ruler and created a golden age with art and literature • temples were built to honor Hindu god
Math- 12/16 Ls. 3-1 to 3-5 Ordered pairs Graph label Exponents Greatest Common Factor Least Common Multiple Numerical and Algebraic Expressions
Question Answer Look on study guide
vocab Base # repeatedly multiplied
Power Evaluate # written using exponents find the value of the power ( answer the question )
Exponet repeated multiplication
Prime # Composite # # that has NO factors than 1 # that has more than ONE factor
Prime factorization trying to get the smallest # from the whole
Greatest Common Factor Least Common Multiple greatest # between both #'s in the problem least multiple NOT including zero (0) common # between both #'s
Factor Tree shows prime factorization of a compstite #
Numerical expression math expression that contains #'s and at least ONE operation (PEMDAS)
PEMDAS P- Parentheses and Brackets E- Evaluate powers ( solve the exponents) M- Multiply (left to right) D- Divide ( left to right) A- Add ( left to right) S- Subtract ( left to right ) Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally
variable letter or symbol that represents unknown quantity
algebraic expression type of math expression with at least ONE variable and operation (PEMDAS)
term expression separated by a + or - sign
coefficient # that is multiplied by a variable
substitution to replace the variable with a #
Coordinate Planes x axis y axis ordered pairs Area Perimeter ( term/answer on next card)
English - 12/16 Journals, Grammar, RACEE
Journals topic date
Illinois FORM is a root that has to do with SHAPING 10/20
Indiana FRAC is a root word that has to do with BREAKING ( What are the examples ) ex. fraction, fracture 10/21
Iowa MAL is a root word that has to do with something BAD ( what are the examples ) ex. No you want the Dr. to say you don't have magliument news 10/22
Kansas MIT is a root word that means to send ( what are the examples ) ex. submit, omit 10/25
Massachusetts An exploratory essay is? An Expository essay is? An exploratory essay is another word for a research paper. Expository essays involve researching or looking up facts that will be in a presented. This research may include examples/ quotes from text or outside research from other materials 11-2-21
Michigan analysis of figurative language 11-3-21
Montana Remember, when a sentence begins with an introductory phrase or clause, you will most often use a comma at the end of the phrase 11-9-21
Nebraska After the adjustment for inflation real wages have decreased while corporate profits have grown Where does the comma go? After the adjustment for inflation, real wages have decreased while corporate profits have grown 11-11-21
New Hampshire As a result of the rain the parade was cancelled Where is does the comma go? As a result of the rain, the parade was cancelled 11-15-21
New Jersey MORT is a root word that means DEATH ( what are the examples ) ex. mortal, morify, inmortal 11-16-21
New Mexico MULTI is a root word that means DEATH ( what are the examples ) mortal, morify, inmortal 11-17-21
New York MATER is a root word meaning MOTHER PATER is a root word for FATHER ( what are the examples ) ex. maternal, maternity leave Paternal, paternity leave 11-18-21
North Carolina PORT is a root word meaning CARRY ( What are the examples ) portage means to carry, a boat, portal 11-29-21
Grammar DO/IO/OP SC Adjectives Placement Types of Adjectives Word Choice How to do it
DO/IO/OP vocab ( * important words ) DO IO OP Verb DO- direct object IO- indirect object OP/P- Object of the preposition/ Preposition Verb- action word ( how to do it, next card ) 1. Preponstions () 2. Verb (subject) 3. DO 4. IO ( * MUST be a noun ) * NOT every sentence has a DO or IO
SC vocab ( * important words ) Subject Subject Complement ( SC ) Prepositions Linking Verb Noun and Adjective Subject- person or thing in a sentences that is described with detail Subject Complement (SC)- complements the subject Prepositions- word before a noun Linking Verb- describes the subject Noun- person, place, or thing Adjective-describes something 1. Preponstional phase 2. Linking Verb 3. Subject 4. Subject Complement 5. is the SC a noun or adjective
Adjective Placement vocab ( * important words ) Before the Noun (BN) After the Noun (AN) Subject Complement (SC) Object Complement (OC) BN- adjective that is before the noun (ex.Playful puppy) AN- adjective that is set off by commas (ex.assignment, complicated and difficult,) SC- has a linking verb and complements the subject (ex.Test was easy) OC- no linking verb (ex.Beans too spicy) BN- adj,noun AN- commas SC- linking verb OC- no linking verb
Types of Adjectives vocab ( * important words ) Demonstrative (DEM) Interrogative (INT) Indefinite (IND) DEM- this, that, these, those INT- what, which, whose IND- not specific- all, many,much,several,few,both,either,no,each,some,any,every,all,most,ect Dem- demonstrate Int- question, interrogate Ind- unsure, not specific
Word Choice Regular your its to- verb or preposition Non-Regular you're- you are it's- it is their- mine, ownership there- place they're- they are then- next, then, last than- comparing two- #2 too- also, very
RACEE R- Restate- don't answer question A- Answer- small detail answer C- Cite/ evidence to support answer E- Elaborate- explain more about the cite E- Explain- conclusion * IMPORTANT * DON'T use PRONOUNS USE transition words
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