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SOCY-121 Chapter 9


Race a group of people who share a set of characteristics- typically, but not always, physical ones- and are said to share a common bloodline
Racism the belief that members of separate races possess different and unequal traits
Scientific Racism 19th Century theories of race that characterize a period of feverish investigation into the origins, explanations, and classifications of race
Ontological equality the philosophical and religious notion that all people are created equal
Social Darwinism the application of darwinan ideas to society-namely, the evolutionary "survival of the fittest"
Eugenics literally meaning "well born" a pseudoscience that posutlates that controlling the fertility of populationas could influence inheritble traits pass on from gen to gen
Nativism the movement to protect and preserve indigenous land or culture from the allegedly dangerous and polluting effect on new immagrants
One Drop Rule the belief that one drop of black blood makes a persone black, a concept that evolved from US laws forbidding miscegenation
Miscengation interational marriage
Racialization the formation of a new racial identity by drawing ideologial boundaries of difference around a formerly unnoticed group of people
Ethnicity one's ethnic quality or affiliation, it is voluntary/self defined/nonhierarchal/fluid and multiple, based on cultural differences, not physical
Symobolic Ethnicity a nationality, not in the sense of carrying the rights and duties of citizenship but of identifying with a past of future nationality. For later generations of white ethnices, something not constrainig but easily expressed, with no risks of stigma and all
Straight line Assimilation Robert Park's 1920's universal and linear model for how immigrants assimilate: they first arrive, then settle in, and achieve full assimilation in a newly homogenous country
Primordialism Clifford Geertz's term to explain the strength of ethnic ties because they are fixed and deeply felt or primordial ties to one's homeland culture
Pluralism the presence and engaged coexistence of numberous distinct groups in one society
Segregations the legal or social practice of separating people on the basis of their race or ethnicity
Genocide the mass killing of a group of people based on racial, ethnic, or religious traits
Subaltern a subordinate group of people
Collective Resistance an organized effort to change a power hierarchy on the part of a less powerfull group in a society
Prejudice thoughts and feelings about an ethnic or racial group, which lead to preconceived notions and negative judgments about the group
Discrimination harmful or negative acts (not mere thoughts) against people deemed inferior on the basis of their racial category, without regard to their individual merit
Color Blind Racism the view that racial inequality is perpetuated by a supposedly color-blind stance that ends up reinfocing historical and contemporary inequities, disparate impact, and institutional bias by ignoring them in favor of a technically neutral approach
Institutional Racism institutions and social dynamics that may seem race neutral but actually disadvantage minority groups
Created by: ambermaclean12
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