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These are the nonliving factors of the environment Abiotic
The different layers of gases that extend from the surface of the Earth into space Atmosphere
This is an organism that obtains its energy from inorganic substances or from the sun Autotroph
Number and variety of living organisms; includes genetic, species, and ecological types Biodiversity
A pathway by which a chemical element or molecule moves through both biotic and abiotic compartments of an ecosystem Biogeochemical Cycle
This is the total amount of all living things within a specific area. Biomass
This is a group of plants and animals in the same region that have adapted together to the region's environment. Biome
These are all the living organisms on earth. Biotic
This is an organism that gets energy by eating meat, living or dead. Carnivore
The maximum population which an area can maintain indefinitely. Carrying Capacity
These are the general weather conditions of an area over a long period of time. Climate
This is the interaction of two organisms where one is helped and the other is neither helped nor harmed. Commensalism
These are the groups of plants and animals that interact within an ecosystem. Community
This occurs when 2 or more organisms or populations in a community rely or need similar limiting resources. Competition
Land areas that are close to a body of water or groundwater, or land areas that are flooded regularly; they support vegetation adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands
This is the plant life of a region; it often refers to the ground cover provided by plants Vegetation
An ecosystem dominated by lichens, mosses, grasses, and woody plants. It is generally found at high latitudes. It is described as having a marshy surface where mosses, lichens, berries and low shrubs grow with mucky soil and permafrost underneath. Tundra
This is a term use to describe an ecological community in which moisture and temperature are high. Tropical
This is the position that an organism occupies in a food chain - what it eats, and what eats it. Trophic Level
This is a type of pollution associated with increases of water temperatures in a stream, lake, or ocean due to the discharge of heated water from industrial processes, such as the generation of electricity. Thermal Pollution
This is a term used to describe a region between polar zones and the tropics with warm summers, cold winters and sufficient precipitation to support its species. Temperate
This is a northern hemisphere habitat with wet soil. Taiga
This is an interdependent relationship between two different species. Symbiosis
This is the set of skills and abilities necessary for an organism to live. Survival
This is the regular progression of species replacement that occurs after a disturbance, such as natural disaster, or during the establishment of a new habitat. Succession
This is a type of photochemical air pollution that is a result of the interaction of sunlight with certain chemicals in the atmosphere. This type of air pollution is very hazardous to you health. Smog
An animal that eats the dead remains and wastes of other animals and plants. Scavenger
A tropical grassland with sparse trees. Savanna
This is one of the seven major biomes in which rainfall amounts are high and flora and fauna vary greatly; at least one-half of the the world's species are contained in these and primary productivity is extremely high. Rain Forest
This is an organism that supplies matter and energy, also known as an autotroph. Producer
An animal that is killed and eaten by another animal. Prey
This is an animal that lives by preying on other animals. Predator
Water for a given biome. Precipitation
This is the way in which a species' population grow and shrink over time. Population Dynamics
The number of individuals of a species per unit area. Population Density
All the individuals of a species that live together in one place at the same time Population
This is the permanently frozen stratum below the artic tundra. Permafrost
This is an organism which feeds on, but usually does not kill, a larger organism. Parasite
This is an organism obtains energy by eating both plants and animals. Omnivore
These are organisims that are brought into a new environment, sometimes accidently, sometimes on purpose; and have no natural enemies or controls. Non-native Species
This is the role of a species in an ecosystem, consisting of such things as what it eats, when it eats, and where it lives. Niche
This is the interaction of two organisms where both benefit. Mutualism
This is an example of mutualistic symbiosis between the organisms of fungus and a photosynthetic alga. Lichen
This is an organism that gains energy by eating only plants. Herbivore
The area where an organism lives its life including the living and nonliving factors. Habitat
One of several types of terrestrial biomes, where grasses form the predominant vegetation, usually mixed with herbs and sometimes with shrubs, but usually without trees. Grassland
This H2O contains no significant amounts of salt. Access to this is a critical issue for the survival of many species, including humans, especially in desert or otherwise arid areas. Freshwater
A representation of the linkages between food chains in a community. Food Web
This is a path for the transfer of matter and energy through an ecosystem by eating and being eaten. Food Chain
The thin zone along a coastline where freshwater systems and rivers meet and mix with a salty ocean (such as a bay, mouth of a river, salt marsh, lagoon). Estuary
This is the biotic and abiotic factors that act upon organisms and affect their survival. Environment
This display graphically shows the energy that is available at each trophic level in a a food chain. Energy Pyramid
Populations and abiotic factors with which they interact in the setting of a community. Ecosystem
This is the study of organisms and their interactions with the environment. Ecology
This is characterized by the transition in species composition of a biological community, often following an ecological disturbance of the community; the establishment of a biological community in an area virtually barren of life. Ecological Succession
An extremely dry period where water is far below typical levels. Drought
This is a heterotrophic organism that consumes dead or decayed tissue and helps to recycle nutrients in an ecosystem Detritivore
Arid region that receives less than 10 inches of precipitation annually. Desert
This is the act of exhausting, or using up, a resource. Depletion
This is a limiting factor of a population that does not depend on the population density. These factors are usually abiotic factors. Density Independent Limiting Factor
This is a limiting factor of a population in which large, dense populations are more strongly affected than small, less crowded ones. Density Dependent Limiting Factor
This is the removal of trees and the conversion of forest lands to farmlands, logged areas, or cities. Deforestation
This is an organism that breaks down and gains nutrients from dead organisms. Decomposer
This is a plant that loses all its leaves during a particular season each year. Different pigments in the leaf are revealed as the leaves die and fall. Deciduous
This law states that, in any process, energy is neither created nor destroyed. It can only be converted from one form to another. Conservation Of Energy
This is the process of preserving or protecting a natural resource. Conservation
This is a classification of plant growth within a cold, wet biome known as a taiga; the plants in this are cone-bearing gymnosperms. Coniferous Forest
Created by: jacquelinestory
Popular Biology sets




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