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Orientation in space

as part of AS91603 NCEA L3 Biology

Chemo- Prefix for chemical stimulus
chemotaxis The movement of an animal towards or away from a chemical stimulus.
chemotropism Plant growth response towards or away from a chemical stimulus.
homing The ability of an animal to return to its home site over unfamiliar and familiar territory. It occurs on a regular (e.g., daily) basis.
hydro- Prefix for water.
gravi- (or geo-) Prefix for gravity.
gravitropism A plant growth response towards (+ve) or away (-ve) from the stimulus of gravity.
hydrotropism A plant growth response towards or away from the stimulus of water.
innate behaviour A fixed response to a stimulus, controlled by genes.
kinesis Non-directional movement response in animals in which the rate of activity is determined by the intensity of the stimulus.
klinokinesis Non-directional movement response in animals in which the rate of turning is determined by the intensity of the stimulus... faster in unfavourable conditions and slower in favourable conditions.
learned behaviour Behaviour which is modified by experience.
magnetic compass Ability of animals to use Earth’s magnetic field lines for orientation and navigation.
migration The mass movement, typically annually, of animals over a long distance between two habitats. One habitat is normally a breeding or feeding area.
navigation Determining the position relative to other locations.
nastic responses A plant turgor response that is independent of the direction of the stimulus. Not a growth response. Rapid and reversible e.g. sensitive plant (Mimosa).
orientation The ability of organisms to determine their location in relation to environmental stimuli.
orthokinesis Non-directional movement response in animals in which the speed of movement is determined by the intensity of the stimulus... faster in unfavourable conditions and slower in favourable conditions.
photo- Prefix for light.
phototaxis Movement of an organisms towards or away from a light stimulus.
phototropism Plant growth response toward or away from a light stimulus.
solar navigation Using the position of the sun to navigate. NB: requires an internal clock to compensate for changing position of sun in sky.
star compass Ability of an animal to orientate and navigate using the pattern of stars.
stellar navigation Using the stars to navigate.
stimulus A change in the environment which causes a response in an organism.
Sun compass Ability of an animal to orientate and navigate using the sun’s position. NB: requires an internal clock to compensate for changing position of sun in sky.
taxis The movement of an organism towards (+ve) or away from (-ve) a directional stimulus.
thigmo- Prefix for touch (physical contact).
thigmonasty A plant non-directional turgor response to the stimulus of touch (e.g. leaves close).
thigmotropism A plant growth response towards (+ve) or away from (-ve) the stimulus of touch (contact).
tropism A plant growth response to towards or away from a directional stimulus.
Created by: NZARoberts
Popular Ecology sets




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