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Cellular Structure

Cell structures ^__^

Plasma Membrane Gateway of the cell. Made of a phospholipid bilayer; semi permeable. Protects the cell.
Cell wall Protects the cell in plants and bacteria. Made up of cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, pectin.
Nucleus "Command center." Controls all cell activities. Stores hereditary information.
Cytoplasm where the organelles float
Rough ER Synthesizes secretory and membrane proteins. With ribosomes.
Smooth ER Synthesize lipids and cholesterols; detoxifies. No ribosomes
Golgi body Modifies, sorts, packs, and delivers materials synthesized in the cell.
Lysosome Suicide bag of the cell. Performs autolysis. Digests large molecules.
Vacuoles stores substances
Mitochondria the powerhouse of the cell
Plastids makes and stores food in plant and algae
Chromoplasts plastids that produces and stores pigments in plants
Leucoplasts plastids that store food (lipid and protein)
Chloroplasts Plastids that convert light energy into chemical energy. Absorbs red light and reflects green light.
Centrosome helps in the movement of chromosome in cell division
Cytoskeleton determines and strengthens strucure of the cell
Chromatins Located in the nucleus. Long strands of DNA.
Nucleolus contains rRNA
Transmembrane protein material transport
Glycoprotein carbohydrate + protein
Plasmodesmata passes communication signals in plants, from cell to cell in plants
Carotenoids cause of other colors in plants
Capsule Causes surface attachments in bacteria. Uses camouflage to not be recognized by immune system. Protects bacteria.
G+ Cell Wall Thick layer of peptidoglycan in bacterial cell wall
G- Cell wall Thin layer of peptidoglycan in bacterial cell wall
Plasmids Circular DNA that contain antibiotic resistance properties.
Pilli Tubular outgrowth responsible for the creation of conjugation tube.
Conjugation transfer of DNA from one bacterium to another through cell to cell contact.
Flagellum responsible for motility and cell movement in bacteria.
70S Ribosome Prokaryotic ribosome
80S Ribosome Eukaryotic ribosome
Svedberg unit (S) unit used for sedimentation
Chemoattractants Chemical of nutrients that attract bacterial cells. Counterclockwise.
Chemorepellants Chemicals in toxic substances that repel bacterial cells. Clockwise flagella movement.
Helical screw (Filament) Responsible for rotation
Switch Part of the Basal Body. Orders the helical screw. (FliG, FliM, FliN)
Basal Body Detailed parts of the flagella. Commands the Helical Screw
Hook Universal joint. Connects the Basal body and the Helical Screw
Microfilaments aka actin filaments
Microtubules aka tubuline filaments
Intermediate filaments filaments that contain other protein
Peroxisome organelle responsible for oxidation
Lanellae connecting tubes between thylakoids
Thylakoids flat hollow membrane disks in chloroplasts
Granum Thylakoid stacks
Stroma contains DNA, ribosomes, and enzymes (chloroplasts)
Created by: mararomilla
Popular Biology sets




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