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Bio Test 01/10/2020

What is a hypothesis An educated guess of the answer to your question
Steps of the scientific method Observation, Hypothesis, Controlled experiment, Collect data, Forming a conclusion, Compare conclusion with existing knowledge, Report and publish result, Develop theory.
Random selection A process of choosimg without a method to be scientifically tested
Replicate To repeat the test
Double blind testing When neither the tester nor the patient knows what threatment was given
Placebo A substance with no medication used as control
What's an experiment A controlled test where only 1 variable is changed at a time
Food is needed for.... Energy, Growth of new cells, Repair of damaged existing cells
Food also supplies the material and energy for the processes of... Metabolism Continuity
Food is made up of 6 chemical elements Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Sulpher
Salts are made up of... Sodium, Magnesium, Clorine, Potassium, Calcium
What are the 3 trace elements Iron, Copper, Zinc
Carbon, oxygen and hydrogen are required for... Making carbohydrates, fats, proteins, DNA and vitamins in an organism
Nitrogen is required for Making all proteins (hair, nails, enzymes, hormomes)
Phosphorus is an essential element in.. DNA
Sulphur is an essential element in.. Enzymes
Carbohydrates is made of 3 element Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen
The chemical formula I learned is Cx (H2O)y e.g C6 H12 O6, If x is 6 then whatever is after H or something else is the number u multiply by
What is a bio molecule An organic chemical produced and found in a living organism
What is the structural role of bio molecules The function/job of carbohydrates, fats, proteins in making various parts of living things
There are w cell structures Cellulose Chitin
Where is cellulose found and what is it's other name Found in plant cell walls, Polysaccharide
Where is chitin found in and what's it's name Found in fungal cell walls and exoskeletons. Polysaccharide
Proteins are like what in nature Fibrous threadlike
Name the 2 proteins and their structural role Keratin - protein in skin hair and nails. Myosin - protein in muscle
Structural role of lipids are.. Heat insulation, Protection around organs
Name the 2 major components in cell membranes Phospholipids, Lipoproteins
Metabolic role of bio molecules The function of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins in the chemical reactions in cells making various substances for living things
What does metabolism mean All the chemical reactions in cells
Respiration is... Photosynthesis is... Respiration is catabolism, Photosynthesis is anabolism
All enzymes are... And have a... ..., Enzymes control the... In cells All enzymes are PROTEINS amd have a FOLDED SHAPE, enzymes control the CHEMICAL REACTIONS in cells
2 types of proteins by their shape. Globular and Fibrous
Globular proteins are... Long straight chains of AMINO ACIDS with LOTS of foldings, they are the ones that have a metabolic role
Fibrous proteins are... Long chains of AMINO ACIDS with LESS foldings and are involved in structural role
Vitamin C is made up of... Water soluble and ASCORBIC acid
Vitamin C's function is... Building connective tissue, e.g ligaments, blood vessels, skin
Vitamin D is made up of... Calciferol and fat soluble
Vitamin D's function is... Absorb calcium from food
Source of vitamin d Dairy products, egg yolks
What are minerals They are salts formed from the earth's rocks, these mineral salts then dissolve in water and are absorbed by plants, very small amounts
In plants what does calcium form Middle Lamela
In plants what does magnesium form Chlorophyll
In plants what does iron form Enzymes
In plants what is copper needed for Electron transfer chain
In animal's what does calcium form Bones
In animal's waht does magnesium form Bones
In animal's what does iron form Haemoglobin which carries oxygen
In amimals what is copper needed for Electron transfer chain
Name some of the physical properties of water Slow to heat up and cool down, Good absorber of energy, movement of material, controls cell shape, universal solvent, medium for metabolism, reactant/product
Organelles I need to know Cell membrane, Nucleus, Mitochondria, Chloroplast, Ribosomes, DNA, Cell wall, Vacuole
Eukaryote Organisms whose cells contain a nucleus and other membrane bound organelles
Prokaryotes Organisms whose cels never contain a nucleus and other membrane bound organelles.
Diffusion Movement of molecules from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration of that molecule, NO ENERGY REQUIRED
Active transport Movement of molecules from a less crowded to a more crowded area WITH THE USE OF ENERGY. Molecules are carried into or out of the cell using some of the cell's energy.
Osmosis DOESN'T REQUIRE ENERGY. A type of diffusion, the movement of water from a high concentration to a low concentration of water
Osmosis occurs across a what type of membrane Semi permeable membrane
Osmosis occurs in eveyday life, how? Food gets preserved with the use of salt or sugar, the loss of water in bacteria and fungus kills them which makes the food last longer e.g jam
Membranes can be 3 types of permeable Permeable - let's everything in and out. Semi permeable - let's some things in and out. Impermeable - let's nothing in and out
What is turgid The pressure of the contents of a cell against the cell wall.
What are Enzymes Enzymes are catalysts made up of protein that speeds up a reaction without being used up in the reaction
Most Enzymes are ... Proteins Globular proteins
The substance that an enzyme acts on is it's... Substrate
The substance that the enzyme forms in is called the.... Product
Enzymes = .... Product Maltose
Enzymes are... Which means they only act on.... Enzymes are SUBSTRATE SPECIFIC which means they only act on 1 SUBSTRATE
Created by: balazs7491
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