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Child Dev. Obj. 1.01

Words related to families

healthy relationship characterized by respect, sharing, trust, and support between two people
expanding family a childbearing family: has one or more young children
launching family a family with middle age parents and children leaving home for college, etc.
mid-years family a pre-retirement family, no children at home
variations families that do not follow the "typical" life cycle stages
nuclear includes husband, wife, and one or more of their biological children
extended includes all relatives in a family, such as grandparents, aunts, uncles. and cousins
transition period a period of changing from one time in life to another
authority figure the person in charge of a family
mutual support equal support from each parent in the family
"instant family" children that come along with a marriage in a blended family
physical needs maintaining wellness of the human body and avoiding illness
esteem needs feeling good about yourself and accepting a realistic view of your strengths and weaknesses
self-actualization needs to become what we are capable of becoming
youthful perspective seeing the world through the eyes of a child or young person
personal growth learning about oneself
family continuation carrying on family traditions and values
lifestyle changes changes in the way you spend your daily schedule due to adding a child to the family
Created by: eglbrown
Popular Family and Consumer sets




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