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Adv. Vas. Son.

Test 4 TCD

Facts about the TCD "Free-hand" Method No imaging, Relies on sample vol depth, flow direction, & vel to identify vessels, Can be performed bilaterally, Simultaneously w/ proper gear
Facts about the TCD "Free-hand" probe Single crystal-2 MHz Doppler, multi-gated Doppler, Small footprint TD
What is used with TCD imaging? Phased array, B-mode image, Color, Spectral, Unilateral method
What is TCD & TCI used to serial monitor? MCA & other intracranial vessels for vasospasm
What is TCD & TCI used to evaluate? Intracranial aneurysm & arteriovenous malformation, Basilar artery occlusion, Intracranial ICA stenosis, Monitoring vasospastic effects of sickle cell anemia, Confirmation of brain death
TCD & TCI is an adjunct to what? Extracranial exam
Basilar artery forms from what? The verterbrals in the back of the head
What are some exclusive applications of TCD? Microemboli detection during carotid surgery, CABG & carotid PTA/stenting, Cerebral autoregulation-vasoreactivity to CO2, Detection of Rt-Lt cardiac shunts, Monitoring of real-time blood flow to brain during surgical procedures
What does PTA stand for? Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty
Transcranial surveillance for micro-emboli using bilateral TCD TDs do what? Monitor both hemispheres simultaneously, Record long periods of Spectral Doppler info, 2 MHz TDs are inserted into the lateral probe holders & adjusted to receive signal from the MCAs
Opthalmic artery facts: Feeds the eye, is the first major branch of the internal carotid artery (ICA)
Petrous ICA facts: Courses through the petrous portion of the temporal bone & is inaccessible to ultrasound
Cavernous ICA facts: AKA the Carotid Siphon, Consists of: Parasellar portion, Genu portion (the bend), & Supraclinoid portion (distal segment)
What is the course of the Middle Cerebral Arteries (MCA)? Laterally towards the temporal cone with a number of branches
MCA facts: Carry 75-80% of ICA flow, Larger than the ACAs
M1 segment facts: From the MCA origin to the first branch
M2 segment facts: MCA distal to the first branch
What is the course of the Anterior Cerebral Arteries (ACA)? Medially towards the midbrain (A1 segment)
ACA facts: Gives rise to the anterior communicating artery (AcoA), this vessel courses between the 2 ACAs
What is the course of the A2 segment? Anteriorly to supply the anterior segments of the brain
Patients with incomplete circles are more likely to experience what? Stroke in the present of carotid artery stenosis/occlusion, Collateral pathways are significantly reduced, Posterior & anterior communicating arteries provide collateral pathways w/in the COW
In the presence of an ICA occlusion what will happen? Flow from the contralateral ACA can "cross=fill" via the anterior communicating artery, Flow will course retrograde in the ipsilateral ACA to supple the MCA and the lateral hemisphere
Other collateral pathways that may develop with ICA occlusion include? Retrograde flow in supraorbital & branches of the ophthalmic artery, This pathway reconstitues the supraclinoid segment of the ICA w/ blood flow being supplied by communicating ECA branches
Flow can reverse direction in the supraorbital arteries (supplied by the ECA branches) to provide what? Blood flow to the distal ICA
Posterior Cerebral Arteries (PCA) facts: Perfuse posterior hemisphere, Wrap around the cerebral peduncle, P1 segment courses from origin (Basilar a.) to posterior communicating artery(PCoA), P2 segment is distal to the PCoA
What are the 4 common approaches for Intracranial exam to look at the cerebral vasculature? Trantemporal, Transorbital, Transoccipital, and Submandibular
Transtemporal TCD window facts: Over temporal bone & superior to the zygomatic arch (cheek bone), 65-70% loss of US energy due to bone structure & size of acoustic "window", No access in 10% of population due to thickness of bone segment
What might affect the bone thickness for a transtemporal window? As people age it gets thicker and post-menopausal women
What arteries are accessible with the transtemporal window? MCA, ACA, MCA/ACA bifurcation, PCA, Terminus ICA, PCoA & ACoA maybe, if functioning as collateral pathways with lots of flow
What are the TCD windows for transoribital? ICA siphon, Ophthalmic artery, Must use very low Doppler output power for this window!!!!!
Lower output power for what view? Transorbital
What are the TCD windows for the Suboccipital- Foramen Magnum? Basilar artery, and Vertebral arteries
Circle of Willis (COW) Anomalies: 50% of the pop have an intact & functioning COW (estimated), Only 25% have the classic configuration, W/ a disrupted COW, the ability to perfuse from the contralateral side is impaired
TCD method MCA: PT supine, tech @ head of bed, Apply gel to temporal region, Use a LARGE sample volume (5-10mm), Sample vol depth to 50mm!!!!!
What technique should you use for the MCA? "Flashlight" technique moving TD to locate the MCA, MCA flow should be TOWARDS the Doppler beam
TCD method and Vessel identification: Optimize Doppler signal & record WFs, Don't angle correct, leave angle cursor set to 0 (parallel with the Doppler line), Measre peak mean vel, Don't invert Doppler, Depth of vessel (by range gate), Flow direction, Mean vel value
What is the most important things with TCD method and vessel identification? Depth of vessel and flow direction
Mean velocity for TCD means what? Mean velocity peak- over time
TCD method Bifurcation facts: Move the SV to a shallower MCA depth, then "Step" the SV towards the MCA/ACA bifurcation,
When you record bidirection flow at the bifurcation what should the depth be? 5.5-6.5 cm depth
Bidirectional flow mean what? You are in the bifurcation
TCD method ACA: Angle the TD slightly anterior,↑ SV depth & identify the ACA,
ACA flow is what? Away from the TD
What depth should you follow the ACA to? Midline @ 7.5-8.0 cm
Record ACA WFs & measure mean velocity, the ACA velocity should be less than? MCA
MCA goes ________ the TD and ACA goes ______ the TD? MCA toward, ACA away
TCD method PCA: Start w/ SV @ birfurcation depth & angle TD posteriorly & inferiorly
Once PCA signal is detected move SV depth to what? 75 mm, Flow in P1 segment should be "towards"
Depth of SV, Flow direction and Mean velocity for MCA: Transtemporal: Depth of SV=3.0-6.0 cm, Flow direction=Toward, Mean vel 55± 12 cm/sec
Depth of SV, Flow direction and Mean velocity for MCA/ACA bifurcation: Transtemporal: Depth of SV=5.5-6.5 cm, Flow direction=Bidirectional, Mean vel=N/A
Depth of SV, Flow direction, and Mean velocity for ACA (A1): Transtemporal: Depth of SV=6.0-8.0 cm, Flow direction= Away, Mean vel=50±11 cm/sec
Depth of SV, Flow direction, and Mean velocity for PCA (P1): Transtemporal: Depth of SV=60-7.0cm, Flow direction= Towards, Mean vel=39±10 cm/sec
Suboccipital - Foramen Magnum: Basilar, Vertebrals
TCD method- Vertebral Basilar: PT lying on side, pillow under head w/ chin tucked towards chest, Place TD to one side of midline & 1 inch below base of skull
With TCD method- Vertebral Basilar where should you start with SV depth? Start w/ SV depth @ 60 mm, aim @ bridge of nose to identify vertebral artery
How should the flow be for the Vertebral Basilar? Flow should be Away
TCD method Follow the course of : The VA, by stepping the SV, to the basilar artery (BA)
What should be the depth of the Basilar artery? 80-90mm- Follow BA as far (deep) as possible
How should the flow be for the Basilar artery? Flow should be Away
Depth of SV, Flow direction and Mean velocity of the Vertebral: Suboccpital: Depth of SV=6.0-9.0 cm, Flow direction= Away, Mean vel= 38±10 cm/sec
Depth of SV, Flow direction and Mean velocity of the Basilar: Suboccipital: Depth of SV=8.0-12 cm, Flow direction=Away, Mean vel=41±10 cm/sec
What should the system transmit power be reduced to for the transorbital approach to prevent damage to the eye? 15%
For the transorbital approach what do you do with the TD? Place TD over closed eyelid & aim in a slight posterior direction & slightly towards midline
What should the SV be set to for the OA? 50 mm
With transorbital how should the flow be? Flow should be Towards the TD
For transorbital step the SV along the length of the OA to the ICA at approx. what depth? 55-70 mm depth
OA flow is what resistance? HIGH resistance
ICA flow is what resistance? LOW resistance
Depth of SV, Flow direction and Mean velocity of Occipital artery: Transorbital: Depth of SV=4.0-60 cm, Flow direction Towards, Mean velocity=21±5 cm/s
Transcranial Color Doppler Imaging (TCI) facts: B-mode imaging, Color Doppler, Pulsed Doppler, Much easier than TCD, Small footprint, Low freq phased array TD, 1-3 or 4 MHz
TCI method: From transtemporal window, identify the temporal lobe of brain, or the boney structures near the lobe. Set field of view to 12-14 cm. Turn on color and optimize
MCA will course along what? The Anterior side of the temporal lobe
TCI method cont: The onscreen orientation is the sa,e for both the left and right sides, Follow the same methods as TCD, Verifty flow direction and obtain mean velocity measurements in all vessels
MCA Flow, SV Depth and Mean velocity: Flow= Towards, Depth=3.0-6.0 cm, Mean vel=55±12 cm/s
What does TAP mean? "Time average peak" or peak mean velocity
MCA/ACA bifurcation Flow and SV Depth: Flow= Bidirectional, SV Depth= 5.6-6.5 cm
ACA Flow, SV Depth, and Mean velocity: Flow=Away, Depth=6.0-8.0 cm, Mean velocity 50±11 cm/s
PCA Flow, SV Depth, Mean velocity: P1- Flow= Towards, Depth= 6-7cm, P2-Flow=Away, Mean vel=39±10 cm/s
Cerebral Aneursym rupture rate? Approx. 28,000 individual annually, Mortality rate exceeds 50%, Survivors face aneurysm clipping limitations, Aneurysm coiling-Technology w/ fewer MRI limitations
Cerebral Vasospasm facts: Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) may cause cerebral vessel vasospasm; if severe, can result in stroke Spasm is commonly delayed in onset (days later)(following SAH or surgical aneurysm repair)
Serial TCD or TCI monitoring can detect the onset, severity, & effects of treatment of what? Cerebral Vasospasm
Treatment for Cerebral Vasospasm may include what? Potent vasodilators &/or angioplasty (PTA) (Vasodilator applied just PROX to spasm via catheter)
Cerebral Vasospasm facts: Range from mild to severe, May occur in any major cerebral vessel
Cerebral Vasospasm symptoms: Confusion, Decreased level of consciousness, Stroke, Death
Vasospasm Method: If necessary, have PT sedated, Move or remove temporal bandages, Use sterile acoustic gel on the side of the incision, Use transtemporal window, perform a bilateral baseline TCD/TCI exam
What is the most common vessel invloved with a vasospasm? MCA
Vasospasm method: Investigate the entore MCA w/ Color & Spectral Doppler, Look for regions of focal Velocity acceleration, Record the highest mean velocity, note the depth of SV for follow-up, Diagnosis of vasospasm is based on high mean velocity
TCD Vasospasm Mean velocity NORMAL: 30-80 cm/s
TCD Vasospasm Mean velocity MILD: 120-140 cm/s
TCD Vasospasm Mean velocity MODERATE: 140-200 cm/s
TCD Vasospasm Mean velocity SEVERE: >200 cm/s
Some labs include an MCA/ACA ratio (mean velocities) of ______ is consistent w/ severe vasospasm: ≥ 6.0 ratio
Lindegaard Ratio means what? Mean velocity in the MCA/ mean velocity in ipsilateral extracranial ICA
What can be injected into the MCA to reduce Vasospasm? Papavarine
TCD for MCA vasospasm pitfalls: Skull penetration, Brain swelling (displaces anatomy depth), Metal clips can block US signal, PT cooperation
The following can cause emboli to the cerebral vessels: Cardiac surgery, Carotid endarterectomy, Carotid angioplasty & stenting
What can be used to detect emboli during the procedures? TCD
Cerebral Emboli Detection facts: High intensity transient signals (HITS) AKA, Micro-embolic Signals (MES)
What causes a chirping sound on Doppler? Air-bubbles
What are some examples particulate matter? Platelets, atheromatous, debris
Emboli detection: Intraoperative Monitoring: Performed w/ head gear & 2 TCD TDs for Bilateral exam, Assess bilateral MCAs, Unilateral exams also possible
Emboli detection: Intraoperative Monitoring Facts Conti: TCI is not used for this, Monitoring usually performed for @ least 20 mins
Why is Automatic emboli counter software is useful to count # of MES? Problem: MES or artifact?? High-end TCD systems use multiple sample gates for each Doppler, MES can be "plotted" as they course through multiple MCA SVs, Color M-mode is also used to detect emboli
Microembolic signal: Duration less than 300 msec, Signal is unidirectional w/in the Doppler spectrum (unless it's a shower), Snap or chirp sound on Doppler audio, Should appear in all unilateral Doppler SVs
Detection of Rt to Lt cardiac Shunt-PFO: PFO= Patent Foramen Ovale, A connection between the Lt&Rt atria, Due to inadequate postnatal closure of the Foramen Ovale, Can allow emboli arising in the venous system to pass to the arterial circulation through PFO
What can an emboli arising in the venous system to pass to the arterial circulation through PFO result in? Can result in cryptogenic stroke from paradoxical emboli
Prevalence of PFO: Young stroke PTs: 40-50%
Prevalence of PFO: PTs w/ cryptogenic stroke: 42-77%
Prevalence of PFO: Normal controls: 10-30%
Test for PFO: PT supine, Intravenous line is placed, Bilat TCD headgear is mounted & MCA Doppler signals obtained, Microbubbles created by mixing saline & air is injected into the IV line, PT then performs a valsalva maneuver
If there is no Rt to Lt shunt what happens? Bubbles go to lungs and dissipate
Test for PFO Cardiac Shunt: If shunt exists bubbles will go to the MCA & are detected w/ bilateral TCD monitoring, A micro bubble "shower" occurs, More HITS= More severe shunt
Application of Intracranial Exams- Sickle Cell Disease: sickle cell PTs are prone to stroke involving MCA & ACA, Early detection of MCA vels by TCD w/ subsequent initiation of blood transfusion successfully reduces rate of 1st stroke
NORMAL MCA velocity regarding sickle cell: <170 cm/s
BORDERLINE MCA velocity regarding sickle cell: 170-200 cm/s
ABNORMAL MCA velocity regarding sickle cell: >200 cm/s
Children with sickle cell disease undergo what? Routine annual TCD screening
Application of Intracranial Exams- Brain Death: Along w/ clinical criteria & EEG findings, TCD can be used to confirm brain death, Cerebral circulatory arrest produces classic to&fro TCD WFs (Short sys spike followed by either a small retrograde deflection in diastole or no flow in diastole)
Created by: EmilyGriffin
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