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LSN Preschool FInal

Lee's Summit North Child Development: Preschool Experience Final Review

When at all possible, provide students the opportunity to make their own Choices
Some positives characteristic of child care professionals Flexibility. knowledge of development and ability to face challenges
It is important that praise is not _________________. Add details about why the child is being praised. Generic
____________ guidance involves nonverbal (physical) or verbal action taken place to guide students. (like a thumbs up to let a child know they are doing the right thing) Direct
_____________ guidance involves outside factors that influence behavior (like designing the floorplan of a preschool so children have plenty of space to run. Indirect
The career in the child care field that is in the highest demand Child care worker
________________ with parents is vital, it can be done with billboards, traveling backpacks, newletters, phonecalls or conferences. Communication
Even if it is minor, an injury should be recorded on this and a parent should be informed of the details of what happened. Accident Report
It is important to document a child’s ________________, keep a record on file, inform all staff members, adapt the setting to accommodate them, and know what to do in case of an emergency when working with young children. Allergies
Abuse where a child is forced to observe or engage in sexual activity with an adult. Sexual Abuse
When young children are overloaded with new or novel situations or feelings and they act out as a result. Over Stimulation
This might contain scented and dyed water, dirt, beans, corn, or various other materials that children can stick their hands into and manipulate and possibly smell. Sensory Table
When a child realizes that changing the position of shape of a substance (like flattening a ball of play dough) does not change the quantity. Conservation
It is important to avoid this by not labeling toys as “girl” or “boy” specific. Gender Bias
Being able to communicate through the use of language (this develops after language comprehension) Expressive Language
Understanding language (this develops before expressive language) Language Comprehension
A type of abuse where a child is punished with pain. Physical Abuse
A type of abuse where a child is belittled and is meant to feel poorly about themselves. Emotional Abuse
A type of abuse that involves not providing for a child’s basic needs (food, medical care, clothing, shelter) Neglect
The statement by the NAEYC that outlines the moral expectations of childcare providers Code of Ethics
Subjective or Objective?Olivia only spoke to her peers in class twice today. She only spoke when responding to a direct question. Objective
Subjective or Objective?Olivia is shy. Subjective
Subjective or Objective?Evelyn has dark hair, brown eyes, and is missing 1 bottom tooth. Objective
Subjective or Objective?Riley grabbed Garrett by the shirt because he was so excited about the shiny bead he found on the floor and he wanted to show it to Davis. Subjective
Subjective or Objective?Ty grabbed Davis by the shirt and pulled him down. Objective
Subjective or Objective?Amara is asking for her mommy because she is mad that she can not sit next to Lucy Subjective
Subjective or Objective?Mia ran to her cubby and put her lunch Objective
Subjective or Objective?William is happy today. Subjective
Subjective or Objective?Jaccob is sitting in the teacher’s lap and crying. Objective
Subjective or Objective?Abby is sitting at the lunch table with knees hidden under the table as the teacher asked. Objective
Implying a personal opinion about a situation that can not be called a fact (although it may be true) Subjective
Subjective or Objective?Brigham is a sweet kid Subjective
Verbal or numerical evaluation of listed items Rating Scale
Insuring the privacy of child and family. Confidentiality
Observations should be __________ (Based on facts alone) Objective
Observation method with a sequential record of anything that happens during a specific period of time Running Record
Observation method with a written description that focuses on a particular incident. Anecdotal Record
Observation Method with a list of specific information the observer is looking for. Checklist
Observation method where a record is kept of how many times a particular behavior or situation occurs during a specific period of time. Frequency Count
Observation method where the observer identifies a specific situation and describes what is going on each time that situation occurs (over a period of time) Event Record
Physical body changes in a growing individual such as size, weight, balance, coordination, motor skills and vision. (be able to apply) Physical Development
Process of learning to trust, recognize and express feelings, and to accept themselves. (be able to apply) Emotional Development
Process of acquiring and ordering information and learning to reason and problem solve. (be able to apply) Intellectual Development
Process of acquiring the standards of behavior considered acceptable by a society (be able to apply) Social Development
Matching shapes of objects according to one or more characteristics Sorting
Written symbols that represent numbers Numberals
Recognizing the numerical symbols that represent quantities and placing them in a sequential order Rational Counting
Memorizing and reciting numbers in order Rote Counting
Identifying size relationships between objects Seriation
Types of informal assessment that a teacher may use in the classroom. Anecdotal Records and Running Records
An _______________________ outlines goals and methods for educating a child according to his/her special needs Individual Education Plan
The purpose of ____________ is to help build relationships and understanding between children with special needs and traditional students. Inclusion
You should not limit your __________ for a child with special needs Expectations
The most influential early childhood professional organization NAEYC
It is important to focus on a child’s particular interests and Abilities
To support a child’s efforts, _________________ is often the most effective. Encouragement
It is important to create a __________ _______ ahead of time to prevent confusion, know what materials you will need, and identify exactly what you want students to know. Lesson Plan
When teaching preschoolers, it is important to lead their discovery instead of giving them facts. This can be accomplished by asking __________ _________ questions Open Ended
While reading to children you voice, volume, and speed should change throughout the book to match the story. For this reason it is important to read a story Ahead
If at all possible, plan ___________ that tie into the reading. Activities
Making ____________ while reading to preschoolers will help keep them interested and engaged in the story. It will also help them to feel like they are getting special attention from you. Eye Contact
When reading to preschoolers is important to Ask Questions
It is important to teach children not to depend on adults to develop a sense of independence Autonomy
A major goal of preschool is helping children to solve their own _____________ Conflicts
Children may need help expressing their __________ in non violent ways. Feelings
Policy statement of the NAEYC that outlines standards for professionals in the field Code of Ethical Conduct
Behaving the way you want the preschoolers to behave is an example of Modeling
This type of development is marked by steady, genuine friendships Social Development
This type of observation does not involve any use of observer opinion or assumptions about how or why an event occurred. Objective
A sense of ______________ is important for preschoolers because it promotes feelings of initiative and self-esteem Accomplishment
Not a display of professional behavior in a child care facility Openly discussing a particular child in the break room
A good curriculum encourages learning through all the ___________________ Senses
Children will not ALL develop developmentally at the same time. They will typically reach ________________ (developmental benchmarks) around the same time, but no child should be expected to reach a milestone at an EXACT time Milestone
Children follow the same ___________ of development Pattern
A good curriculum is designed with an understanding of children’s level of ____________ Development
The best way to reduce the spread of communicable diseases Washing hands thoroughly
These types of schools focus on children “learning how to learn” by using a sequence of materials that children explore (sensory training) Montessori Schools
This type of childcare is formed and operated by the parents. Parent Cooperative
These types of schools are located on a postsecondary or college campus and provides research on child-related issues Laboratory Schools
Our preschool is an example of this kind of childcare High School Child Care Program
This childcare program was developed to help families in poverty to receive the same quality preschool education, healthcare, and nutrition as their higher income peers Headstart
Parents who favor a less structures child care setting should enroll their child in Family Day care program
Since children are developing socially and emotionally, it is important to accept their feelings rather then telling them why they are wrong or _____________ them by using sarcasm or humor. Trivializing
A mandated reporter of suspected child abuse anyone who works as a child care provider
A well planned schedule will prevent Conflicts
The health and safely of children in a child care center is affected by traffic patterns
Child’s fear of being separated form familiar people Seperation Anxiety
Principle of development in which children develop from the center of the body outward Proximodistal
Principle of development win which children master body movements and coordination form the head downward Cephalocaudal
Taking in new information and trying to make it fit with what is already known and understood Assimilation
Children use their senses and motor skills to explore the world. They are not yet able to use symbols to represent their world. Sensory Motor
Children start to think symbolically and imaginatively, relying less on motor skills and more on thinking to direct behavior Preoperational Period
Children playing near each other but not with each other Parallel Play
Abilities that depend on the use and control of muscles Motor Skills
Uses items that are to be used primarily in one way- with an expected result Closed Ended Activity
Uses items that can be used in a variety of ways Open Ended Activity
Unplanned opportunities for learning Teachable Moment
Helping bring play about without controlling it Facilitate
Toys and materials that children can operate and move with their hands Manipulative
Guidance technique that steers a child who is misbehaving to a different, more acceptable activity Redirection
Regular, expected procedure that is followed to accomplish something Routine
Long range plan of activities and experiences for children Curriculum
Step by step pattern Sequence
Short Activity or technique used to help guide children smoothly from one activity or event to another Transition
Areas that are clearly defined for a specific type of play and are organized around a theme or curriculum topic Learning Centers
System of Knowledge covering general truths and laws about the physical world Science
Study of numbers and their functions, and of shapes Mathematics
Curriculum Segment that is based on one central topic Theme
Combining children with average abilities and children with special needs in the same classroom Inclusion
Early stages of this can be taught by hearing parents or teachers speak or write Grammar
This form of body language is important to show your authority and make sure the student knows you are speaking to them and that you see their behavior. Eye Contact
You should not use these when doing formal observations of children Personal Opinions
The ability to arrange items in increasing or decreasing order based on weight, volume, or size Seriation
The first thing to consider when deciding whether to pursue a career in child care skills and qualities you could bring to the job
Developmental goals and learning objectives are not Interchangeable
Art activities can promote Social Learnign
Type of question that encourages student’s creativity Open Ended Questions/ Materials
Play center where students reveal attitudes and emotions Dramatic Play
Center puppets would be good for this center Language Arts
Developed the zone of proximal development Lev Vygotsky
Learning tasks should be suited to the stages of development Jean Piaget
Theory of Multiple Intelligences Howard Gardner
Children learn best through their own experiences Maria Montessori
Personality develops through eight stages Erik Erikson
Developed child care philosophies that involves learning through use of the senses Maria Montessori
Not a recommended primary source of communication with parents email
Created by: Mrs. Brown LSN
Popular Family and Consumer sets




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