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Spring Quiz 6

Masterbooks Intro to A&P Volume 3

femoral nerve the motor supply to muscles that flex the hip and extend the knee
carpal tunnel syndrome can develop when the median nerve is compressed as it runs through the wrist
shingles a viral disease characterized by painful blisters in localized areas of the body
reflex an automatic motor response triggered by a stimulus
ganglion a collection of neuron cell bodies in the peripheral nervous system
mechanoreceptors sense mechanical stress such as pressure or stretch
chemoreceptors respond to chemical changes such as changes in pH (acidity)
photoreceptors sense light
thermoreceptors respond to temperature changes
olfaction the sense of smell
odorants substances that can trigger smell
fungiform papillae mushroom shaped; scattered over the entire surface of the tongue
tastant stimulatory chemical that interacts with gustatory epithelial cells
auricle shell-shaped protrusion from the side of your head
tympanic membrane marks the boundary between the external ear and the middle ear
vestibule the bony labyrinth's central chamber
cochlea anterior to the vestibule; a spiral chamber made of bone
Created by: larmstrong3
Popular Biology sets




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