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Genetic coding

Genetic Coding and protein Synthesis for 7th grade.

Species A group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding.
Variation A different or distinct form or version of something.
Evolution The process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.
Fossil The remains or impression of a prehistoric organism preserved in petrified form or as a mold or cast in rock.
Adaptation The action or process of adapting or being adapted.
Scientific Theory A well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment.
Mechanism A natural or established process by which something takes place or is brought about.
Natural Selection The process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring.
Competition An interaction between organisms or species in which both the organisms or species are harmed.
Mutation A DNA gene is damaged or changed in such a way as to alter the genetic message carried by that gene.
Fitness The ability to survive to reproductive age, find a mate, and produce offspring.
Sexual Selection The sexes acquire distinct forms either because the members of one sex choose mates with particular features.
Coevolution when two or more species reciprocally affect each other's evolution.
Fossil Record History of life as documented by fossils.
Embryo A multicellular organism that primarily undergoes extensive and rapid growth and differentiation between the time of fertilization
Homologous Structures Structures in different species with a common ancestor or developmental origin.
Extinct The termination of a kind of organism.
Protein A large organic molecule made of carbon ,hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, andsometimes sulfer.
Created by: Julian Mcke
Popular Biology sets




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