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High frequency words
Question | Answer |
Los numeros | Numbers |
uno | one |
dos | two |
tres | three |
cuatro | four |
cinco | five |
seis | six |
siete | seven |
ocho | eight |
nueve | nine |
diez | ten |
once | eleven |
doce | twelve |
trece | thirteen |
catorce | fourteen |
quince | fifteen |
dieciseis | sixteen |
diecisiete | seventeen |
dieciocho | eighteen |
diecinueve | nineteen |
viente | twenty |
veintiuno | twenty one |
veintidos | twenty two |
veintitres | twenty three |
veinticuatro | twenty four |
veinticinco | twenty five |
veintiseis | twenty six |
veintesiete | twenty seven |
veintiocho | twenty eight |
veintinueve | twenty nine |
treinta | thirty |
treinta y uno | thirty one |
treinta y dos | thirty two |
cuarenta | forty |
cincuenta | fifty |
sesenta | sixty |
setenta | seventy |
ochenta | eighty |
noventa | ninety |
cien | hundred |
Mi opinion | My opinion |
Odio | I hate |
conectivos | connecting words |
y | and |
con | con |
pero | but |
o | or |
adverbios | adverbs |
muy | very |
bastante | quite |
un poco | a bit |
nunca | never |
mucho | a lot |
tambien | also/too |
a menudo | often |
siempre | always |
generalemente | usually |
Expreciones de tiempo | Time expressions |
primero | first |
luego | then |
despues | after |
(un poco) mas tarde | (a little) later |
finalmente | finally |
el domingo por la tarde | on sunday afternoon |
por la tarde | in the afternoon |
por la manana | in the morning |
este fin de semana | this weekend |
este semana | this week |
Articulos | Articles |
el | the(masculine singular) |
la | the(feminine singular) |
los | the (the masculine plural) |
las | the(feminine plural) |
un | a (masculine singular) |
una | a (feminine singular) |
unos | some (masculine plural) |
unas | some (feminine plural) |
Posesivos | possessive adjectives |
mi/mis | my |
tu/tus | your |
su/sus | his/her/their |
nuestro(s)/nuestra(s) | our |
vuestros(s)/vuestra(s | your |
Adjectivos | adjectives |
divertido | masculine singular |
divertida | feminine singular |
divertidos | masculine plural |
divertidas | feminine plural |
importante | masculine singular |
importante | feminine singular |
importantes | masculine plural |
importantes | feminine plural |
util | masculine singular |
util | feminine singular |
utiles | masculine plural |
utiles | feminine plural |