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Vascular sonogrpahy

Vascular test 2 Arterial Symptoms

Why should the environment be warm for an arterial exam? To reduce vaso-constriction
What are some signs and symptoms of chronic arterial insufficiency? (5 of them) Intermittent claudication, ischemic rest pain, non-healing ulcers, gangrene, and trophic changes
what are some trophic changes? (3 of them) hair loss, thick nails, shiny scaly skin
What is intermittent claudication? Pain in large muscle groups caused by activity- often progressive and relieved by rest
Where does intermittent claudication usually occur? Calf. thigh or buttocks
For intermittent claudication where does the site of symptoms occur to the site of the disease? (Prox or Distal) site of symptoms occur DISTAL to the site of disease
What are some true claudication symptoms? Easily reproducible with the same amount of activity, limit patient's walking distance
Is peripheral resistance affected with mild to moderate disease? Maybe not
What happens to arterioles with moderate to severe disease? They vasodilate at REST (this lowers resistance)
What kind of waveform results from moderate to severe disease? Monophasic with delayed time (TARDUS PARVUS)
Tardus parvus is what to disease? DISTAL
What does ischemic rest pain represent? increasing severity of disease
what type of pain occurs while patient is lying down or at rest? ischemic rest pain
Where is ischemic rest pain often experienced on the body? Heel, Toe, or Top of foot
What are the symptoms of advanced PAOD? (6 of them) thickening of toenails, loss of toe hair, skin discoloration/scaly, elevation pallor/dependent rubor, ulceration, gangrene
What are the symptoms of ACUTE arterial insufficiency? (6 P's) Pallor, Pulselessness, Paralysis, Paresthesia, Pain, Polar (coolness)
What may cause ACUTE arterial insufficiency? Thrombus, embolus, trauma
Why is ACUTE arterial insufficiency an emergency situation? Because there is not enough time for collaterals to be made
What are the main arterial risk factors? (4 of them) Diabetes, Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia, Smoking
What is the most common arterial pathology? Atherosclerosis (plaque)
What is atherosclerosis? The thickening, hardening, and loss of elasticity of arterial walls
What pathology often occurs at bifurcations and vascular origins? Atherosclerosis
What causes "Blue Toe Syndrome"? An Embolism
What is a true aneurysm? All 3 layers of the artery are dilated
What type of aneurysm has circumferential dilatation? Fusiform
Which type of aneurysm has a localized outpouching? Saccular
What is a dissecting aneurysm? When a small tear in intima permits blood flow between intima and media
Where do aneurysms more often occur? Infra-renal (below the kidneys)
What is the cause of aneurysms? Unknown-- May be congenital, infection, trauma, or atherosclerosis
What are some complications of aneurysms? (3 of them) Aortic aneurysm rupture, Distal embolus in peripheral aneurysm, Thrombus can form at aneurysm walls
What is a pseudoaneurysm? "Pulsating hematoma". Results from hole/weakness in artery wall
What must a pseudoaneurysm have to be considered a pseudoaneurysm? A neck/track
What kind of flow pattern does a pseudoaneurysm have? Swirling pattern (Yin Yang sign)
What kind of flow foes a pseudoaneurysm have in the neck? To-and-Fro flow in neck and swirling in sac
What is the congenital narrowing of the thoracic aorta called? A Coarctation of the aorta
What can aortic coarctation cause? HTN due to decreased kidney perfusion, may result in lower extremity ischemia
What is inflammation of the artery wall known as? Arteritis
What are the 3 types of arteritis? Takayasu's, Temporal, and Buerger's disease
What is the most common type of arteritis? Buerger's disease AKA Thromnoangiitis Obliterans
What is the other name of Buerger's disease? Thromboangiitis Obliterans
What type of arteritis is associated with HEAVY SMOKING in men younger than 40? Buerger's
How does Buerger's present? Distal arterial occlusions, rest pain and ischemic ulceration early on, gangrene
Dissection results from weakened _______, resulting in the ______ tearing away? Weakened MEDIA, Intima tearing away
Intermittent ischemia of the fingers/toes in response to cold or stress is known as ________? Raynaud's phenomenon
How many types of Raynaud's phenomenon are there and what are they? 2 types, primary and secondary
what are the characteristic of PRIMARY Raynaud's phenomenon? (4 of them) Idiopathic or spastic Raynaud's syndrome Caused by digital arterial spasm; benign Common in young women; may be hereditary Usually bilateral; long history with NO progression
What are the characteristic of SECONDARY Raynaud's phenomenon? (2 of them) Ischemia is constantly present, disease process/ abnormality, Vasoconstrictive responsive arterioles superimposed on a fixed arterial obstruction
What is entrapment syndrome? When the artey is compress by calf muscle (gastrocnemius muscle)
What syndrome is commonly seen in young, athletic men? Entrapment syndrome
What does Pallor mean? Skin is pale; deficient in blood supply
What does rubor mean? Skin is red (dependent rubor); dilated, damaged vessels
What does Cyanosis mean? Bluish discoloration; skin and mucous membranes (de-oxygenated blood)
What are characteristics of arterial ulcerations? (4 of them) Deep and Regular in shape, Located over bony areas (ex. tibia), Very painful
What causes gangrene? Tissue death due to absent blood flow
What are trophic changes? (3 of them) Loss of hair Shiny, scaly skin Thickened toenails
What does increased capillary refill time suggest? Decreased perfusions
Pallor caused by elevating an extremity signifies what? Decreased circulation, poor perfusion
How are pulses graded? (what scale) Scale of 0-4+
_____ will bound and are easily palpated? Aneurysms
What are common sites for palpation in lower extremity? (4 of them) Femoral, Popliteal, Dorsalis Pedis, and Posterior Tibial Arteries
What is abnormal, low frequency sounds caused by significant stenosis leading to distal vibration? BRUIT
How are bruits graded? By the physician listening (mild, moderate, or severe)
What percentage of stenosis can cause bruits to disappear? Severe (>90%) stenosis
What can make a bruit difficult to hear? decreased cardiac output
What type of waveform should be expected of a NORMAL rested artery? HIGH resistance (forward flow, back flow, forward again) TRIPHASIC or MULTIPHASIC
What is the effect or exercise on the arterioles? (4 of them) Vasodilation occurs- allows more blood to enter Waveform becomes low resistance Peripheral resistance decreases significantly Blood flows in antegrade direction throughout the cardiac cycle
Created by: EmilyGriffin
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