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Organization L5

Levels of Organization vocab from lessons 1-4

Atom the basic unit of matter
Molecule smallest unit of most compounds that displays all the properties of that compound
Organelle specialized structure that performs important cellular functions within a cell
Cell basic unit of all forms of life
Tissue group of similar cells that perform a particular function
Organ group of tissues that work together to perform closely related functions
Organ System group of organs that work together to perform closely related functions
Organism groups of organ systems that work together to perform closely related functions and maintain homeostasis. Living things!
Population group of individuals in the same species that live in the same area
Community assemblage of different populations that live together in a defined area
Ecosystem all the organisms that live in a place, together with their nonliving environment
Biosphere part of Earth in which life exists including land, water, and air or atmosphere
biomolecules molecules made by living systems
carbohydrates a biomolecule made entirely of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen with a 2:1 ratio of hydrogen to oxygen
lipids diverse, hydrophobic biomolecules containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
nervous tissue reacts to stimuli and transmits signals throughout the body
muscular tissue specialized to contract and allow for movement of the body and its parts
epithelial tissue lines the surface of organs and the cavities
connective tissue the most widespread tissue in the body and is specialized to connect and support other tissues; connective tissue ranges from bones, to blood, to fat tissue.
marine biome areas of salty water, such as the ocean
freshwater biome areas of water that have low salt concentration , such as lakes and streams
desert biome low levels of rainfall and low population densities
forest biome dominated by trees and climate has a sufficient amount of rainfall and nutrients to support the large trees
tundra biome areas where the temperature is very cold, such as the arctic or alpine
mutation change in the nucleotide sequence of DNA
population size an example of how the human population is affecting the biosphere. As human population starts to increase, we require more resources , leaving fewer for other species.
consumption an example of how the human population is affecting the biosphere. the using up of a resource.
technology an example of how the human population is affecting the biosphere. some produce pollutants and can have a negative effect on our ecosystem.
homeostasis the relatively constant internal physical and chemical conditions that organisms maintain despite changes in internal and external environments.
Feedback inhibition he process in which a stimulus produces a response that opposes the original stimulus.
nervous system Recognizes and coordinates the body’s response to changes
integumentary system Guards against ultraviolet light
immune/lymphatic system Protects the body from disease
muscular system Produces voluntary movement
circulatory system Transports oxygen to cells
skeletal system Protects internal organs
respiratory system Brings in oxygen for cellular respiration
digestive system Breaks down food
excretory system Eliminates waste products from the body
endocrine system Controls growth and metabolism
reproductive system Produces gametes
Created by: jell6041
Popular Biology sets




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