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Biological Processes

Biological processes and systems

atom most basic level of organization
Levels of organization atom, molecule, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism, population, community, ecosystem, biome, biosphere
Nervous tissue reacts to stimuli and transmits throughout the body
Muscular tissue is specialized to contract and allow for movement of the body
Epithelial tissue lines the surface of organs and the body cavities (holes)
Connective tissue most widespread tissue in the body; specialized to connect and support other tissues; ranges form bones, to blood, to fat tissue
Are atoms and molecules living? no
Population group of organisms of the same species living in the same area.
Community multiple populations living in a designated area.
Ecosystem all the living and nonliving things in an area.
Different biomes: marine, freshwater, desert, forest, grassland and tundra
Marine biome salty water; makes 75% of the earth's surface; dominated by algae and plankton
Freshwater biome lakes and streams; plant communities vary; algae-lakes and aquatic plants and trees (cypress)- marshes
Desert biome low level of rainfall + low population densities; dominated by cacti and other drought tolerant plants.
Forest biome dominated by trees; sufficient rainfall + nutrients to support large plants
Grassland biome dominated by grass; not a lot of water and nutrients to support large plants
Tundra temperature very cold (arctic); sparsely populated; dominated by shrubs and smaller vegetation.
mutation change in the nucleotide sequence of DNA
molecule smallest unit of most compounds that displays all the properties of that compound
organelle specialized structure that performs important cellular functions within the cell
cell basic unit of all forms of life
tissue group of similar cells that perform a specific function
organ group of tissue that work together to perform closely related functions
organ system group of organs that work together to perform a specific function
organism a living thing
biosphere part of the earth in which life exists including land, water, and air or atmosphere
excretory system eliminates waste products from the body
reproductive system reproduces gametes
digestive system breaks down food
immune/lymphatic systems protects the body from disease
nervous system recognizes and coordinantes the body's response to changes.
circulatory system transports oxygen to cells
muscular system produces voluntary movement
respiratory system brings in oxygen for cellular respiration
skeletal system protects internal organs
endocrine system controls growth and metabolism
homeostasis maintaining a stable internal environment
feedback inhibition negative feedback; anti-stimulus ex: sneeze
why is liver important to homeostasis regulates substances in our body like glucose and converts dangerous substances into compounds that can be removed from out body
Created by: hree5660
Popular Biology sets




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