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Cherokee 7-13
Term | Definition |
Wet | Gadanehi (gah-dah-nay-he) |
Dry | Ukayodv (eww-Kah-yo-duh) |
This | Gohi (go-he) |
Day | Iga (ee-gah) |
Let’s see each other again/ We will see each other again/ (Don’t say goodbye ) | Donadvgovi (doe-nah-duh-go-uh-ee) |
Slang Let’s see each other again/ We will see each other again/ (Don’t say goodbye) | Slang Donadvhe (doe-nah-duh-hay) |
Pipe | Ganvnawa (gah-nuh-nah-wah) |
Hand me the pipe | Ganvnawa Sgidisi (Gah-nuh-nah-wah shkee-dee-she) |
Coffee | Kawi (kah-we) |
Beautiful | Uwodohi (eww-woe-doe-he) |
Wake up | Hiyegi (he-yea-key) |
Merry Christmas | Ulihelisd Unadetiyisgvi (Eww-lee-hay-leesht eww-nad-day-tee-yee-sh-guh-ee) |
Earth | Elohi (a-low-he) |
Good energy | Nuwati Osda (new-wah-tee-oh-shtah) |
Creator | Unehlanvhi (eww-nay-hlah-nuh-hi) |
Great spirit | Adanvdo Osd (ah-dah-nuh-doe-osht) |
Please | Howatsu (hoe-what-sue) |
Look | Ni (nee) |
Medicine man/woman -Wizard/Magician | Adawehi (ah-dah-way-he) |
Bread | Gadu (gah-do) |
Tobacco | Tsola (sew-la) |
Crazy | Nuda (new-dah) |
Hurry/ hurry up | Nula (new-la) |
Ouch | Ayo (ah-yo) |
Tomorrow | Sunle (shoon-lay) |
Family | Sidanelv (she-duh-nay-luh) |
You are doing good | Nihi Nadvneha (née-he nah-duh-nay-ha) |
Quiet | Elawe’i (a-la-way-‘ee) ‘ means pause |
I speak Cherokee | Tsalagi Tsiwoni (saw-la-key see-woe-nee) |
Canoe | Tsiyu (see-you) |
Storm | Unula (eew-new-la) |
Clan(s) | Ugaya (eww-gah-ya) |
Feather | Ugidali (eww-key-dah-lee) |
Blanket | Tsusquanvni (sue-shqwah-nuh-nee) |
Deer | Awi (ah-we) |
Horse | Soquili (show-qwee-lee) |
Pony | Soquili agina (show-qwee-lee. Ah-gee-nah) |
Cow | Waga (wah-gah) |
Eagle | Wohali (woe-ha-lee) |
Wolf | Waya (wah-yah) |
Owl | Wahuhi (wah-hoo-he) |
Bear | Yona (yo-nah) |
Dove | ??no word?? (Woe-yah) |
Bobcat | Gvhe (guh-hey) |
Racoon | Gvli (guh-lee) |
Walk in peace | Aisv nvwatohiyado (Ah-ee-suh nuh-wah-to-he-yah-doe) |
Moccasin (s) | Ulasula (eww-la-Sue-la) |
Book | Goweli (go-way-lee) |
Hair | Usdiyegv (eww-shtee-yea-guh) |
War paint | Wodi (woe-dee) |
Stand/standing | Aledi (ah-lay-dee) |
Fight | Alasdi (ah-la-shtee) |
Gun | Unudana (eww-new-dah-nah) |
Ugly | Unegi (eww-nay-key) |
Mother | Unitsi (eww-nee-see) |
Father | Agidoda (ah-key-doe-dah) |
Shirt | Ahnawo (ah-nah-woe) |
T-shirt | Hawina Ahnawo (Hah-we-nah ah-nah-woe) |
Pants | Asulo (ah-shoe-lo) |
Shoes | Dilasulo (dee-la-shoe-lo) |
Little/small | Gayotli (gah-yo-Shlee) |
Missed | Unvdvgi (eww-nuh-duh-key) |
Careful | Geyatahi (gay-yahw-tah-he) |
I’m hungry | Agiyoshiha (ah-key-yo-she-ha) |
Star | Noquisi (no-qwee-she) |
Stars | Aninoquisi (ah-nee-no-qwee-she) |
What time is it? | Hvgaiga hiywanilvhi (Huh-gah-we-gah he-wah-nee-luh-hi) |
Full | Kahi (kah-lee) |
Help me | Sgisdela (Shkee-sh-day-lah) |
How do you say this? | Doadti hia (doe-aht-tee he-ah) |
Tell me this | Sginohis hia (shkee-no-hesh he-ah) |
What is this? | Doiyusdi hia (Doe-ee-you-sht-tee he-ah) |
Explain | Disgwosisasi (Dee-sh-gwo-she-sha-she) |
Tell me | Sginohisi (Shkee-no-he-she) |
Use (must use with other word) | Gvdi (guh-dee) |
Use White/ English | Unega gvdi (Eww-nay-gah guh-dee) |
Use Indian | Ayvwiya gvdi (Ah-yah-we-yuh guh-dee) |
Use Cherokee | Tsalagi gvdi (Saw-la-key guh-dee) |
Tell me something use Cherokee | Sginohisi Tsalagi gvdi (Shkee-no-he-she saw-la-key guh-dee) |
Tell me something use white | Sginohisi unega gvdi (Shkee-no-he-she eww-nay-gah guh-dee) |
Tell me something use Indian | Sginohisi ayvwiya gvdi (Shkee-no-he-she ah-yah-we-yuh guh-dee) |