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Ecology term1 uni

First term of ecolgy at uni

Net productive rate How many offspring. R=1 is deaths= births
Exponential growth Population increase in an unlimited env. Rate doubles
Emigration Individuals moving out of an area.
Fecundity Reproductive output
Carrying capacity The highest amount of individuals a pop. and conditions can support
Inflection point Where pop. growth is max/ starts to slow down
Competition The rivalry between 2 individuals for resources
Homeostatic feedback A change that individual makes itself
Lag The wait in time for the predators to breed due to there being prey
Average density Total number of individuals/ total size of habitat
Foraging cycle Process a predator takes to get food. Assess, pursue, handle, search
Handling cycle The pursing, capturing and subduing the prey
Inverse density dependence When prey in high density has less chance of being affected
Inverse/ negative response Predator pop. decreases in relation to prey pop.
Intraspecific Winthin the same species
Competition Interactions between individuals- shared requirement for resources
Exploitation competition No interaction between individuals- respond to resources, left as a result of shortages
Interference competition Interact directly e.g. Territory defence, courtship rituals
Density dependent mortality More crowding= more mortality
Undercompensating density dependence When the mortality is not enough for the increase rate in density (pop. increases)
Overcompensating density dependence When the mortality is more than enough for the increase rate in density (pop. decreases)
Exactly compensating density dependence When it is exactly the right amount
Net recruitment Difference between deaths and births
Logistic growth S shaped pop curve e.g. Willow trees and mixy
Scramble competition High densities of individuals compete for resources and get an equal share- may starve
Contest competition Mortality compensates exactly for increases in density, so there are a constant number of survivors.
Negative competition Density is more eyes to the sky and safety in numbers
Social pressure Higher density increases SP stress triggers e.g. plants
Disperse The permanent movement an individual makes from its b-place to the place where it reproduces.
Presaturation dispersal When K is not reached. Dispersal are DD
Saturation dispersal When K is wexceeded- juveniles and sub dominants have 2 choices, stay (perish or not breed) or leave
Migrate Movement of large numbers of a species moving, leaving none behind e.g. behind migrations to Africa and UK.
Standing crop The bodies of living organisms within a unit area constitute a standing crop of biomass
Biomass THis is the mass of organisms per uit area of ground or water.
Energy Joules per metre^-2
Dry organic matter Tonnes per hectare^-1
Gross primary production Total fixation of energy
Respiratory heat Where energy is wasted (through respiration)
Net primary productivity GPP- RH= NPP
Pyramid of biomass Classic pyramid shape
Primary producer Plants. Get's it's energy from the sun
Primary consumer Eats primary producer
Secondary consumer Eats primary consumer
Tertiary consumer Eats secondary consumer
Quaternary consumer Eats tertiary consumer
Efficient How much energy is useful
Immigration individuals leaving an area/ community
Unitary organism Type of organism where they are highly determinate
Modular organism Type of organism where they are not determinate
Gennet Term used to indentify the genetic material
Semelparous individuals have only 1 period of reproductive output within their life- after which they die
Iteroparous individuals have more than 1 reproductive event
Precocial Young move about e.g. Duckling
Semi- precocial Remains in nest/ home e.g. deer, horse
Altricil Young are helpless and naked
Semi- altricial Takes a while for eyes to open e.g. fox, cat
Annual Annual lifecycles take approx. 12 months or less to compete
Discrete What generations are, each generation is distinguishable form another
Energy cost What is the female adults going to divide her energy trough movement, growth and breeding
Parental investment Want as most as possible. Can't exceed resources or reduce their's or their own survival
Life table Table to show births, mortality, migration, survivors through time
Basic reproductive rate Mean number of offspring of the first stage in the life cycle produced per individual by the end of the cohort
Static life table A snapshot of population at 1 time
Created by: Tom541190
Popular Ecology sets




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