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Revision for Year 7 Movement topic.

What are the functions of the skeleton? Gives shape, gives support, protects softer organs, enables movement, produces red and white blood cells.
Name a part of the skeleton that protects. Ribs, skull.
What is bone marrow? This is soft tissue inside our larger bones which is protected by the hard part of the bone which surrounds it.
What does bone marrow make? Red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.
Which bone protects our brain? Skull
Which bone moves to allow you to chew food? Lower jaw
What protects the spinal cord? The spine.
What is a joint? The point where two or more bones meet.
What is a hinge joint used for? Flexion and extension.
Give two examples of a hinge joint. Elbow and knee.
What is a ball and socket joint? A joint which has movement in three directions.
Name some ball and socket joints. Shoulder and hip.
What is a pivot joint used for? Rotary movement around a single axis.
Give an example of a pivot joint. The neck.
What are fixed joints> These are joints that don't allow any movement.
Where can you find fixed joints? In the skull.
What are ligaments? Bands of elastic tissue that hold bones together in joints to allow movement.
What is cartilage? Smooth tissue found at the ends of bones, this reduces friction and acts a shock absorber.
What is synovial fluid for? it lubricates joints and reduces friction.
Name three different types of muscle tissue in the body. Skeletal, cardiac and smooth.
What do tendons do? Connect muscle to bones.
What is the meaning of 'antagonistic muscle pair'? Muscles working in unison to create movement when one contracts and the other relaxes.
what happens when one of a muscle pair contracts? The other relaxes.
What is osteoporosis? A condition that weakens bones, making them fragile and more likely to break. 
What do foods that are good for strong healthy bones need to have in them? Calcium.
What is osteoarthritis? A type of joint disease that results from breakdown of joint cartilage and underlying bone.
What are the two muscles in the arm that bend the elbow? Biceps and triceps.
Why is it important that tendons in the upper arm don't stretch? The muscles would have less or no effect and the arm would not move.
What are the effects of osteoarthritis? Joint pain and stiffness.
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