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Basic Food Prep 13

Succeeding in Life & Career - Ch. 13 Vocabulary

nutrient a chemical substance provided by food and used by the body to function properly
nutrition the science of how nutrients support the body
carbohydrate a nutrient that serves as the major source of energy in the diet (starches, sugars, and fiber)
protein nutrient found in every cell of the body and needed for growth, maintenance and repair of body tissues
amino acid building block of protein
fats a nutrient that provides a concentrated source of food energy
saturated fats fats that are solid at room temperature and are from animal sources
unsaturated fats fats that are usually liquid at room temperature and are from plant sources, oils
cholesterol a fatty substance found in every body cell
mineral an inorganic substance needed for building tissues and regulating body functions
vitamin organic substances needed in small amounts for normal growth and the maintenance of good health
fortified food product that has had nutrients added to it to improve its nutritional value
enriched a food product that has nutrients added back to it that were lost during processing
Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) outline of nutrient requirements based on age and sex
MyPlate USDA food guideline system which features a personalized approach to healthful eating and physical activity
refined grain grain that has had parts of the kernel removed during the milling process
Dietary Guidelines for Americans government recommendation which helps people choose healthful diets
nutrient dense a food or beverage that supplies healthful substances and relatively few calories
vegetarian diet a pattern of eating that is made up of using primarily foods from plant sources
dehydration abnormal loss of body fluids
food allergies an abnormal reaction of the body's immune system to certain proteins in food
food intolerance an adverse reaction to the consumption of certain foods
lactose intolerance condition in which the body is unable to digest dairy products
calorie a unit of food energy
basal metabolism energy expended when the body is at physical, emotional, and digestive rest
body mass index (BMI) calculation used to assess an adult's weight in relation to their height
overweight a term used to describe an adult who has a body mass index between 25-30
obese a person with a body mass index over 30
underweight term used to describe an adult who has a body mass index below 18.5
anorexia nervosa avoiding eating to the point of starvation
bulima nervosa consuming large amounts of food and then vomiting, taking laxatives or diuretics to avoid weight gain
binge-eating disorder consuming large amounts of food in one sitting without purging the food
Created by: jenselau000
Popular Family and Consumer sets




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