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English Vocab*
AP English vocab
Word | Meaning |
ante | before |
anti | against |
bi | two |
circum | around |
antagonist | a character who causes conflict |
com | together |
con | together |
de | down |
dis | away |
equi | equal |
extra | beyond |
inter | between |
intra | within |
intro | into |
mal | bad |
mis | bad |
non | not |
post | after |
pre | before |
semi | half |
sub | under |
super | over |
syn | together |
sym | together |
tri | three |
un | not |
enjambment | jamming sentences together and leaving out punctuation on purpose |
fable | short story which tells a moral |
flashback | events that are in the characters' past; pupose is to help reader understand the character |
foreshadow | hints, clues that suggest what the future brings |
foil | the opposite of, the complementary of the other |
flat | not well developed, no opportunity to change |
framing | a story that ends the same way it begin EX: Their Eyes Were Watching God |
ellipsis | 3 dots to show, 1) a piece of quote that has been left out, 2) indicate time change or different speaker |
epithet | giving someone a bad name, an unflattering name |
sigurative | language that exaggerates. EX: he is as big as a house |
hubris | pride. Pride is bad in literature, a character with pride will fall |
hyperbole | an exaggeration. EX: I can't live without my cell phone |
litotes | an exaggeration that makes the situation smaller than it really is EX: Monte Python |
idiom | slang EX: break a leg |
imagery | word choice that creates image through the 5 sense EX: sticky stinky green sweet loud goo |
inversion | putting the character last in a sentence, the purpose is to slow sentence down, creates suspend EX: a jedi knight you are not |
irony | situations that doesn't go the way you would expect |
verbal irony | you say something you don't mean |
conflict | there are 4 kinds: 1) man vs. man 2) man vs. nature 3) man vs. self 4) man vs. unkown (GOD) |
complication | the events that build up to the conflict |
crisis | greater build up of problems leading to the catastrophe |
connotation | associated meaning. Can have a negative mean or a positive meaning to the original word |
denotation | dictionary definition |
device | techniques and tools writer uses |
dialect | how the character speaks, accents, spells how it is spoken |
dialogue | the words and sentences that the character speaks. The word and sentences are put inside the quotation mark |
diction | word choice 1) high - academic, formal 2) middle - conversational 3) low - informal, break grammer rules, slang language |
dilemma | a situation without a positive outcome |
dynamic character | character that change |
epigram | a little saying, usually clever |
epitaph | an epigram on a tombstone |
figurative language | language that is not literal, suggestion, not exact |
idiom | phrase used by a culture |
periodic sentence | a sentence that makes you wait for the point |
parody | a work that makes fun of another work by imitating it |
paradox | a seemingly impossible situation |
parallelism | parallel stories that eventually intersect |
persona | the character telling the story, not the writer |
point of view | first person/third person, or perspective of others |
plot | the order of events |
prose | not poetry, not drama, written in paragraph form |
protagonist | the character that deals with the conflict that the antagonist caused |
pun | play on words |
personification | human characteristics given to nonhuman objects |
realism | presents the real world, writer write the story to find a point |
rhyme scheme | rhymes with similar endings (day, way) |
romanticism | super natural, the ideal world |
satire | uses a negative to bring out the positive, constructive criticism |
setting | where andd when a story takes place |
slang | nonstandard diction |
slant rhyme | words that look like they should rhyme but do not |
soliloquy | speech of a character to himself (thinking outloud) |
stanza | paragraphs of poetry, grouping of words in a poem |
static character | a character that doesn't change despite the opportunity |
sarcasm | verbal irony (say what you don't mean, knowing you said it) |
style | theway the writer uses stolls such as irony, metaphors, contrast, etc. |
synecdoche | mentioning a part, but meaning the whole (lend me your ears) |
syntax | sentence structure |
theme | the point of a story, ideas/concerns/issues the writer wishes to address in the novel |
thesis | the topic with a narrow focus, the statement which the writer makes and back up with support |
tone | how the story sound, EX: melancholy, mysterious, etc. |
transition | a phrase that connects a paragraph with the ones before |
wit | a type of humor, clever |
onomatopoeia | word that is the sound it makes EX: ding ding dong |
jargon | language accepted in a field or hobby |
pedestrian v. pedantic | standard language v. language with huge vocabulary |
four types of rhetorical style | narration, description, exposition, persuasion |
metonymy | a nickmane that reveals the character |
motif | when symbol is repeated |
oxymoron | 2 word paradox EX: holy war |
malapropism | irony where you unknowning use the wrong word |
juxtaposition | opposit ideas present in the same sentence EX: it was the BEST of time, it was the WORST of time |
The order of event for trouble | 1) complications 2) conflict 3) crisis 4) climax ?) catastrophe can be anywhere |
mono vs. poly syllabic | smaller simple words v. big complex words |
3 level of words | 1) appearance 2) poly syllabic 3) meaning |
concrete vs. abstract (specific vs. general) | EX: flag v. freedom , object v. idea presented in the object |