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learn more about dentistry

tome's process a secondary surface of the ameoblast that is responsible for laying down & guiding the enamel matrix into place
secondary dentin forms after the completion of the apical foramen & slowly throughout the life of the tooth
alveolus the tooth socket; bone that surrounds the root
mantle dentin the first pre dentin that is formed & matures within the tooth
tetracycline caused by taking an antibiotic while the dentin is forming: binds to the dentin & causes yellow staining
alveolar crest highest point of the alveolar bone where the cortical plates join , should be slightly below the CEJ.
Intertubular dentin dentin found between the tubules
fetus week nine to birth
histology the study of the structure and function of body tissues on a microscopic level
zygote conception through first two weeks: cells rapidly increase in number
ectoderm developing brain, & nervous system
endoderm developing digestive system & glandular organs
mesoderm developing heart, circulatory system, and internal organs.
embryology study of prenatal growth & developing process of an individual
proliferation when cells multiply rapidly
histodifferentation the development of different tissues
cytodifferentation development of different cells
face begins to forth in which week of prenatal development? 4th week
morphodifferentation the development of different forms
cap stage the bud of the tooth begins to grow & changes shape
cleft palate a passage between the nasal cavities & the mouth
cleft uvula the uvula is separated slightly
stomedeum shallow depression in the embryonic surface
cleft lip when the maxillary processes fail to fuse w/ the medial nasal process
bud stage first stage of odontogenesis, initation of the tooth begins
bell stage where cell specialization or histodifferentation takes place
maturation the odotogensis reaches completion in this final stag. the tissues of enamel, dentin, & cementum form in layers and fuse together
eruption the tooth emerges from the gum tissue, & becomes visible
attrition tooth wears away the incisal or occlusal surface during normal function & use.
dental sac connective tissue forms an enclosed area
odontoblasts dental forming cells
ameloblasts enamel forming cells
cementoblasts cementum forming cells
calcification process of depositing calcium salts & other minerals. last stage before eruption
appearance of healthy gingiva firm & tough adapted to the tooth
embryo two weeks through 8 weeks
mantle dentin first pre dentin that is formed
enamel covers crown, hardest living tissue, translucent
cementum covers root of tooth, attaches the tooth to alveolar bone, softer than enamel or dentin
dentin makes up the bulk of tooth, surrounds the pulp chamber & root canals, lies under cementum and enamel
pulp tissue that provides the tooth w/ its sensory functi
lines of retzius appear as incremental lines or bands around the layers much like the growth rings on a tree
imbrication lines of Von Ebner stained growth rings or incremental lines in dentin
Nasmyth's membrane covering over the enamel of newly erupted primary teeth
maximum sulcus depth 3
inter-radicular septem bone that seperates the roots of a multi rooted tooth
pertibular dentin dentin that creates the wall of the dentinal tubule
tertiary dentin reactive to irritants such a dental carries, attrition, erosion, or cavity preperation
evanesce dissolving of primary teeth from permanent teeth erupting & applying pressure
best guide to a permanent tooth primary tooth
alveolar fibers function to resist rotational forces & tilting
apical fiber function to resist forces that try to pull the tooth outward
oblique fiber most abundant, resist intrusive forces that try to push the tooth inward
periodontal ligament formed by fibroblast cells & secures the tooth in the socket by a # or organized fiber groups
lamina dura thin compact bone lining the alveolus, can be seen on radiographs
interdental septum bone that seperates each tooth socket
interdental gingiva/ interdental papilla extension of unattached gingiva between adjacent teeth.
Popular Dentistry sets




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