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invertebrate phyla

information about the major invertebrate phyla

The proper scientific name for roundworms... what is means if you look at the word origin Nematoda or they are called nematodes.... similar to thread
Describe the quantity of roundworms in the world? they are abundant... a spadeful of garden soil can contain 1 million roundworms. they are in marine and freshwater, on land, and are parasites in plants and animals
What does porifera mean pore bearing... name for the many holes found in their body to help filter feeding
what are examples of the phylum porifera sponges ( both marine and freshwater)
what type of symmetry is common in porifera our text calls them asymmetrical ( no balance, no symmetry, irregular).. some can be radial if they are a single sponge ( the barrel sponges could be radial)... think of them mostly as asymmetrical
Do porifera have tissues explain they do not have true tissues ... they do have two layers of independent cells with jelly like layer between the two layers... some of the cells are epithelial, some collar cells, and some that wander like amoebas,
What are two important features when you are talking about porifera digestion they filter feed... the nutrients in the water enter the sponge through the pores and are digested by individual cells called collar cells ... wastes exit the sponge back into the water
What are the porifera called since they are attached to one spot and do not move as adults ( the larva are free swimming) sessile
what are the support structures of Porifera called . they can be made of different materials and are often small and needlelike spicules
How were the Cnidarians named? for their stinging cells that help them capture prey
Give 3 examples of Cnidarians jellyfish, sea anemone, and coral
What type of symmetry is found in Cnidarians. radial
Describe the tissues of Cnidarians they have two tissue layers. They are the first animals to have true tissues
where do the Cnidarians digest their food and how many openings are in their digestive system they have a gastrovascular cavity ( a cavity that has digestive enzymes released into the area for digestion). they only have one opening ( their mouth also acts as the exit point)
What are the two body forms of cnidarians and give and example of each A polyp ... has the tentacles and mouth on the dorsal side ( top), and an example is the sea anemone, A medusa has the tentacles and mouth on the ventral side ( bottom)... a jellyfish is the example of a medusa...
Name two parasitic flatworms flukes and tapeworms
What is the fancy name for a flatworm Platyhelminthesis
What is the niche of most flatworms most are parasites
What is a little flatworm the lives in freshwater and is free-living and famous for its ability to regenerate parts ( a form of asexual reproduction) planaria
What is the flatworm's claim to fame in evolution history it is the first animals with bilateral symmetry ( this means it also has to have 3 tissue layers)
How are the flatworms similar to the cnidarian as far as digestion they only have one opening the mouth is also the exit point... and they have a digestive cavity ( gastrovascular cavity).
Flatworms resemble a ? ( they are very thin) and the must use ? to moves gases, nutrients and wastes since they don't have circulatory or respiratory structures ribbon, and they use diffusion to move gases and nutrients
Who has proglottids and what are they? tapeworms have proglottids. they are little sections behind the head that get full of eggs and drop off and are in the feces getting into the environment to infect a new host animal
discuss the body cavities of various animal groups... flatworms, roundworms, mollusks, annelids, arthropods, echinoderms, chordates flatworms do not have a body cavity. ( acoelomate), roundworms have a partial body cavity ( pseudocoelomate) and the mollusks, annelids, arthropods, echnoderms, and chordates are all animals with a true body cavity with more room for more compex systems
what is true about the digestion in roundworms they were the first to have two openings in their digestive tract ( mouth and anus). called one way digestion
What two worm groups depend on diffusion to move nutreints and gases ( no circulatory or respiratory organs) flatworms and roundworms
name two worms with hydrostatic skeketon,,, /what is this type of skeleton roundworms, and annelids .. fluid within a closed space that provides a rigid support for muscles to work against
what describes the motion of roundworms thrashing or wriggling
What are niches of roundworms free-living (predators or detritivores)... and some are parasites
Name 3 types of parasitic roundworms hookworms, ascarid, and filarial worms
Which roundworms can enter barefeet if the soil is contaminated with embryo roundworms... hookworms...
What is the most common roundworm infection in humans .. these worms are pretty common in soil and can be prevented by washing vegetables and hands ascaris
elephantiasis ( swelling of the legs etc when the lymph flow gets blocked by the worms)... also cause of heartworm in cats and dogs ... a type of roundworm filiarial worms
Who was the first animal with a true body cavity called a coelom ( remember this allows more comples tissues and organs mollusk
What are the 3 parts of a mollusk body plan soft body with a two opening digestive tract, a muscular foot , and a mantle
what is a mantle in a mollusk it is a membrane around the organs of the mollusk. If the mollusk has a shell... the mantle secretes the calcium carbonate shell
what do most mollusks use for respiration.. Do they have other organ systems use gills for respiration, and they do have other systems ( digestion, circulation, and excretion
what animals have radula ... and what is a radula it is a structure that scrapes food into a mollusk mouth. it is tonguelike with rows of teeth. it can scrape algae or act as a drill can also help tear up food
what are gastropods? name several they are stomach footed mollusks.. they usually have a single shell like a snail, abalone or conch.... but can be without shells like slugs and nudibrances
What is special about nudibranches they are a type of gastropod ( a mollusk) that eats stinging cells from jellyfish to have some defense... they advertize this with bright colors
What mollusks have two shells and give examples they are bivalves.. examples are clams, mussels, oysters, and scallops
What is special about the digestion of bivalves? they are filter feeders and don't have a radula
What are cephalopods. describe with examples they are head-footed mollusks ( their foot became their arms or tentacles with suckers).. examples are squid, octopus, chambered nautilus, and cuttlefish)... some have shells and others don't...
Describe three ways that octopus have protection in their environment they expel water to propel away from the threat ... and they shoot out an ink cloud .. they can also change color to blend into surroundings
Give 3 examples of annelids earthworms, marine worms ( bristle worms and fanworms), and leeches
what is the fancy name for segmented worms annelids or annelida
what are setae they are found in annelids.. they are tiny bristles that push into the soil to anchor the worm during movement
Which worm or worms have a one opening digestive tract and which worm or worms have 2 openings in their digestive tract ( mouth and anus) the flatworm has one opening... and the roundworm and annelid have two openings ( mouth and anus)
which worms are resemble a ribbon ... which look like a cylinder but smooth and tapered at both ends... and which look like a cylinder but divided into small repeating units flatworms look like a ribbon, roundworms are like cylinders smooth and tapered at both ends... and annelids are cylinders but divided into small repeating units
which annelids have a few setae on most segments and live on land helping to aerate soil and provide food for many other animals earthworm
what annelid lives in oceans, has well developed sense organs, the have many setae and parapodia to help with movement, bristleworms
these are annilids that live in freshwater are ectoparasites with front and rear suckers, and usually don't have setae leeches
What is true about fanworms ( describe their lifestyle) they are sessil and live in a hard tube.. they filter feed and go into their tubes if there is danger
Which annelids are external parasites with front and rear suckers Leeches
Which annelid has well developed sense organs ( you can see a head) and has many setae and something called parapodia to help them swim and crawl Marine Annelids or Polychaetes
Arthropods seem to be closely related to ____ and ____ because of their position on the evolutionary tree and a similar type of embryo development ( How are they similar to their closest relative and what did they develop that was different) mollusks and annelids ( they share segmentation with annelids but have developed the exoskeleton
What are the body segments of an insect head , thorax , and abdomen
What are the body segments of most arachnids and crustaceans cephalothorax and abdomen
What material makes up the exoskeleton of arthropods chitin
What is the meaning of arthropod it means joint foot and has to do with their jointed appendages
What are 3 features that are very important to arthropod success segmentation, an exoskeleton, and jointed appendages
What name is given to the process of an exoskeleton shedding when it get too small molting
Crabs, shrimp, lobsters, and crayfish are in what phylum and class arthropod, and crustacean
pill bugs are ? that live on land and Barnacles are ? that are sessil crustaceans
Which class of arthropod has 2 pair of antennae, and compound eyes often on stalks. most are aquatic and have appendages called swimmerets crustaceans
Which class of arthropods do NOT have antennae and are known for 4 pair or 8 walking legs ( they do have some other appendages that help with feeding arachnids
Which animals are called Arachnids ( list 4 types) spiders, ticks, mites and scorpions
Which group of arthropods have 1 pair of antennae , 3 body sections, 3 pair of walking legs ( 6),, compound eyes and simple dyes, they generally have wings on their thorax insects
Which animal phyla is the largest arthropods about 3 /4 of all named animal species
Which animal class is the largest insects ( about 80% of all arthropods)
What are two types of arthropods that are closely related to insects ( they also have one pair of antennae, ... but have more body segments ( hint) centipede and millipede
Which type of arthropod has many segments and each segment has 1 pair of jointed legs... these also are predators with poison claws centipede
Which type of arthropod has many segments and they have many legs ( 2 pair per segment on the abdomen and 1 pair per segment on their thorax).. they also feed mostly on damp decaying vegetation millipedes
Name 6 types of insects butterflies, moths, houseflies, fruit flies, mosquitoes, stink bugs, fleas, grasshoppers, beetles , ants, and bees, to name a few
Who is closely related to arachnids and are considered a "living fossil" as they are basically unchanged since the Triassic period horseshoe crab
What are the 4 stages in complete metamorphosis. Who does metamorphosis egg, larva ( a caterpillar), pupa, and adult .... insects
What are the 3 stages in incomplete metamorphosis egg, nymph , adult
Describe a nymph that you might see in grasshopper metamorphosis it looks like a small adult without fully developed wings... they molt several times to become an adult
Who are echinoderms closely related to and why? they are closely related to chordates... They have a similar embryo development very different from mollusks, annelids, and arthropods
The echinoderms were the first to have? as far as evolution... describe this development an endoskeleton ... it is calcium carbonate plates oven with spines and covered with a thin layer of skin
What is true about an echinoderms symmetry they are bilateral as a larva .... but as an adult they have radial symmetry. ( primitive echinoderms may have been sessil so radial symmetry developed
What is unique to echinoderms to help with their locomotion and getting their food they have a water vascular system and tube feet. A system of closed tubes that water enters and is distributed to tube feet an acts as powerful suction devices to move and pry open food
How can starfish reproduce asexually they can do regeneration and regrow a missing arm or a missing arm may make a new starfish if part of the central axis is present
List 5 types of echinoderms sea star, brittle stars, sea urchin, sand dollar and sea cucumber
Created by: shemehl
Popular Biology sets




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